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Everything posted by Gatling20

  1. Great terrain, thanks Gepard. Amazingly detailed and realistic-looking.
  2. I meant no new version of these aircraft: AFAIK those Il-28s in the Download section are all mods which use the stock Thirdwire Il-28 LODs.
  3. I have flyable versions of the Il-28 and the Tu-16 in one of my SF2 setups, and the bomb bays of both open without any problem. There is no version of these aircraft in the Downloads section as far as I know, so I assume that you are flying the stock SF2 aircraft. The stock animation ID for the Il-28 bomb bay is BombBayAnimationID=3, and for the Tu-16 it is BombBayAnimationID=5. Check that the Data.INI you are using has these numbers correct. There is a great Il-28 cockpit made by Stary back in 2013 which should be in the Downloads section. You can get a stock aircraft which doesn't come with a cockpit folder flying in other ways, but Stary's cockpit is a work of art and improves the flying experience. I use it for both the Il-28 and the variousTu-16s. The stock command to open a bomb bay is CTRL+O (Control and the letter O), but check it in the Default.INI file in your Controls folder. So if you can fly the Il-28 and have Stary's cockpit (see below), and the Il-28 Data.INI says BombBayAnimationID=3, then CTRL+O should open the bomb bay without any problem.
  4. I know nothing about making models, but are those oval-shaped curved parts that you identify actually part of the canopy model, rather than being shadows? They look like they might be internal (see-through) frames, over which the modder has created the canopy itself.
  5. If you look in the Hunter's Data.INI file you will see lines: EngineSoundName=JetEngine AfterburnerSoundName=JetBurner These are stock SF sounds, which are in one of the CAT files. The sim extracts and uses these if there is no sound WAV file of the same name in your Sounds folder. To change the Hunter's engine sound, edit the Hunter's Data.INI to read EngineSoundName=JetEngineHunter (or whatever you want to call it), then copy the sound file you want to use to your Sounds folder and name it as JetEngineHunter.wav (or whatever you called it). ..
  6. There is a World Cup on right now, in New York (the T20 Cricket World Cup, that is). Scotland has been knocked out in the 1st round, by Australia. England is still in the comp, having thrashed Oman and Namibia. .
  7. You could try reducing your screen resolution in the sim, under Graphics options, to 1280 x 720, or even 1024 x 768, and see if that helps. The sim is a decade or more old now, and probably wasn't designed for such hi-res as 3840x2160.
  8. Another possibility (perhaps the most obvious one) - have you checked your game Graphics Options settings?
  9. What aircraft have you noticed this with? If it is just one or two, you might have a mismatch between that aircraft's INI file and the LODs in that aircraft's folder. For example, in the F8F-1B Bearcat folder, you will see: [LOD001] Filename=F8f.LOD Distance=100 [LOD002] Filename=F8f.LOD Distance=250 [LOD003] Filename=F8f_001.LOD Distance=1000 [LOD004] Filename=F8f_001.LOD Distance=2000 [LOD005] Filename=F8f_001.LOD Distance=10000 If the F8f_001.LOD is not present in that folder, or if for some reason there is a typo in the INI file in the name of the longer-distance LOD, the Bearcat will disappear when 250m or more away. The names have to match exactly, or you won't see the aircraft.
  10. Outstanding new tile set for the MiG Alley terrain! The new larger city tiles with their new corresponding TOD files look great, and the whole countryside with its larger and more detailed tiles is much improved. Great job, thanks
  11. The recent redux version of Zur's PZL P.11 made me wonder if we have ever had a terrain for the German/Polish 1939 campaign. I had a vague recollection that a while back someone (Gepard perhaps?) was working on one, but I have had a good look in the various discussion forums and the download section but can't find anything like it. Do we have such a terrain?
  12. Hmm... on second thoughts, I am not sure that a Poland 1939 terrain would be all that challenging. I have been playing around with some test missions on the stock desert terrain, using the available 1939 Polish and German aircraft (PZL P.11c, Bf-109D and E, Bf-110, Ju-87B, Do-17P and He-111), and it is all fairly one-sided. The Polish fighter is completely outclassed by either variant of the Bf-109, and even by the Bf-110, and the only German aircraft it can (sometimes) catch is the Ju-87. So I think it would be an interesting terrain from the historical point of view, but unless you like lop-sided contests, it would not get much regular use.
  13. Well, if you are asking for opinions, my vote would be for a terrain based on the 1939 Polish-German borders and cities (since we already have terrains for the 1941-45 Russian Front, and for WW2 Finland and Murmansk). Not much room for a few Soviet airbases to the east of Poland in that Ostpreussen TFD, though.
  14. Understood, making a terrain is way beyond my skill, and I appreciate the work of those who can do it.
  15. Found the reference, it was a proposed terrain from Terrainmeister Gepard a few years back: It would be great to see this one completed at some stage.
  16. I can send you (or upload here) the 2017 PZL P11 Data.INI, but as Trotski says, if it is the entire aircraft package you need, you will have to get that from the A-Team website.
  17. I have two PZL P-11Cs: a Gen1 version (i.e. with no bump mapping) from Feb 2006 by Zur, and a Gen2 version (with bump mapping and a revised Data.INI flight model) from June 2017 by Capun. I don't remember where I got the Zur 2006 model (probably here), but the 2017 version is part of the A-Team's WW2 Russian Front all-inclusive Mod (it is in Romanian colors) and you can get it over there. The aircraft models are different, in their components, so the later Data.INI won't easily port over to the earlier model.
  18. Nice!! (is that the Veltro2k model from 2010, or a newer version?)
  19. A LOD in the Mod folder will, as we all know, be used by the sim ahead of the original in the CAT file, that is one of the fundamental bases of modding, but TK locked the CAT files in Gen2 for the very reason that he didn't want LODs extracted from them. So it is probably piracy to extract and use (and certainly to post or distribute) LODs from a Gen2 CAT file (even if anyone knew how to do it, which I have never seen mentioned).
  20. The problem with that, I think, is that Gen2 LODs cannot be extracted from the ObjectData CAT file (ObjectData026.CAT for these carriers), and unless you can extract them I don't think you can hex-edit them. Unless, of course, someone has worked out how to find and then hex-edit the CV-63 LOD inside the CAT file, without extracting the LOD, but that risks screwing up the entire CAT file, which has a heap of other ships and aircraft in it. Alternatively, if you have SF1 (Gen1) you could extract the CV-63 LOD and use it instead of the Gen2 version - it has a bare deck, with no Sea Kings on it.
  21. Try adjusting the roll damping coefficient (Clp= ) in the FM-2's Data.INI file. Open the FM-2.Data.INI and look for the lines Clp=xxx. The numbers will probably be something like -0.0125 for the left and right wings, and -0.1765 for the left and right outer wings. Try reducing these numbers to something like -0.0105 for the wings, and -0.1265 for the outer wings. That should give you a better roll rate.
  22. Are the missing aircraft outside the Date Range (if there is one) of the terrain? If so, they won't show up. In the terrain's INI file, look for [AllowedDates] StartDate= EndDate= Alternatively, you could try culling the number of aircraft you have in that install. It looks like you have about 700 aircraft in your install, which is a lot. The NZ terrain is an old one - maybe it doesn't like such large numbers of alternatives.
  23. I have the Profile Publications No.195 on the Potez 63 series, and it says that the 63.11 had a "vertical bomb bay between the two crew members", which held eight 10kg bombs, but only on aircraft delivered before 1 January 1940. Hope this helps.
  24. Brilliant!! A beautiful-looking aircraft and a great back-story, thanks Spinners.

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