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Everything posted by ace888

  1. Any chance of an A-7F down the road by MF?
  2. excellent work guys! Always nice to see an addition to the Mirage family.
  3. Anyone know what happen to the F-4M Arctic Scheme (skin)?
  4. My friends... Is it important to have the "GroundObject.data.ini" extracted from the game files... so that when you add additional ground objects to your folders the "new" ground object will show up and function in the game? I use the "SFP1E Extract Utility" to extract (or should I say, try to extract) the "GroundObject.data.ini" from each of my WOE, WOV, and WOI game. So far I am unable to find the "GroundObject.data.ini" in the game files? Is the file being secure under the "Object Data, security catalog" in the Object folder of each game? Thanks
  5. Thanks Dave... no... you are not being a prick. I deserve to be pointed at... I should be more pro-active and look through the forum for my questions. I just got lazy
  6. Can someone that has the Su-35 Thrust Vectoring Engine aircraft by Erwin_Hans... Download it on the Forum? This aircraft was not completely done but Erwin_Hans was nice enough to download it via "rapidsharefiles" The file is no longer available due to elapse time limits. I have asked Erwin_Hans about the aircraft, he decided not to place it on the forum. However, many felt that the aircraft was good enough, even in its beta form. I would love to add this aircraft to the collection. Still building my game mods after the computer crash, currently adding all the Russiona fighters... This is NOT the same aircraft as the Su-35 Beta (Su-27M) that Erwin_Hans donwloaded. So, if anyone would be so kind...
  7. Thanks for the quick reply "Blackbird." Ya, if you could... see what Erwin says? More Russian surprises would be great! Will, anything would be great!
  8. Blackbird, I recalled you have the "beta" fighter, right? You said the follwoing. "I use two versions of the Su-35.. one with TVC one without, why not leave it just for the look?" Any chance of you sharing the file? The following was from Erwin when I asked him about the fighter. Su-35BM..maybe.. TVC cancelled-------TW game doesn't support well... HUD need works-------Not too hard Other ini fixes----------so easy.. Thanks
  9. Keep it coming! I will break down soon and buy the SF2/Vietnam...
  10. For a period of time, many members had an issue with the "water shimmering" effect on many terrains. There were a few threads with excellent information on fixing the problem. I am unable to find those threads? I am rebuilding all my mods after my computer crash. Thanks to anyone that can point me to the topic threads.
  11. Great skin Sundowner! Looks like I might have to buy SF2 Vietnam soon. I wanted the F-4B_76 aircraft for a while now, unable to get one vie the original SF1/WO* set. I like the RWR on the tip of the vertical fin and the revised RHAW on the chin
  12. Thanks Dave, thanks mikeymead... I didn't look deep enough
