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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. McDonnell Douglas/BAe Phantom FRS.1 - 300 Squadron, Indian Naval Air Squadron The retirement of HMS Ark Royal (R07) in 1978 saw immediate interest from the Indian Government with offers made for both the carrier and its Buccaneer, Phantom and Gannet aircraft. However, the RAF insisted on the previously proposed plans to transfer the Buccaneers and Phantoms to RAF Germany and RAF Strike Command respectively but eventually agreed to relinquish their claim on the Phantoms when the UK Labour Government agreed to purchase 36 F-15C and 8 F-15D aircraft for RAF Germany thus allowing the redundant FGR.2's to bolster the UK-based interceptor. Whilst refurbishment of the Ark Royal took place at Devonport during 1979 and 1980 a total of 26 ex-Royal Navy Phantoms were refurbished by British Aerospace at Brough emerging as the Phantom FRS.51 with several enforced changes to satisfy the conditions of an export licence reluctantly granted by the Department of Defence. Entering service in 1982 the Phantom FRS.51 served with No.300 Squadron of the Indian Naval Air Service and served for 20 years.
  2. For my Indonesian Tu-22 'Blinder' interceptor I created a 'Golok' missile using the stock Sa-8 'Gecko' with the data.ini of the AIM-7D (early Sparrow). Fits the Phantom like a glove!
  3. Phantom FRS.51 - 300 Squadron, Indian Navy
  4. McDonnell Douglas F-4C - 6 Stormo, Aeronautica Militare, 1968
  5. McDonnell Douglas Phantom F-4C - 22 Gruppo, 51 Stormo, Aeronautica Militare, 1972
  6. lol - they are used as support fighters.
  7. Swansea boy living in Port Talbot.* * Port Talbot Joke A courting couple drove to Nash Point one evening and were getting very amorous. In the heat of passion the girl cried out, "Kiss me where it smells!" So he took her to Port Talbot...
  8. Boeing B-47E Stratojet - No.6 Squadron, Royal Australian Air Force, 1965 By early 1963 the Australian Government's search for a replacement for their Canberra force had narrowed down to a straight fight between the British TSR.2 and the American F-111. With the F-111 programme running well ahead of the TSR.2 the UK Government made a bold move by offering to lease 20 Vickers Valiant bombers to Australia to plug the gap until TSR.2 deliveries could commence but this was quickly countered by the US Government's offer to 'free loan' 30 surplus B-47E's. In July 1963 this offer was accepted at the same time that a preliminary order for F-111's was made and soon formalised in early 1964. In August 1963 Boeing were contracted by the American Government to refurbish 30 B-47E's all of which were given a modest avionics upgrade and emerging from the Wichita plant in a new South East Asia camouflage scheme and the first B-47E's entered service with No.6 squadron of the RAAF in March 1965. Whilst due to be fully replaced by F-111C's by 1968 the wing-box problems and price escalation of the F-111C saw the Australian Government cancel the controversial swing-winger in 1967 and the B-47's were finally replaced by TSR.2's in 1971.
  9. Thanks mate. It's pappychksix's fictional USAF SEA skin but I thought it would good with Roo's on it (what doesn't?).
  10. Republic RF-84S Thunderstreak - F21, Flygvapnet, 1973 The last member of the successful Republic F-84 family was the RF-84S an export version of the RF-84F Thunderflash for Sweden. Unique amongst the F-84 family the RF-84S was powered by the Svenska Flygmotor RM4 (essentially an Avon 200) and the extra thrust made the RF-84S the fastest of the F-84 family. Deliveries commenced in 1958 and the RF-84S served until 1975 when F21 transitioned to updated Draken S35E's.
  11. Boeing B-47E Stratojet - No.6 Squadron, Royal Australian Air Force, 1965 "What If" Camo B-47E by Pappychksix - available in the SF1 downloads section.
  12. Just having a poke around the stock files and I thought that I haven't used (or seen!) the B-52 for a while so I've stuck the A-6A pit in there and added some WW2 RAF markings (similar to the Lancaster on display at the RAF Museum at Hendon) and took the Stratofortress B.1 up for a spin. Incidentally, my bombs (UK1000LB - you'll need to ini edit to accommodate them) overshot the target runway by at least 1km despite being dropped from 13,000m whilst 15km away from the runway!!
  13. @ Gustav - perhaps this will explain
  14. Boeing/BAe Stratofortress B.3A - No.617 'Dambuster' Squadron, RAF Strike Command, 1991
  15. Boeing Stratofortress B.1 (FE) - No.7 Squadron, 'Tiger Force', 1959
  16. Boeing Stratofortress B.1(FE) - No.7 Squadron, 'Tiger Force', 1959
  17. Boeing B-52K Stratofortress B.1A - No.35 Squadron, RAF South East Air Force, 1964
  18. No.35 Squadron, RAF South East Asia Command, 1962
  19. Tender loving care... Original Green Camo Skin by Fubar512 and available here http://combatace.com/files/file/1039-buff-beta-2/

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