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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. Douglas A-4D Skyhawk - 416th TFS, 37th TFW, USAF, Phu Cat, 1966 During the Spring of 1961 the incoming Secretary of Defence Robert S. McNamara left no stone unturned in his search for efficiencies in procurement and operational costs and his attention soon turned to the successful Douglas A4D 'Skyhawk' programme. Douglas had already transformed their 'bantam bomber' by replacing the Curtiss-Wright J65 engine with the Pratt & Whitney J52-P6A engine and the forthcoming A4D-5 (A-4E) version was chosen as the baseline for a minimum-change version for the USAF. Known as the A-4D (after the introduction of the tri-service designation system) the USAF Skyhawks saw extensive service at home and abroad and, in particular, served with distinction in Vietnam where it replaced a variety of tactical aircraft.
  2. Why not use my decals and make it yourself?
  3. I think the sea looks better than anything I've seen on Planet Third Wire. I'm less impressed with the land and where it meets the sea...
  4. Bristol-Boulton-Paul Vagabond SR.4 - No.543 Squadron, RAF Bomber Command, 1959 The Boulton-Paul Vagabond was Britain's first nuclear-capable bomber and the first of the V-bombers. Designed by the newly merged Bristol and Bopulton-Paul companies it gained some benefit from the former's unsuccessful Brabazon transport aircraft. Powered by four Bristol Phoroneus turboprop engines the Vagabond had the longest unrefuelled range of the four V-bombers but also had the lowest speed and ceiling and was soon relegated to recconnaisance duties. The new Tu-95RT from SF2:NA
  5. I'd have liked to have added another skin or two but due to some pretty heavy work and family commitments over the next few days I've decided to release it 'as is'.
  6. Version Version 2


    Douglas A-4D Skyhawk 'USAF' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 This is a very simple mod of the stock Third Wire A-4E to give a fictional USAF A-4D with markings for the 416th Tactical Fighter Squadron ('The Silver Knights') in 1967 although the service years are a more generous 1964 to 1985. BACKSTORY During the Spring of 1961 the incoming Secretary of Defence Robert S. McNamara left no stone unturned in his search for efficiencies in procurement and operational costs and his attention soon turned to the successful Douglas A4D 'Skyhawk' programme. Douglas had already transformed their 'bantam bomber' by replacing the Curtiss-Wright J65 engine with the Pratt & Whitney J52-P6A engine and the forthcoming A4D-5 (A-4E) version was chosen as the baseline for a minimum-change version for the USAF. Designated A-4D (after the introduction of the tri-service designation system) the USAF Skyhawks saw extensive service at home and abroad and, in particular, served with distinction in Vietnam where they replaced a variety of tactical aircraft. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the A-4D folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the A-4D folder into your main Decals folder. That's it! CREDITS Thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim. And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 2 - 17/02/19 Version 1 - 19/03/12
  7. Thanks Jeff. He has a thread on the 'What If' modellers website. Grab a coffee and enjoy! http://www.whatifmodelers.com/index.php/topic,8838.0.html
  8. An excellent link. An area-ruled Hun! I love that kind of stuff.
  9. You're doing some great work guys - thank you!
  10. LOL I must admit, I find this unique aircraft quite elegant.
  11. The Tupolev Tu-95 'Bear-D' masquerading at the Bristol-Boulton-Paul Vagabond!
  12. After the Mirage F.1 (which will be part of an expansion pack and not a new title) I hope TK stays true to his Cold war roots and does SF2:Korea. He's made a few steps in that direction (Mustang and MiG-15) and he'll probably find it much easier on the avionics side! As we're fantasising, after that I'd like to see an SF2:Vietnam Expansion Pack featuring the F-111A, RF-4C and a re-instated A-6A. This would give him some DLC options too for revenue between major releases. I like Expansion Packs and DLC's. As I regularly say to Mrs. Spinners, "little but often" is good .
  13. Whoa there! That's a massive leap from my point and the number of people making mods is completely irrelevant. It's when someone compares SuperSexPlaneA against SuperSexPlaneB that we need to know what criteria and experience they are basing their comparison on.
  14. Hawker Hunter F.Mk.82 -Escuadrón 113, Ejército del Aire, 1982 Third Wire's Omani skin and my new 'Iberian Splinter' camo. I'll get the scabbed-on chaff and flare dispensers painted before they visit the 'Black Knights' at Keflavik!
  15. Surely only a valid comparison can be made by a select few naval aviators... or Tom Cruise. And don't call me Shirley.
  16. Regarding pfunk's review at SimHQ; "It’s been a long wait. The very first Strike Fighters game emerged in 2002 and the last truly new version came out around 2007." If he means Wings Over Israel it actually came out in 2008. Should have had someone beta test proof read the article. "these are issues that quite simply should never have made it out the door." I must admit it's hard to disagree with that. However, what a shame it would be if peeps in the market for a cold war flight sim base their non-purchase of SF2:NA on this review. And regarding the unflattering comparison between the Third Wire F-14 and the MF F-14 I guess we're lucky to have two outstanding Tomcats to choose from so vive la difference!
  17. TK's new title = "Wings Over Lanzarote" Work in Progress

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