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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. Myashischev M-12 'Fastfox' - PVO Strany, 1971
  2. Silver lining... Shoot for the moon
  3. Great work Ludo on a sharp looking jet.
  4. Douglas A-4ED - Esk 726, Royal Danish Air Force, 1966
  5. Relax guys. Focus on the fact that there will be Tomcat game for SF2 with a new terrain engine and (my guess) a few unexpected surprises.
  6. McDonnell Douglas F/A-4J Skyhawk - 3rd Hikotai, Japanese Air Self-Defense Air Force The merger of McDonnell Aircraft and Douglas Aircraft in 1967 enabled the highly proactive St. Louis sales team to be able to offer "Heinemann's hot-rod" alongside the F-4 Phantom and Japan became their first export customer who ordered 80 Skyhawks alongside the 120 F-4EJ Phantom. To overcome the controversial decision to purchase an 'attack' aircraft (directly contrary to Japan's defence orientated policy) was only partly overcome by the adoption of a new multi-role F/A-4J designation and the assurance that the aircraft would be used as an auxiliary interceptor-fighter and 'anti-invasion' aircraft. Entering service in 1969 the F/A-4J was a popular aircraft in JASDF service and was subject to various upgrade programmes with at least 18 aircraft continuing to serve in the aggressor role. (I know, I know. Silly boy. I should have removed the refuelling probe)
  7. McDonnell Douglas F/A-4J Skyhawk - 3rd Hikotai, Japanese Air Self-Defense Forces, 1983
  8. Yep. The new F-4EJ has 154 serial numbers.
  9. Sorry mate but I didn't keep them. A lot of my stuff is disposable like that
  10. AGOSTINO! Your airfield needs some F-16's on it....
  11. BAC Lightning F.53H - 59th Tactical Fighter Wing, Hungarian Air Force, 1992 The revolutions of 1989 generally had a domino effect across Eastern Europe and Hungary soon followed Poland and in March 1989 the government bravely declared the anniversary of the 1848 Revolution a national holiday and this was soon followed by the reburial of former Prime Minister Imre Nagy (executed after the 1956 Revolution) and calls for Soviet forces to leave Hungary. Popular opposition to the Communist regime continued eventually leading to Mátyás Szűrös declaring Hungary a republic on October 23rd, 1989 and the free elections of March 1990. However. with Soviet forces withdrawing fast the Hungarian Air Force (Magyar Légierő) was soon short of equipment and spares and when the Soviet MiG-29's departed from Tokol in 1991 the air defence of Hungary rested with literally a handful of poorly maintained MiG-21's. During the late 1980's British Aerospace had bought back many of the surviving Saudi Lightning F.53's and had hoped to sell them to Austria (whose air force were hard-pressed to intercept a business jet) but the deal fell through and the Lightnings had continued to lanquish at Warton prompting a tentative offer to sell them to Hungary at a knock-down price. In May 1991 the UK Government bought 24 of the ex-Saudi Lightning F.53's and gifted them to the Hungarian Air Force in a move believed to have orchestrated by President George H. Bush. Arriving in August 1991 the Lightnings were operated by the 59th Tactical Fighter Wing at Kecskemét AFB and served until 1998 when they were replaced by MiG-29's donated from Germany and Poland. This uses the splendid Lightning F.53 from Expansion Pack 2, some new decals by me and some stock Polish 3-digit numbers.
