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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. A golden oldie that is thankfully still around as a useful resource is McFly Aviation http://www.bobsyouruncle.net/StrikeFighterHome.htm
  2. Perhaps the RAF should attack the 'Sageburner' low altitude speed record before they retire 'The Fin'.
  3. RAF F-111K in anti-flash white (good work Syrinx ).
  4. Nice one mikeymead and how nice to see a 'forgotten' squadron revived.
  5. I'm on it all the time and just love it but, for the moment, it's out there on its own - especially for campaigners and terrain guru's! My experience is that it runs smoother on Vista than any of the others did on XP on an identical PC (and quite a modest spec too).
  6. I've noticed that they are in SF2 as well - along with Shafir's and Mirage tanks, etc. It looks like 'stock' weapons will be common across the revamped Vista titles.
  7. pfunkmusik - your work on the knowledge base is very much appreciated! Well done.
  8. I do not care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members Actually, I quite like it here.
  9. In SF2 I've notice that the USAF F-4's with SEA Camo have the tank camo bitmaps in the aircraft skin folder. Presumably the US Navy tanks are default unless the game engine sees the tank bitmaps in the aircraft skin folder.
  10. Were they teamed up with F-4G's in a hunter/killer combo?
  11. That's good advice from the boys there and welcome to CombatACE GMagos. Practice makes perfect! And don't worry about your bad English - your post was actually rather good!
  12. View File F-111A skin - RAF No.6 Squadron This is a simple skin mod for the F-111A to give an RAF machine with markings for No.6 squadron. Serial numbers are now included but if you want a more comprehensive RAF F-111 then check out the F-111K pack! Just pop this skin in your F-111A folder and go save Dhimari. INSTRUCTIONS 1. Drop the skin folder '6RAF' into your F-111A folder. CREDITS Thanks to TK for a great little game/sim. And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 2 - 05/03/18 Version 1 - 26/01/09 Submitter Spinners Submitted 01/25/2009 Category Fictional/What If Skins  
  13. Fits the revamped FB-111A if you amend the decal.ini as follows; [Decal003] MeshName=LeftWingLong DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=TOP FilenameFormat=Roundel Position=-4.300,-7.700 Scale=0.8 DecalMaxLOD=4 [Decal004] MeshName=RightWingLong DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=TOP FilenameFormat=Roundel Position=4.300,-7.700 Scale=0.8 DecalMaxLOD=4 [Decal005] MeshName=LeftWingLong DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=BOTTOM FilenameFormat=Roundel Position=-4.300,-7.700 Scale=0.8 DecalMaxLOD=4 [Decal006] MeshName=RightWingLong DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=BOTTOM FilenameFormat=Roundel Position=4.300,-7.700 Scale=0.8 DecalMaxLOD=4
  14. I think that's available somewhere in the downloads section.
  15. This and the F-111C are the best looking F-111's in my opinion - I just love those long-span wings. I can't wait to get home from work to fly it (sigh, only another nine hours to go) but I've had a peek inside and that's a great looking skin. Good work Team Aardvark!
  16. How close to the edge of your decal 'square' is the image? Sometimes you get some bleeding out if you run too close to the edge.
  17. Version 2


    This is a simple skin mod for the F-111A to give an RAF machine with markings for No.6 squadron. Serial numbers are now included but if you want a more comprehensive RAF F-111 then check out the F-111K pack! Just pop this skin in your F-111A folder and go save Dhimari. INSTRUCTIONS 1. Drop the skin folder '6RAF' into your F-111A folder. CREDITS Thanks to TK for a great little game/sim. And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 2 - 05/03/18 Version 1 - 26/01/09
  18. During the 1972 Dhimar emergency ex-USAF F-111A's were transferred to No.6 squadron, RAF Middle East Command pending the arrival of F-111K's. (Nurse.. my medicene please).
  19. A smilie might have helped!

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