  13. File Name: ROKAF F-4D_Plus Phantom II File Submitter: ace888 File Submitted: 4 May 2009 File Category: F-4 Phantom II The Hankook Kong Goon (Republic of Korea Air Force - ROKAF) From 1969 to 1989, ROKAF had 27 RF-4C, 92 F-4D, and 103 F-4E. In late 80s' to early 90s' the ROK Agency for Defense Development announced a plan to upgrade the radar and avionics of 35 to 100 of its remaining 150 or so F-4D/Es and 25 RF-4Cs. Submission from DASA (ICE Program) and Rockwell (Washingthouse APG-66, base on the APG-66J for the JASDF's "Kai" program... was maded in 1993. A close decision for the "ICE program" was almost ordered. However, funding priorites for the KF-16C/D, the F-X, and the KTX-2, as well as, the ROKs' currency devaluation... kept the ROKAFs' F-4 upgrades on the back burner. Now, with the F-15K (F-X 1/2 selection completed - order in two batch of 40/21. All of the ROKAFs Phantoms are being slowly replace. 11th TFW 110th TFS F-4D (Replace with F-15K) 151st TFS F-4D (Replace with F-15K) 17th TFW 152nd TFS F-4E (possibly being replace with F-15K or the F-X "3") 153rd TFS F-4E (possibly being replace with F-15K or the F-X "3") 156th TFS F-4E (possibly being replace with F-15K or the F-X "3") 131st TRS RF-4C (Plan to be de-commission) For the Phantom Lovers... This is the ROKAF F-4D_Plus Phantom II "What if..." In this aircraft: - Avionics changes - Data.ini changes - Loadout changes - Fuel tank changes (F-15 style 600gal tank) - etc. Most members of the CombatAce Forum has made additional modifications to the already excellent aircrafts being produce by countless talented individuals at this Forum. The additional modification of this Phantom is one of the examples. ALL THE CREDITS GOES TO THE FOLLOWING INDIVIDUALs. "TK" and the Third Wire Productions "Bunyap" "Chaser617" "Column5" "Crab_02" "Stryker_02" "Sundowner" If I miss anyone, I do apologizes and your work is being recognize and appreciated. Phantom Forever... Click here to download this file
  14. Version


    The Hankook Kong Goon (Republic of Korea Air Force - ROKAF) From 1969 to 1989, ROKAF had 27 RF-4C, 92 F-4D, and 103 F-4E. In late 80s' to early 90s' the ROK Agency for Defense Development announced a plan to upgrade the radar and avionics of 35 to 100 of its remaining 150 or so F-4D/Es and 25 RF-4Cs. Submission from DASA (ICE Program) and Rockwell (Washingthouse APG-66, base on the APG-66J for the JASDF's "Kai" program... was maded in 1993. A close decision for the "ICE program" was almost ordered. However, funding priorites for the KF-16C/D, the F-X, and the KTX-2, as well as, the ROKs' currency devaluation... kept the ROKAFs' F-4 upgrades on the back burner. Now, with the F-15K (F-X 1/2 selection completed - order in two batch of 40/21. All of the ROKAFs Phantoms are being slowly replace. 11th TFW 110th TFS F-4D (Replace with F-15K) 151st TFS F-4D (Replace with F-15K) 17th TFW 152nd TFS F-4E (possibly being replace with F-15K or the F-X "3") 153rd TFS F-4E (possibly being replace with F-15K or the F-X "3") 156th TFS F-4E (possibly being replace with F-15K or the F-X "3") 131st TRS RF-4C (Plan to be de-commission) For the Phantom Lovers... This is the ROKAF F-4D_Plus Phantom II "What if..." In this aircraft: - Avionics changes - Data.ini changes - Loadout changes - Fuel tank changes (F-15 style 600gal tank) - etc. Most members of the CombatAce Forum has made additional modifications to the already excellent aircrafts being produce by countless talented individuals at this Forum. The additional modification of this Phantom is one of the examples. ALL THE CREDITS GOES TO THE FOLLOWING INDIVIDUALs. "TK" and the Third Wire Productions "Bunyap" "Chaser617" "Column5" "Crab_02" "Stryker_02" "Sundowner" If I miss anyone, I do apologizes and your work is being recognize and appreciated. Phantom Forever...
