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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. Belated thanks to everyone who has worked so very hard on this. Great stuff! Worth downloading for the terrain alone!
  2. Good fun this one and the templates make a quick Royal Navy bird possible...
  3. Look after yourself and get well soon.
  4. Yes that's correct... it happened to me yesterday! I was that soldier! The edge of a roundel was tight up against the boundary and it's as if the decal colour leaks out.
  5. Great work and outstanding fun to fly, it's brilliant for ground attack... just like the real thing!
  6. The gallery takes photo's straight from your hard drive but, for me at any rate, photobucket or similar works best for the forum.
  7. Noooooooooooooooooooo! This aeroplane deserves better!
  8. Actually, the Phantom purchase was sorted well before the F-111 on/off debacle. The UK were looking for a Hunter replacement for the RAF and a Sea Vixen & Scimitar replacement for the Royal Navy and it has a happy consequence that some Canberra units earmarked for TSR.2/F-111K converted to Phantoms before Jaguars released the Phantoms for UK Air Defense (replacing Lightnings). Those skins are the dog's dangly bits aren't they?
  9. I dropped Capun an e-mail and was granted access so I'd encourage you to do the same. It's great to see some of these more obscure post-war British jets covered and in the game/sim it's quite a sprightly performer!
  10. Wow! There's some brilliant stuff going on here!
  11. Ouch! (Jaw hits keyboard) (My jaw is one hell of a shape to press o,u,c,h and shift1).
  12. TBH I don't know. It just worked. I then made a copy and 'North Vietnamesed' it. Thanks again to everyone who helped with this aircraft. It really does fly well and looks good too.
  13. I mentioned the success of the 1/72 scale TSR.2 model kit by Airfix and how it created an explosion of interest in the aircraft. These decal sheets might whet the appetite... http://www.ipmsusa2.org/Reviews/Kits/First...cal_72_TSR2.htm BTW in the UK they sold out very quickly and go for silly money on ebay.
  14. Not at all. My query had nothing to do names and numbers. My query was against your deliciously colourful origin of the unofficial name 'Bone' applied to the B-1B. I'm 100% sure it simply comes from B-one! Or is that too obvious?!
  15. I thought the B-1 was called 'Bone' simply because of the B-one designation.
  16. Chapeau! Brilliant work! I've converted mine to a North Vietnamese aircraft for use in my extended WOV install. It handles really well and is also a useful fighter... well against F-4's anyway!
  17. Thunderstrike (associate with BAC's Lightning).
  18. Sending myself back to mid-60's Britain (It's Been A Hard Day's Night - yeah) then with the original Tempest being a Hawker product then I can't see BAC using that particular name!
  19. STINGRAY S.1 Pilot: Troy Tempest Nav: Phones
  20. I've heard that mentioned several times but I don't think there's any positive confirmation. My dedicated anti-shipping version based at RAF Lossiemouth would be designated Barracuda S.1.
  21. We're being spoilt. Well done and thanks for bringing this to the game/sim.

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