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Everything posted by WhiteBoySamurai

  1. Wow, great work Jonathan!
  2. Samurai's Shipyard

    The Belknap class has a somewhat similar shaped hull and superstructure compared to the Leahy, so I might be able to do one at some point, or at least provide parts for someone else. Albany is in good hands, there's already a Slava available, and I could've sworn someone was building a new Kara. As for WWII, honestly there are only two ships I'd really like to do from that era, and you mentioned both of them. I think the Idiot Team is (was?) working on the early Iowa though. I'd love to see more active ship-builders around in any case. I made more progress on the Leahy. I still need to add details to the skins-- doors, portholes, deck lines, GNDN tubes, a bit of rust, etc. etc. Then onto the rest of the variants. And here's a fun toy I'm working on. It'll be installed on the Kirovs once they're done.
  3. Helo works

    Looks great, cocas! I especially love the detail on the rotor assemblies. Please keep up the good work; we need more helicopters.
  4. It's not just the frame that's different in the cockpit: The F-2 has a wide-angle HUD, as well as three large full-color MFDs and an auxiliary smaller one. The traditional (backup) gauges on the side panels are almost identical to the F-16C pit though. Here's a link to a mock-up of the pit panels. I'm told that in combat mode, the center one is typically used for the radar display/tactical situation, the left is combination waypoint steering and RWR (like on some other modern fighters), the right one is for weapons display, and the smaller one shows the artificial horizon/compass. But I'm pretty sure they can be switched around in nearly any combination. Here's the back seat of the F-2B for the hell of it. Reminds me a little of the Strike Eagle. Note that the B model is (so far) used exclusively for training. Personally I'd be very satisfied with just the A model. For those of you just tuning in who are not familiar with this remarkable aircraft, the F-2 isn't just "another Viper." It's a completely new aircraft, more like the Super Hornet compared to the regular Hornet. (And it comes complete with the same sort of delusional detractors...) Enlarged wings and tail, more internal fuel, additional hardpoints, composite airframe, advanced indigenous avionics and EW, and the first ever AESA radar to be mounted on a production fighter. It's also one of the most beautiful fighters ever made. Plenty of reasons to be excited that Dels is giving us a reboot of it.
  5. Samurai's Shipyard

    I'm glad you're enjoying my ships. I know this this a flight sim and you can't "fly" these models or anything, but I try my best with them anyway. Just finished mapping the first version of the Leahy and have just started texturing. (*Very* early render; it'll look much better by next week.)
  6. OH HELL YES. The new model looks gorgeous, Dels. This news made my week. If there's anything I can do to help, please let me know.
  7. JASDF Weapon Pack

    I just checked it, and I'm able to download it just fine. Maybe it the server was right in the middle of updating the file when you tried? Anyway please give it another go.
  8. Samurai's Shipyard

    I've noticed that some photos of the early Essex class and other WWII carriers seem to show black or dark grey numbers on the flight deck instead of white like modern carriers. Was that a "low-viz" measure or something? And, will anyone mind if I use the stock white decals instead?
  9. On the subject on "failing to evade missiles"-- Oh ho ho. Flares will not help you now. One more: With the improvements for the Kirov I've been working on, bleeding-edge weapons will be necessary.
  10. JASDF Weapon Pack

    I've updated this package with improved visuals and performance for existing weapons along with a few new ones.
  11. File Name: F-35J File Submitter: WhiteBoySamurai File Submitted: 06 March 2012 File Category: F-35 In December of 2011, the F-35 was officially chosen to replace Japan's aging F-4 fleet. The F-35J is scheduled to enter service in 2016. Final assembly and perhaps eventually licence production will be handled by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. This package includes three different high-resolution skins representing currently proposed paint schemes. Currently included squadron markings are for the 301st Fighter Squadron from Nyutabaru Air Base, one of the first units expected to receive the new aircraft. Note 1: Several avionics modifications were (selfishly) made by me to better represent the powerful AESA radar set in the F-35. Feel free to use the original F-35 avionics.ini if you prefer. Note 2: Some essential weapons (some from the community Ordnance Pack, others created by yours truly) are included, but be sure to download the JASDF Weapons Pack for more! Credits: -Original F-35 mod by Dave, JSF Aggie, JAT81500, Amokfloo, and FastCargo -JSOW, JDAM, and SDB models from SF2 Ordnance Shop -JASDF skins, decals, and hangar screens by Nengajou Aki -JASDF weapons and F-35 data ini modifications by WhiteBoySamurai Click here to download this file
  12. F-35J

    I've updated this file with new and improved weapons and loadouts.
  13. I've updated this package with more weapons, tweaks for existing weapons, and visual/data adjustments for some that I made.
  14. Samurai's Shipyard

