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Everything posted by gerwin

  1. File Name: Damage overlay textures for WOI/SF2 addon Aircraft File Submitter: gerwin File Submitted: 04 August 2010 File Category: Skin Templates Damage overlay textures for WOI/SF2 addon Aircraft version 1.2 by Gerwin 4-8-2010 DESCRIPTION: This pack includes damage overlay textures. These textures show when an aircraft is damaged, showing bullet or shrapnel holes in the surface of the aircraft. These overlays are specific for every aircraft model, and are included in the game for all stock aircraft. But most third party planes come with overlays of inferior quality or non at all. I tried to remedy this for the following aircraft: -F/A-18A by The Mirage Factory and Flying Toaster -MiG-29A by The Mirage Factory and Olivier Anguille (BPAo) -Su-27 by MarcFighter helped by BPAO -F-86F by David Zurawski -F-5E by the Mirage Factory (modeler: BPAO) -C-130A Third Wire Stock SFP1 Aircraft To save time I only made damage overlays for both wings and the main part of the fuselage. CHANGELOG: v1.1, 15-12-2012: added C-130A v1.2, 26-12-2012: improved F-5E INSTALLATION: copy the .dds files to the matching aircraft folder. This folder also contains the aircraft ini file, open this ini file and make sure the following two lines are included: [DamageTexture] DamagedPostFix=_holes.dds ADDITIONAL INFO: This mod was tested on WOI+addon with 2010 patch level. It should work fine in any SF2 game as well. SFP1,WOV and WOE can not use these textures directly, but only after you convert .dds back to .tga with photoshop or something. In that case use: DamagedPostFix=_holes.tga THANKS TO: Third Wire for the Strike Fighters Based Games and the included damage textures that were used as a basis to make the included variants. Click here to download this file
  2. I tried to read a little on this subject, but I find it hard to get some bits of information. I am not sure if the description below is right regarding the engines: -Egyptian Spitfire Mk IXc - Merlin 66 engine - guns: 2x20mm, 4x.303 -Israeli Spitfire Mk IXe [Clipped wings] - Merlin 66 engine - guns: 2x20mm, 2x.50 -Israeli P-51D - Packard V-1650 engine (based on merlin) - guns: 6x.50 In the datafiles the Spitfires both have 980595.5 thrust, the P-51D seems to have a higher value: 1111093.0 Then, It seems the model in the game can also represent a Spitfire XVI with Merlin 266 engine, which is a US build merlin 66. Unfortunately all other spitfire variants show differences with the game model. Was the Spitfire Mk IXc or IXe also exported to the soviet union?, either way I use them over germanyCE this way. Was the P-51D model in the game also used in korea? probably yes.
  3. Thanks for your replies, before I was mainly reading the wikipedia entries. I don't know wheter I will get my hands on these books, I actually did not intend to spend my entire evening reading on the subject in the first place. This mornig I found references that state the Spitfire IXe was exported to the soviet union. In fact the israeli Spitfires are told to be ex-Czechoslovakian examples.
  4. Version 1.2


    Damage overlay textures for WOI/SF2 addon Aircraft version 1.2 by Gerwin 4-8-2010 DESCRIPTION: This pack includes damage overlay textures. These textures show when an aircraft is damaged, showing bullet or shrapnel holes in the surface of the aircraft. These overlays are specific for every aircraft model, and are included in the game for all stock aircraft. But most third party planes come with overlays of inferior quality or non at all. I tried to remedy this for the following aircraft: -F/A-18A by The Mirage Factory and Flying Toaster -MiG-29A by The Mirage Factory and Olivier Anguille (BPAo) -Su-27 by MarcFighter helped by BPAO -F-86F by David Zurawski -F-5E by the Mirage Factory (modeler: BPAO) -C-130A Third Wire Stock SFP1 Aircraft To save time I only made damage overlays for both wings and the main part of the fuselage. CHANGELOG: v1.1, 15-12-2012: added C-130A v1.2, 26-12-2012: improved F-5E INSTALLATION: copy the .dds files to the matching aircraft folder. This folder also contains the aircraft ini file, open this ini file and make sure the following two lines are included: [DamageTexture] DamagedPostFix=_holes.dds ADDITIONAL INFO: This mod was tested on WOI+addon with 2010 patch level. It should work fine in any SF2 game as well. SFP1,WOV and WOE can not use these textures directly, but only after you convert .dds back to .tga with photoshop or something. In that case use: DamagedPostFix=_holes.tga THANKS TO: Third Wire for the Strike Fighters Based Games and the included damage textures that were used as a basis to make the included variants.
  5. WOLF's WWII aircraft pack

    or this one http://combatace.com/topic/38472-weapons-pak-for-ww2-installs/
  6. WOLF's WWII aircraft pack

