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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. A fantastic surprise! Thanks Nils! And thanks to C5 for that little history lesson.
  2. Never mind the quantity, the quality has been brilliant!
  3. Brilliant! I've had a blast in this 'scalded cat' this evening. Grazie!
  4. I've got a date tonight with this hot bird... and I might even download the RF-101C Voodoo as well
  5. Yes, about two days ago when fallenphoenix pointed me in that direction but I didn't realise that it contains 7 skins!
  6. Entente Cordial A shotgun marriage of two great recent releases with suhsjake's lovely 'retro' A-4A Skyhawk and ludo.m54's superb A-4T skin. I've called this a Skyhawk FG.1 and knocked up some No.806 'Ace Of Diamonds' markings. 'Chapeau' to both suhsjake and ludo.m54.
  7. RAAF Phantom F-4C of No.2 Operational Conversion Unit, 1993.
  8. Good work. I've had a blast with this!
  9. Chapeau! Very nice Ludo - and good decals too!
  10. I'm not sure what time of day it is where you are but it's been Super Sunday here in the UK. We've had SkippyBing's F-35 Royal Navy skin, two Voodoos from 'Team Voodoo', Comrad's North Vietnamese MiG-21PFM skin, Dave put up WhiteKnight's A-4E Skyhawk Aggressor skins and Julhelm provided the 'icing on the cake' by presenting two cracking Vigilantes - a plane so sexy it must be an English Electric or Hawker product. Thanks to everyone whose contributed to a great day!
  11. ACM shenanigans by two Royal Australian Air Force Phantom F-4C's from No.75 squadron. Two superb sundowner skins here with the aircraft in the foreground having an adapted JASDF skin (oversprayed Hinomaru, squadron markings and nosecone area) and some decals by me.
  12. Oh, and I love the loading screen too!
  13. Just like Raquel Welch - that's a fine pair you've got there. Well done Nils!
  14. For me, the Voodoo was the hottest looking ship of the Century Series and this package rocks! I've only had time to do one quick check flight on both the A and C and they are fantastic so a heartfelt congratulations and thanks to everyone on the Voodoo team! Chapeau!
  15. Thanks Wrench, I'm not as comfortable with terrains as I am with aircraft but I'm sure that will solve it. It's nice to be re-united with this refreshing alternative to the stock terrain.
  16. TSR-2

    With regard to new releases, things have been too good around here lately ... but it would make a nice Christmas present !
  17. Gepard's original Israel2 and Dave's Falklands terrains were particular favourites of mine so this is good news. For me, this works fine in WOE but I'm having problems with WOI with my plane immediately exploding (and not on the runway) and then Ramblers 12 and 13 seem to perform the beast with two backs...
  18. Thunderchief GR.1A of No.8 squadron, Operation Granby, February 1991.

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