    That's right, 3" 50cal in twin mounts. The models for these guns are actually courtesy of hgbn, as part of a load of stuff he sent me to help with the Essex. In a happy coincidence, the early Bainbridge and Leahys used those guns too. I think I mentioned this before, but I was laying down a new Spruance before NA came out, then decided to convert it to a Kidd. I might make the late model VLS version at some point and give it Tomahawks, but since we already have stock Spruances I don't think it's a big priority. Nice work, colmack! I'm liking the looks of that Albany. She had a ridiculous amount of firepower-- over 100 Talos missiles and 80 Tartars. Speaking of which, I've got a RIM-24 ready if you need it. Try the bonus material in my naval threat library pack. It's a tga sheet with hull number decals I put together from some official template. It's what I use for all my USN ships.
  15. Chinese carrier Liaoning/Varyag delivered

    And in just four more years they'll finally have some aircraft to make it useful.
  16. Samurai's Shipyard

    Can't say when I'll be able to get around to it, but yeah, I could make a Liberty ship. In general, I feel like we need transports/amphibious assault ships more than anything. The game can spawn task forces around them in single missions, which is convenient for countries that don't have carriers or cruisers. And it's nice to have for campaigns too. I've got a San Antonio on the menu, but it'd be nice to have a Ropucha, Ivan Rogov, Yuting, etc. for the OPFOR. Maybe just some generic LSTs for other miscellaneous nations. More progress on Leahy:
  17. That's some dangerous flying! Ready for takeoff.
  18. Samurai's Shipyard

    Testing the new Leahy model (1962 version). I rebuilt 90% of the mesh; Everything is done except for railings and a few small details. I think it's a big improvement so far. AAW and NTU versions will be easy, since I already have all the parts ready to swap in. The Bainbridge versions will come later.
  19. I think the skin itself is excellent, but I'd love to see bump mapping and a glossy canopy on the Raptor model. Those are things that can only be done by the original modder though.
  20. Nice Flankers! China likes the Su-33 so much, in fact, that they're making their own version. Just threw this together based on pics of the prototype. Still need a Liaoning / ex-ShiLang / ex-ex-Varyag for them in any case...
  21. I just uploaded a new version with significant visual improvements as well as new weapon systems (anti-ship missiles). Enjoy!
  22. Samurai's Shipyard

    Thanks a lot, Wrench! I'm uploading that Zulfiqar now; more stuff later tonight.
  23. Zulfiqar class frigate

    Version 2.0


    This model represents the Zulfiqar class frigate, also known as F-22P type, in service with the Pakistan Navy since 2009. This class is an improved version of China's Type 053H3 Jiangwei-II class ships, armed with the same missiles but significantly more advanced close-in weapons. These general purpose frigates are Pakistan's most modern warships. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or constructive criticisms regarding this model, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you!
  24. Samurai's Shipyard

    I've made progress on a number of projects lately. Here's the Kongo test-firing an SSM-1B. The model has pop-out folding fins and a detachable booster. First time I've done a weapon with both of those features at once. I also spent a lot of time reworking the Kongo's superstructure and other components, and completely redoing the texture mapping, so I could bake the textures properly. (Not shown in SSM-1 shot above.) It's almost ready to go, and hopefully I'll get a chance to upload it by this weekend. After finishing the SSM-1, I put the animated fins onto an ASM-2 to make this: Actually this is a speculative weapon based on industry rumors and JASDF requirements for an anti-ship missile that can fit into the F-35J's weapon bay. (It'll probably either be something like this or the Joint Strike Missile, which I might make later given enough reference pics and data.) It'll be included in the next F-35J update. This is the Zulfiqar class frigate, an improved version of China's Jiangwei class frigates recently built for Pakistan. The most obvious change is the new gun armament, including the latest Chinese CIWS, so it's actually not bad at killing anti-ship missiles. I figured it would be useful in the India-Pakistan mod, but moreover I needed a quick testbed for some weapons that I built for other warships, so I threw this together. Not 100% accruate and the textures on the new guns are very WIP, but good enough to be an interesting target. I'll be finishing and uploading this soon as well. As for the Leahy/Bainbridge rebuilds, the meshes are about 75% done. They'll be properly divided into versions by year: as-built in 1962, AAW upgrades circa 1968, and NTU refits from around 1985. My other priority projects like Kirov updates/new versions, Sovremenny, and straight-deck Essex are still a ways off. I swear, I'm procrastinating as hard as I can! P.S. Could I trouble a moderator to change this thread's title to just "Samurai's Shipyard?" I'd like to continue using it to pimp my projects, but I don't think I'm able to handle any more requests right now.
  25. Kongo ambient render

    From the album WBS's stuff

    DDG-173 new render

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