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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. Chengdu/PAC JF-17 'Thunder' - No.26 Squadron, Pakistan Air Force, 2012
  2. Nanchang CJ-6B - People's Liberation Army Air Force, 1971
  3. Parani Aviation PAR-1's http://combatace.com/topic/70257-bird-of-prey/
  4. Great work. Thanks for uploading.
  5. It was released over in SF1 a few days ago. Yes, it has an internal bay for AAM's.
  6. A bit rough around the edges and with inaccurate markings but I hope it gives an impression of what a Desert Me-262 would look like!
  7. Hughes (McDonnell Douglas) AH-64A - No.8 Squadron (The Scorpions) Royal Dhimari Air Force, 1991
  8. Your post is confusing as you state that the grey USAF skin works fine with the stock Netz. so can we assume that you've made another skin? Most probable cause - Your new bitmap names must match those in the stock Netz. Second most probable cause - There is still a transparency layer in your skin bitmaps.
  9. The Gloser Meteor NF.14 masquerading as the Heinkel He P.1088 'Fledermaus'
  10. Sorry mate but I'm not that much into skinning and generally just hack things around to get a screenshot for my long-running thread at the what if modelers website. http://www.whatifmodelers.com/index.php/topic,18821.1455.html Yes, it's a pity the existing Me-262 skin has painted on markings because it's quite good and has a lot more detail than my crude attempt.
  11. Fairchild A-10K Thunderbolt - No.75 Squadron, Royal New Zealand Air Force, 1979 And with SEAC style Kiwi markings
  12. Very nice Ian! My 'ADV' (also an F.3) was based on Craig's TSR.2 and to a much earlier timeline although the pictures below are towards the end of its service life. BTW mentioning a TSR.2 ADV on some sites gets a few people a bit hot under the collar but I fondly remember the tantalising reference to such a beastie in the RAF Yearbook from 1975 or 1976. It had a wonderful 'what if' article based on the book 'Project Cancelled' by Derek Wood. I'd love to see a TSR.2 but with the forward fuselage, canopy and radome of the Tornado F.3 BTW cracking screenshot (Piccie 1)
  13. Fairchild A-10K Thunderbolt - No.14 Squadron, Royal New Zealand Air Force, 1979 As initially delivered in the standard USAF grey scheme and with three-colour roundels.

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