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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. British Aerospace Condor Mk.50 - 201 Squadron, Israeli Air Force, 1982
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  8. I was just wondering if there's any point in upgrading my monitor from 27" (1920 x 1080p) to perhaps a 28"/32" 4K Ultra HD 3840 x 2160p? Don't focus on the screensize - focus on the resolution. Does the game even support it? Meant to add that my graphics card is NVIDEA GeForce GTX1050.
  9. Version Version 1


    Gloster F-73C Meteor for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 N.B. Requires SF2 Expansion Pack 1 This is a simple mod of the stock Gloster Meteor F.8 to give a 'what if' Meteor in USAF service with markings for the 51st Fighter Interceptor Wing. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the F-73C folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the F-73C folder into your Decals folder. That's it! CREDITS Thanks to jorel62 at the 'what if modelers' website for the inspirational profile drawing. BIG THANKS to TK for the continuous improvement of a great little game/sim. And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 1 - 08/11/11
  10. [Fictional] Gloster F-73C Meteor

    Yes, but it was more for short-term evaluation than any potential purchase. 'The Gloster Meteor' by Edward Shacklady (the Meteor bible) further explains that this was a temporary swap-over with Meteor and Airacomet going back to their homelands.
  11. @A48Racing - You do seem to be wanting to run before you walk. So just enjoy playing the game, adding a few mods to learn the file structure and, trust me, it will soon become clear and second nature. I started by playing around with the decals.ini to put stock decals where they shouldn't go but this game/sim really took off for me when I taught myself how to make my own decals and skinning soon followed although I often save time by overpainting national insignia and adding my own either directly onto the skin textures or by decals. You'll learn a hell of a lot just by downloading a template(s) (like sundowner's Phantom templates) and seeing how they work. GIMP is absolutely fine to start with. Indeed, 12 years later, I've never felt the need to move on to something better and for decals it is quite simple and very fast if you set your default image (in preferences) as a transparency. https://combatace.com/forums/topic/76701-making-decals-using-gimp/?tab=comments#comment-609704
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  13. It does have the look of a Sukhoi doesn't it?
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  16. Bristol Buckley Mk.1 - No. 73 Squadron, RAF Fighter Command, 1938 Skin Credit: Charles
  17. Is your decal square and do you have at least 10 pixels of space around the serial number? Does the decal work in another location on the aircraft?
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  19. McDonnell F3H-3G Super Demon - 'Blue Angels' Flight Demonstration Squadron, United States Navy, 1961

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