  15. File Name: ROKAF F-4E_SK(ICE) Phantom II File Submitter: ace888 File Submitted: 4 May 2009 File Category: F-4 Phantom II The Hankook Kong Goon (Republic of Korea Air Force - ROKAF) From 1969 to 1989, ROKAF had 27 RF-4C, 92 F-4D, and 103 F-4E. In late 80s' to early 90s' the ROK Agency for Defense Development announced a plan to upgrade the radar and avionics of 35 to 100 of its remaining 150 or so F-4D/Es and 25 RF-4Cs. Submission from DASA (ICE Program) and Rockwell (Washingthouse APG-66, base on the APG-66J for the JASDF's "Kai" program... was maded in 1993. A close decision for the "ICE program" was almost ordered. However, funding priorites for the KF-16C/D, the F-X, and the KTX-2, as well as, the ROKs' currency devaluation... kept the ROKAFs' F-4 upgrades on the back burner. Now, with the F-15K (F-X 1/2 selection completed - order in two batch of 40/21. All of the ROKAFs Phantoms are being slowly replace. 11th TFW 110th TFS F-4D (Replace with F-15K) 151st TFS F-4D (Replace with F-15K) 17th TFW 152nd TFS F-4E (possibly being replace with F-15K or the F-X "3") 15srd TFS F-4E (possibly being replace with F-15K or the F-X "3") 156th TFS F-4E (possibly being replace with F-15K or the F-X "3") 131st TRS RF-4C (Plan to be de-commission) For the Phantom Lovers... This is the ROKAF F-4E_SK(ICE) Phantom II "What if..." I pick this name because... had the ROKAF upgrade their Phantoms, most likely it would be base on the "ICE Project." "SK - South Korean" In this aircraft: - Avionics changes - Cockpit changes - Data.ini changes - Loadout changes - Fuel tank changes (F-15 style 600gal tank) - etc. Most members of the CombatAce Forum has made additional modifications to the already excellent aircrafts being produce by countless talented individuals at this Forum. The additional modification of this Phantom is one of the examples. ALL THE CREDITS GOES TO THE FOLLOWING INDIVIDUALs. "TK" and the Third Wire Productions "Bunyap" "Chaser617" "Column5" "Crab_02" "Stryker_02" "Sundowner" If I miss anyone, I do apologizes and your work is being recognize and appreciated. Phantom Forever... NOTE: An attempt to upload the screen shot was unsuccessful, pls look at the photo in the file. Click here to download this file
  16. Version


    The Hankook Kong Goon (Republic of Korea Air Force - ROKAF) From 1969 to 1989, ROKAF had 27 RF-4C, 92 F-4D, and 103 F-4E. In late 80s' to early 90s' the ROK Agency for Defense Development announced a plan to upgrade the radar and avionics of 35 to 100 of its remaining 150 or so F-4D/Es and 25 RF-4Cs. Submission from DASA (ICE Program) and Rockwell (Washingthouse APG-66, base on the APG-66J for the JASDF's "Kai" program... was maded in 1993. A close decision for the "ICE program" was almost ordered. However, funding priorites for the KF-16C/D, the F-X, and the KTX-2, as well as, the ROKs' currency devaluation... kept the ROKAFs' F-4 upgrades on the back burner. Now, with the F-15K (F-X 1/2 selection completed - order in two batch of 40/21. All of the ROKAFs Phantoms are being slowly replace. 11th TFW 110th TFS F-4D (Replace with F-15K) 151st TFS F-4D (Replace with F-15K) 17th TFW 152nd TFS F-4E (possibly being replace with F-15K or the F-X "3") 15srd TFS F-4E (possibly being replace with F-15K or the F-X "3") 156th TFS F-4E (possibly being replace with F-15K or the F-X "3") 131st TRS RF-4C (Plan to be de-commission) For the Phantom Lovers... This is the ROKAF F-4E_SK(ICE) Phantom II "What if..." I pick this name because... had the ROKAF upgrade their Phantoms, most likely it would be base on the "ICE Project." "SK - South Korean" In this aircraft: - Avionics changes - Cockpit changes - Data.ini changes - Loadout changes - Fuel tank changes (F-15 style 600gal tank) - etc. Most members of the CombatAce Forum has made additional modifications to the already excellent aircrafts being produce by countless talented individuals at this Forum. The additional modification of this Phantom is one of the examples. ALL THE CREDITS GOES TO THE FOLLOWING INDIVIDUALs. "TK" and the Third Wire Productions "Bunyap" "Chaser617" "Column5" "Crab_02" "Stryker_02" "Sundowner" If I miss anyone, I do apologizes and your work is being recognize and appreciated. Phantom Forever... NOTE: An attempt to upload the screen shot was unsuccessful, pls look at the photo in the file.

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