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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. I love your passion for the Canberra Carlo - well done! Interesting that the textureset.ini's in ArgiCamo1, 2 and 3 can actually be set to 1968, 1982 and 1983 default start dates respectively and that skin will then be selected as appropriate. I've just tested Carlo's B.62 in 1981, 1982 and 1983 and it used the 1968 skin, the 'Malvinas' skin and the post-war skin respectively - it saves a lot of time not having to alter your wingman/wingmen.
  2. The subsonic and supersonic thing is a complete red-herring (Mirage was twice as the Sea Harrier) and wars are not won by ifs, buts and maybes. Supermarine Spitfire IIIA v. Junkers Ju-87B, September 1940
  3. Silly Question

    Well, I 've just been to the Aerosoft forum to see what's happening and unfortunately it's frozen on me twice now. Will this game ever come out?! Edit: Page finally loaded at Aerosoft and this seems to be the latest news... Yes, project is still on the way. Being clear with you guys, I have to say that we had a minor bottleneck regarding 3d modeling, specially on cockpits front, which was promptly fixed by Aerosoft kindly providing the time of one of their 3d modelers, resulting in the Pucara cockpit shown here a couple of posts ago. However it becomes apparent now that we have a major bottleneck in the programming front, as I've said in that same post, and it can't be fixed by adding 3d modelers to the equation, not even adding script programmers (FM, Avionics etc, which in our case use the LUA scripting language); the issues are in the inner core of the 3d engine which is written in C/C++ code. We have to think in clear and clever ways to fix this bottleneck - the current 'fix' is just to give more time to our code guys, although we're open to new ideas at this point!
  4. Heinkel He.444 'Viktor' - KG40, Luftwaffe 1947
  5. The Saab J-29F masquerading as the Focke-Wulf Ta199...
  6. Here at Combat Ace. Use TOMCAT in the search field (downloads), it's just a few lines down.
  7. View File [Fictional] Republic Aviation F-84J Thunderstreak Republic F-84J Thunderstreak for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2:EUROPE This is a simple mod of the stock Third Wire F-84F to give a fictional F-84J Thunderstreak of the Finnish Ilmavoimat (Finnish Air Force) with markings for Fighter Squadron 11 and Fighter Squadron 31. BACKSTORY With Finland being ever anxious to maintain it's neutrality it was surprising that in June 1954 the Finnish government elected to purchase the Republic Thunderstreak F-84J. However, in typically Finnish fashion the purchase of 40 F-84J's was organised via the Swedish government and the aircraft chosen could hardly be called 'state of the art' being essentially a warmed-up F-84F Thunderstreak with the General Electric J73-GE5EX engine (non-afterburning and rated at 9,000lbs thrust) shoehorned in. No munitions were supplied and SAAB were chosen to prepare the aircraft for Ilmavoimat service with four British Hispano V 20mm cannon replacing the six 0.5 calibre machine guns of the standard F-84F and giving the F-84J a strong 'neutral' flavour throughout, even to the extent of carrying mainly British, Swedish or Soviet weapons. Entering service with HavLLv31 in 1956 the aircraft equipped two squadrons and at least gave the Ilmavoimat a taste of a 'modern' swept-wing fighter although the F-84J was certainly no F-86 Sabre and, presumably, that was the whole point! INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the F-84J folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the F-84J folder into your main Decals folder. That's it!! CREDITS As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim. Special thanks to ludo.m54 for the superb F-84F templates. And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 3 - November 26th, 2023. Submitter Spinners Submitted 01/06/2010 Category What If Hangar  
  8. The 'C' and the 'D' - wow! There's nothing like a nice pair of jugs... I do like the P-47 - a handsome but purposeful looking aircraft.
  9. Timmy's 'Projekt Two' masquerading as.... The Lavochkin La-13 'Fireball' Even before the end of WW2 the Soviets were in a desperate rush to catch up with British and American technologies and particularly in military aviation. Almost all captured German designs were studied with several being pressed into service in the immediate post-war era including the Lavochkin La-13 'Fireball' jet fighter despite it being an essentially flawed design. Based on the Focke Wulf 'Projekt Two' the La-13 was powered by a Klimov RD-10A (a direct copy of the wartime Jumo 004A) and was little more than a FW-190 with an underslung jet engine kept clear of the runway by a stalky and fragile undercarriage. Whilst this crude 'modified piston-enginned fighter' configuration was also adopted by the MiG-9 'Fargo' and Yakovlev Yak-15 'Feather' the La-13 was heavier and had viscous handling qualities being initially rejected by the VVS evaluation team and heartily loathed by VVS service pilots. First displayed at the Tushino Aviation Day on 18 August 1946 the La-13 entered service in 1948 (later than its home-grown rivals) and was soon dumped on unsuspecting client states. It was later given the entirely appropriate NATO reporting codename of 'Fireball' which became the fate of many La-13's. Action has been slow in this thread so I've dredged this one up from the archives.
  10. @ amariani - Nice Dhimari Mirage! Gunrunner's lovely A-4G mod.
  11. OK EricJ, I'll bite! Why is this 'Tophatters' F-18E in the 'what if' section. AFAIK they do operate the Superbug.
  12. McDonnell Douglas Eagle FG.2 - 892 Naval Air Squadron, Royal Navy, 1982
  13. McDonnell Douglas F-15K Eagle FG.2 - 800 Naval Air Squadron, Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm, 1988 Whilst the F-4 Phantom and the Rolls-Royce Spey turbofan engine were an unhappy marriage the top-brass of the British Royal Navy realised that this was solely due to British political interference and, having worked closely with them at St. Louis, were generally impressed with the attitude and service of McDonnell Douglas. It therefore came as no surprise that the 1972 announcement of two 'Victory' class aircraft carriers of approximate 75,000 tonnes displacement for the Royal Navy saw McDonnell Douglas push their two-seat F-15N (N for Navy) to both France and Britain whilst still hoping for the Grumman F-14A Tomcat to fail in USN service. With the BAC Lightnings of RAF Germany rapidly approaching obsolescence the RAF were urgently seeking a modern agile interceptor-fighter for the Central Front and their interest in the F-15A quickly led to an audacious McDonnell Douglas offer of 100 F-15's to the United Kingdom with 40 single-seat Eagles configured for air defence and 60 two-seat Eagles configured for use aboard the proposed British aircraft carriers due to enter service in 1979. This bid was accepted and the Eagle F.1 (essentially an F-15A) entered service with No.19 and No.92 squadrons in 1976 and 1977 whilst the Eagle FG.2 for the Royal Navy entered service in 1980 with No.800, No.801 and No.892 Squadrons. Despite lacking wing-fold the two-seat Eagle FG.2's were very popular in Fleet Air Arm service and achieved legendary status in the 1982 Falklands war by downing 22 Argentinian aircraft with no losses. The aircraft also saw service in the 1991 Gulf War but were prematurely retired in 2001 when corrosion problems grounded the entire UK Eagle fleet.
  14. Fingers and toes are crossed for you Ed. But I'm sure that all those thousands of hours of enjoyment that you've brought to the Strike Fighters community will soon be converted into the good luck and the break that you deserve.

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