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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. (Version 1.0) Good work gerwin and it would be great to have the templates posted.
  2. Falcon FG.1's of No.4 squadron, Royal Air Force - Exercise Crusader 1983.
  3. Training mission by IDF Air Force Douglas Invaders, 1955.
  4. When I first got SFG back in January I was fascinated by the speed/climb/altitude records set by the early F-4's and especially Project High Jump and Project Top Flight and tried to replicate them using the same engine thrust and also the techniques used in those missions. Good fun and quite absorbing. I did try to see what thrust a Thud would need to beat those records and seen to remember that it was getting on for 40,000lbs providing it didn't turn into a fireball, which it usually did.
  5. Looks like the Desert to me...
  6. Raptor FG.2 of RAF SEAC A lovely SEA skin by eraser_tr with some SEAC markings in WOI.
  7. I suppose it means the number of FPS the game is trying to deliver and the number of FPS the graphics card is actually delivering.
  8. Tell gravity I'll come out to play on another day....
  9. Frightfully good tea this! Chapeau!
  10. Thanks bpao - that makes good sense.
  11. Fantastic. I'm done for tonight but I'm going to grab this tomorrow night. Can't wait to see Nana Mouskouri - genius!
  12. Vulture B.1 of No.216 squadron, Royal Air Force.
  13. Nice first post. Welcome to CombatACE.
  14. Did you run them through the WOI Weapons editor? Question to All.... I notice my weapons in WOI are now in neat little folders - Is this important? i.e. when we add one-off weapons do we have to do likewise and is there a naming convention?
  15. Thunderchief GR2 of No.216 squadron, based at RAF Lossiemouth 1972.
  16. Thunderchief GR.1A of No.31 Squadron, Royal Air Force - Operation Desert Storm, Feb 1991.
  17. Cadet T.1A 'station hack' of No.5 squadron based at RAF Binbrook, 1988.
  18. http://www.digitalstrike.eu/Aircrafts/F105..._F105D25RE.html An early 'D' is available at this lovely site.
  19. JA Viggen - when I saw your name and then saw 'F-105' I had a fleeting vision of a Thunderchief in Swedish Splinter camo.
  20. Cadet T.1A (T-33 Shooting Star) of No.278 squadron, Royal Australian Air Force attached to SEAC, 1964.

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