    maybe this download helps you out: http://combatace.com/files/file/1630-new-nations-pack/
  7. Wings Over Israel Add-On - IS OUT Official webpage
  8. I just installed only the F-5F from your Northrop 2 seater pack. It displays fine. flaps/rudders/airbrakes/destroyed-lod all work. This parameter works for terrains now, or did it already work before? IsraelME.ini: [Terrain] GroundObjectTexture=tan
  9. As mentioned by capun, the 'request help' radio command seems to work now. I did not have any luck with it in single missions but in campaigns I got the response that help would be send.
  10. -The Mystere IV that installs with the addon has skinnable droptanks. So that means it works right?. They jettison properly. -Testing the WOV campaign with the new 2010 binairies, now at mission no 7; it does not give repetative, airfield biased, missions. So far so good. -No sign of RWR symbology working, installing the SF2 F-15A pit gives nothing on the RWR. No dll files containing the word "HighLark" (=RWR Mig-23 family) either.
  11. No, unmodified SFP1/WOV/WOE '06 or '08 cannot read the aircraft model format of the addon planes. But you have a good chance you can just update SFP1/WOV/WOE '08 manually by replacing all dll files and the exe file with the new ones from the addon. After that these games should read the new formats fine. (untested!) Something else, I extracted the A-7D_78 files from SF2E and put them in an aircraft folder in WOI, it worked right away. Did not do any conversions, just copied the files. Makes me wonder if the new drop tank format is also supported natively. Need to try wheter the campaign code was changed to handle WOV better, but this seems unlikely...
  12. I noticed, thanks. So TK could not help working on the engine a little, because most/all dll files are new. Multiplayer is still there. Features ported form SF2: -Destroyed aircraft wrecks. -Can read additional cat file objectdata02.cat. -Can read DDS format damage overlays. -Can read Certain Jpeg files (yet unable to use Jpeg hangar screens?) -Can read Unicode INI files. -Can read Unicode CAT files (cat format v2). -Can read Unicode LOD model format, supposedly allowing importing all SF2 aircraft models (instead of just the few that were still in old LOD format). These SF2 features are NOT present after the addon -corrected F-16A model. -new RWR icons. -userlists. -save single mission. -choose service in single mission. Attached a list of all files included in the WOI addon. ObjectData02.index.txt woi_addon_index.txt
  13. Graficcard gone hot?

    Very common problem. Usually caused by overheating. You might be able to give the card new life by heating up the main chip with a small smokeless torch/lighter. Sounds silly But it worked for me on a geforce Go7600 a few weeks ago.
  14. Nice release again! Distance Lod's, damage overlays, four nice skins - 100% finished.
  15. F-15A I noticed TK uses differently named models for the USAF F-15A and the IAF F-15A Baz, but can someone point me to the actual differences between the two models. I am not talking about the cockpit here, just the outside view of the aircraft. F-16A I read something about TK correcting he F-16A in the SF2 Suez Expansion. But what was wrong with it anyways?
  16. I know of at least one way the export settings take effect in the series 1 ('08) games: Some terrains have a limitednationslist, or one can add a limitednationslist section in their xxxx_nations.ini. It will allow the AI to only fly aircraft from the listed nations on a particalar terrain UNLESS it has been exported. Example: vietnamSEA: limitednationslist: Nvietnam vs. USAf/USMC/USN. you will not encounter a german add-on plane in single missions unless it has been set as exported=true.
  17. For the above aircraft addon I attached some decals: 'MARINES' and VMA-131 QG. With new decals.ini A-4M_decals.zip
  18. Okay, this week I made something of an A-4M Skyhawk for my Wings over X merged install. It has a few inconveniences I am afraid: - There is no proper cockpit for it so I use it as AI only. - It is based on the SF2 A-4F '74 Skyhawk lods, which I cannot distribute, and which show a few differences with an actual A-4M. - There shall be a few inaccuracies in the skin conversion and datafiles, and I did not work on the decals much So therefore I just release it here. If somebody is interested it can easily be made into a mod for SF2. http://hotfile.com/d...c/A-4M.zip.html
  19. Are you sure hiding "numbers.lst" makes things work? I don't have much luck with it, the only difference is that I cannot see the number preview in the loadout screen. Otherwise the misbehaviour is the same. It is like this: -It seems the first time I create/generate a single mission the number is valid. -creating missions after this: it usually displays the last number of the list in the loadout screen, and displays nothing in game. only like 10 to 20% of the time do I get a valid working number. (Tested with WOI with several aircraft with "numbers.lst" files containing 8 to 24 entries) So it seems like the game chooses a number below 100, picks that entry, if that entry is not referenced you get nothing.
  20. Okay I actually now remember that thread about the F-16A. So as far as we know F-15A and F15A Baz in the game look the same, even though in reality the Baz can have different launch rails. I am wiser now thank you!
  21. Wow, I am glad to hear that. Thanks in advance!
  22. Veltro, does this mean you will try to add lower detail lods in some of your projects? As I noticed you normally do not.
  23. It better be, because tga's are dump uncompressed bitmaps by themselves.
  24. I still mostly use .zip, sometimes .rar if file size matters more. Using winrar for both these formats. .7z seems to be comparable to .rar, only more modern. Obviously 7z/rar have better compression ratios, but the old zip format is very responsive/fast if one just want to browse the contents of an archive or extract just a few files from it. File Compression ratio tests
  25. Okay, for now I have a workaround by using the F-14B model for the F-14A. That one always shows symmetrical exhausts. I dug out the earlier F-14 aircraft mod that has been around for some years, just to compare; The new F-14 model is quite a bit better.

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