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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. Armstrong-Whitworth Siskin F.1's of No.257 squadron, Royal Air Force.
  2. Armstrong-Whitworth Siskin F.1 of No.208 squadron, on deployment to RAF Germany during NATO exercise 'High Roller' in August 1959. The Mystere IV is just one of the nice features of SF2:E
  3. I might just be imagining this but I told my flight to 'engage air' and told my wingman to 'cover me' and they did! In fact, two of my guys seemed to be chasing a MiG-21 very agressively indeed.
  4. Supermarine Serin F.1's of No.33 and No.63 squadrons, RAF Fighter Command.
  5. CF-58 Hustler interceptors of No.423 squadron, Royal Canadian Air Force.
  6. Super Mystere FGA.1 of No.14 squadron lets fly with rockets.
  7. Hustler F.1's of No.23 squadron, Royal Air Force.
  8. D/L now! I've loved the snippets from this thread (thanks team ) and reckon it's good value for £13.99. Look out Paran - the F-4M's are coming to get you
  9. Outstanding - Thank You Bobrock! At the end of my first mission, barely one minute ago, I landed and just sat on the runway admiring the detail of this fine add-on only to have my wingie run into the back of me - DOH!
  10. Pengie IX - Gloster Meteor 61st Fighter Sqd, 56th Fighter Group, 8th Air Force, 1946.
  11. Lansen FAW.2's of RAF Fighter Command circa 1963 Thanks to Timmy for the template!
  12. A Firestreak armed Super Sabre FGA.2 of No.208 Squadron, Royal Air Force.
  13. Top notch work. Chapeau!
  14. Thanks SB - the B-36 is a fantastic add-on and I just couldn't resist doing an RAF one.
  15. Convair Vancouver B(PR).3's of No.543 squadron, RAF Bomber Command, 1957.
  16. Meteor FGA.8 of No.63 squadron, RAF Middle East Command.
  17. Supermarine Skylark F.1 of No.56 squadron, RAF Fighter Command 1962.
  18. @ Wrench - The pilot from the spiffing little Ajeet (GnatPilot) fits very nice, i.e. his legs do not stick out.
  19. The shared planeset feature of a merged install is brilliant so get both and you can fly the F105, A-7 and F-8 in SF2.
  20. What song is this?

    Or possibly 'The Big Country' ??

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