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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. https://combatace.com/forums/topic/84835-hunters-of-the-lost-ark/
  2. McDonnell Douglas Eagle F.1 - No.5 and No.11 Squadrons, RAF Binbrook
  3. MIG-41

    ¡Esto es excelente! Bien hecho a todos los que trabajan en esto.
  4. Hawker Hunter FGA.61 - Dhimari Air Force, 1967
  5. Dhimari Hunter FGA.61's en route to clobber a Parani airfield
  6. Hi sukhoy34 and welcome to Combat Ace!
  7. One for British gentleman of a certain vintage...
  8. View File Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15bis - RJAF Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15bis - Royal Jordanian Air Force This is a simple mod of the stock Third Wire MiG-15bis from the 'Wings Over Israel Add-On' to give a flyable Mig-15bis of the Royal Jordanian Air Force. Please do not download this mod if you don't have 'Wings Over Israel Add-On' from Series One. BACKSTORY Despite Jordan gaining independence in 1946 it wasn't until 1950 that Jordan began to establish an embryonic air force with the assistance of the Royal Air Force. When Hussein bin Talal became King of Jordan (following the abdication of his father in August 1952) he was keen to see Jordan develop a more modern air force and looked to create a balance in his relationship with the West and the Soviet Union by ordering military equipment from both. The already obsolete de Havilland Vampire and Gloster Meteor were selected for ground-attack whilst the MiG-15bis was selected for interception duties with the first examples arriving in September 1955 to equip No.1 Squadron of the newly formed Royal Jordanian Air Force. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the MiG-15bisRJAF folder into your Aircraft folder. CREDITS Thanks to TK for a great little game/sim. Thanks to Ordway for the MiG-15 cockpit. And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 1 - 02/04/18 Submitter Spinners Submitted 04/02/2018 Category Fictional Aircraft, Experimental and UAV's  
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15bis - Royal Jordanian Air Force This is a simple mod of the stock Third Wire MiG-15bis from the 'Wings Over Israel Add-On' to give a flyable Mig-15bis of the Royal Jordanian Air Force. Please do not download this mod if you don't have 'Wings Over Israel Add-On' from Series One. BACKSTORY Despite Jordan gaining independence in 1946 it wasn't until 1950 that Jordan began to establish an embryonic air force with the assistance of the Royal Air Force. When Hussein bin Talal became King of Jordan (following the abdication of his father in August 1952) he was keen to see Jordan develop a more modern air force and looked to create a balance in his relationship with the West and the Soviet Union by ordering military equipment from both. The already obsolete de Havilland Vampire and Gloster Meteor were selected for ground-attack whilst the MiG-15bis was selected for interception duties with the first examples arriving in September 1955 to equip No.1 Squadron of the newly formed Royal Jordanian Air Force. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the MiG-15bisRJAF folder into your Aircraft folder. CREDITS Thanks to TK for a great little game/sim. Thanks to Ordway for the MiG-15 cockpit. And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 1 - 02/04/18
  10. Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15bis - No.1 Squadron, Royal Jordanian Air Force, 1956 Despite Jordan gaining independence in 1946 it wasn't until 1950 that Jordan began to establish an embryonic air force with the assistance of the Royal Air Force. When Hussein bin Talal became King of Jordan (following the abdication of his father in August 1952) he was keen to see Jordan develop a more modern air force and looked to create a balance in his relationship with the West and the Soviet Union by ordering military equipment from both. The already obsolete de Havilland Vampire and Gloster Meteor were selected for ground-attack whilst the MiG-15bis was selected for interception duties with the first examples arriving in September 1955 to equip No.1 Squadron of the newly formed Royal Jordanian Air Force.
  11. McDonnell Douglas Phantom FG.2 - No.41 Squadron, RAF Strike Command, 1968
  12. ... to the Royal Air Force. Hey, who needs to mention the name of your country anyway? One of my prized aviation books ended with the RAF's 50th anniversary when Harriers, Phantoms, Nimrods and Hercules aircraft were just entering service (or about to). Where have the last 50 years gone?
  13. McDonnell Douglas Phantom FG.2 - No.6 and No.54 Squadrons, RAF Strike Command, 1968
  14. 50 years ago, the first man in space lost his life

    I've always had a fascination for the space race and Gagarin is a true hero - they all were I guess. I always thought he died when a goose smashed through his windscreen. That seemed to be the story at, or just after, the time of his tragic death.
  15. McDonnell Douglas Phantom F.1 - No.1435 Flight, RAF Falklands Air Defence Component, 1982 At an early stage in the Falklands conflict of 1982 four Phantom F.1's, drawn from No.229 OCU and manned by pilots from No.29 Squadron, were deployed to Ascension Island to provide emergency air defence against any potential Argentinian airborne commando raids (perhaps, using Hercules aircraft) or any air strikes launched from the carrier Veinticinco de Mayo. Whilst the latter was only ever a very remote possibility the UK Government viewed the establishment of a basic air defence component on Ascension Island as being essential to their plans to retake the Falkland Islands. Arriving on Ascension Island on April 14th, 1982 the four Phantom F.1's were allocated to a hastily reformed No.1435 Flight based at Wideawake airfield. The swift re-conquest of the Falklands then saw No.1435 Flight deploy to RAF Stanley during October 1982 to take over air defence duties from 809 Naval Air Squadron. No.1435 Flight was eventually built up to squadron strength operating Phantom F.1's initially from RAF Stanley and later from RAF Mount Pleasant until they were replaced by Eagle F.2A's in 1992.

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