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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. My wife walked in with a cup of tea for me just as I looked at that...
  2. View File [Fictional] Ilyushin IL-28 'Beagle' Fuerza Aérea Argentina Ilyushin IL-28 'Beagle' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 This is a very simple mod of the stock Third Wire IL-28 to give a flyable (and fictional) IL-28 in service with the Fuerza Aérea Argentina with markings for; Grupo 1 de Bombardeo in the silver scheme as delivered. Grupo 2 de Bombardeo in the later 'sea grey' scheme selected for 'over-water' operations. I've put a patch.psd 'template' in there in case you'd like to switch things around and have both in silver or both in grey. COCKPIT I've used the A-4B pit as I think the cockpit framing looks quite suitable and the pit is nice and low-tech. The disadvantages are that there is no radar (not that the Beagle's radar was of much use) and that the A-4B pit is, of course, single-enginned. However, you can easily switch to another stock pit or go third-party. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the IL-28_FAA folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the IL-28_FAA folder into your Decals folder. 3. From the PILOTS folder drag and drop the PILOT_COAN folder into your Pilots folder. That's it! CREDITS Thanks to Third Wire Productions for a great little game/sim. And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 3 - 26/01/19 Submitter Spinners Submitted 09/08/2010 Category What If Hangar  
  3. Whilst I don't think I saved that one (a lot of my stuff is temporary) I've got the skin templates on an external hard drive somewhere so I'll dig it out.
  4. McDonnell Douglas Phantom FG.1A's - 767 Naval Air Squadron, HMS Ark Royal, Persian Gulf, 1991
  5. Revised due to recent changes in the Third Wire mesh names.
  6. IL-28 Beagle - Grupo 1, Fuerza Aérea Argentina
  7. Great action shots! Love the defocused background effect on the uppermost shot.
  8. McDonnell Douglas F-4M - JG74 Mölders, 1979
  9. It has the same RAF camo skins of the F-4M and it includes markings for No.43 Sqd and No.111 Sqd who did use the FG.1 in real life. Perhaps we'll get the grey schemes in an F-4M_80 DLC...
  10. Amen to that bro'. The Sixties Superfighter always hits the spot.
  11. Has the Third Wire 3D model been modified to have built-in tanks? (Hopefully, prior to being re-introduced into SF2:North Atlantic).
  12. There's been a lot of Spitfire related activity here recently and why not? But I was wondering what is your favourite Spitfire version or mark number? Is it the iconic Spitfire Mk.1 of 'Battle of Britain' fame, the Mk.5 that the RAF used to go on the offensive over France and the Low Countries of Europe in 1941, the lashed-up Mk.9 that enabled the RAF to compete on equal terms with the Fw190A, the powerful Griffon-engined Mk.14 or the beautiful and graceful Mk.19? Or is it something else? You can choose your favourite by historical importance or by looks and as a single version or as a 1,2,3. And please feel free to include the Seafire as well (but not the Seafang and Spiteful developments). OK? Right, I'll kick off; 1. Spitfire Mk.21 - best-looking of the breed for me. Purists may not like the wing-planform but I love it and it has the classic rear fuselage (non-bubble canopy). 2. Spitfire Mk.14 - First main production version with the Griffon (I'm not forgetting the Mk.12). Great looks and FROG made it complete with a V1! How cool is that? 3. Spitfire Mk.8 - For me, the ultimate Merlin-engined Spitfire. Love the pointed fin and rudder!
  13. Surely, the beauty of DLC is that you buy what you want. If some folk like to collect them, fair enough. Similarly, if some folk like to get the latest (for the princely sum of £1.92) to chip into the pot to help the continuation of this fine series, again, fair enough.
  14. Short B-22C Stirling - 350th BS, 100th BG, USAAF 1943
  15. @ SUNDOWNER - Beauty! Pirates of the Caribean

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