  12. Version 2


    BAC Lightning F.53H for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 This is a very simple mod of the stock Lightning F.53 to give a fictional Lightning F.53H of the Hungarian Air Force. BACKSTORY The revolutions of 1989 generally had a domino effect across Eastern Europe and Hungary soon followed Poland and in March 1989 the government bravely declared the anniversary of the 1848 Revolution a national holiday and this was soon followed by the reburial of former Prime Minister Imre Nagy (executed after the 1956 Revolution) and calls for Soviet forces to leave Hungary. Popular opposition to the Communist regime continued, eventually leading to Mátyás Szurös declaring Hungary a republic on October 23rd, 1989 and the free elections of March 1990. However. with Soviet forces withdrawing fast the Hungarian Air Force (Magyar Légiero) was soon short of equipment and spares and when the Soviet MiG-29's departed from Tokol in 1991 the air defence of Hungary rested with literally a handful of poorly maintained MiG-21's. During the late 1980's British Aerospace had bought back many of the surviving Saudi Lightning F.53's and had hoped to sell them to Austria (whose air force were hard-pressed to intercept a business jet) but the deal fell through and the Lightnings had continued to lanquish at Warton prompting a tentative offer to sell them to Hungary at a knock-down price. In May 1991 the UK Government bought 26 of the ex-Saudi Lightning F.53's and gifted them to the Hungarian Air Force in a move believed to have orchestrated by President George H. Bush. Arriving in August 1991 the Lightnings were operated by the 59th Tactical Fighter Wing at Kecskemét AFB and served until 1998 when they were replaced by MiG-29's donated from Germany and Poland. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the LightningF53H folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the LightningF53H folder into your Decals folder. That's it! CREDITS As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim. And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 2 - 21/05/2020 Version 1 - 20/07/2011
  13. View File [Fictional] BAC Lightning F.53H BAC Lightning F.53H for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 This is a very simple mod of the stock Lightning F.53 to give a fictional Lightning F.53H of the Hungarian Air Force. BACKSTORY The revolutions of 1989 generally had a domino effect across Eastern Europe and Hungary soon followed Poland and in March 1989 the government bravely declared the anniversary of the 1848 Revolution a national holiday and this was soon followed by the reburial of former Prime Minister Imre Nagy (executed after the 1956 Revolution) and calls for Soviet forces to leave Hungary. Popular opposition to the Communist regime continued, eventually leading to Mátyás Szurös declaring Hungary a republic on October 23rd, 1989 and the free elections of March 1990. However. with Soviet forces withdrawing fast the Hungarian Air Force (Magyar Légiero) was soon short of equipment and spares and when the Soviet MiG-29's departed from Tokol in 1991 the air defence of Hungary rested with literally a handful of poorly maintained MiG-21's. During the late 1980's British Aerospace had bought back many of the surviving Saudi Lightning F.53's and had hoped to sell them to Austria (whose air force were hard-pressed to intercept a business jet) but the deal fell through and the Lightnings had continued to lanquish at Warton prompting a tentative offer to sell them to Hungary at a knock-down price. In May 1991 the UK Government bought 26 of the ex-Saudi Lightning F.53's and gifted them to the Hungarian Air Force in a move believed to have orchestrated by President George H. Bush. Arriving in August 1991 the Lightnings were operated by the 59th Tactical Fighter Wing at Kecskemét AFB and served until 1998 when they were replaced by MiG-29's donated from Germany and Poland. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the LightningF53H folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the LightningF53H folder into your Decals folder. That's it! CREDITS As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim. And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 2 - 21/05/2020 Version 1 - 20/07/2011 Submitter Spinners Submitted 07/20/2011 Category What If Hangar  
  14. OK. Why not? Look out for it a little bit later.
  15. Guys. Please don't reply with pictures!
  16. Great! This thread needs fresh input...
  17. British Aerospace Hunter FGA.9C - No.74 (Aggressor) Squadron, RAF Strike Command, 1983 In April 1976 the 527th Tactical Fighter Training Aggressor Squadron activated at RAF Alconbury flying the F-5E in the 'aggressor' role training USAF and NATO forces by teaching and demonstrating soviet air tactics under the title of Dissimilar Air Combat Tactics. RAF pilots who encountered the 'aggressors' began to wax lyrical about the experience and soon RAF chiefs had decided to form a similar training squadron and reactivated No.74 squadron in 1977 equipped with Hunter FGA.9's from the recently disbanded Wittering wing. Initially operating from RAF Wittering the squadron moved to RAF Brawdy in 1979 with a semi-permanent detachment based at RAF Akrotiri, Cyprus. In 1979 the incoming Conservative government conducted a review of Britain's defences and this saw the RAF being authorised to form a third Lightning squadron and convert 88 Hawk T.1 trainers to T.1A standard (adding Sidewinder capability) to serve as short-range interceptor aircraft for point defence alongside the radar-equipped Phantom and Tornado F.3 aircraft. In addition, No.74 squadrons Hunters were upgraded to FGA.9C standard adding Sidewinder capability and new inner-wing pylons plus scabbed-on chaff and flare dispensers. The reworked Hunters served in a variety of colour schemes and remained in service until 1991.

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