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Everything posted by Gepard

  1. Unusual B-1 camo

    In the net i found this photos of B-1 from 1981, which shows the bird in unusal colors.
  2. Ukrainian Air Force skin for F-16AM(Viper Team)

    The most pictures of ukrainian F-16's are paintshoped fakes. The only reliable pictures we have came from an interview which Selensky gave, when the first F-16's arrived in Ukraine. The picture show complety grey birds with no tactical numbers or other markings.
  3. MiG-23ML Luftstreitkräfte/Luftverteidigung (EGAF), Jagdfliegergeschwader 9 "Heinrich Rau", based at Peenemünde Air Base, 1988
  4. Weapon tests showed, that the GSh-23 was to weak against tanks or AFV. Thatswhy the GSh-30-6 was developed and this was a beast, especially when used with the proper ammo. I think the same is with western guns. Caliber 20 mm is to weak to do real harm.
  5. Super Sunday

    Danish Super Sabres in action.
  6. The terrain LOD files are hard coded, so you have no access to this files. Thatswhy i belive nobody can answer your question.
  7. I found on a russian model site a nice walkaround photo strip of an egytian MiG-29M2. It consist of 140 photos, which are high detailed. Here one example: The other photos you find here: http://scalemodels.ru/news/16193-Walkaround-mig-29m2-vvs-egipta.html It is surely a good source, if one of our talented model makers want to create this modern MiG-29 version.
  8. Humpday Heavies

    Vulcans at parking positions, while Lightnings are taking off.
  9. IIRC the red button had something to do with the brakes. But it would be helpfull to have a better picture.
  10. I got the answer: "Das war wimre der "Entfernungszähler". Musste von Hand auf einen Anfangswert eingestellt werden und zeigte die Entfernung zu dem am ARK-10 eingestelltem Funkfeuer an. Die Berechnung funktionierte analog über Kurswinkel vom ARK und Geschwindigkeit Vw vom Staurohr, ein ziemliches "Schätzeisen" und deshalb meistens nicht genutzt. " translation: "That was AFAIK the "distance counter". It had to be set to an initial value by hand and showed the distance to the radio beacon set on the ARK-10. The calculation worked in the same way using the course angle of the ARK-10 and the speed Vw of the pitot tube, a bit of a "guess" and therefore mostly not used." AKR-10 is the radio compass system of the MiG-21
  11. I just posted your picture in the german forum. Let's see, when we get an answer. Maybe tomorrow, it's already late in Germany.
  12. As Svetlin said: расстояние в км ... Distance in km увеличение ... increase установ нач с сотен не переходя 0 и 9 ... set start from hundreds without going to 0 and 9 If you can post a photo of this instrument, where it is located on the board. I would ask in a german forum where old MiG pilots and technicians are to find. They are always helpfull.
  13. Rare secret photoshoots proved, that Canada was a communist country that used the MiG-21. It's astonishing what can be done with AI.
  14. Could you make a soviet MT-12 anti tank gun, please? It is still in use in Ukraine War and would be a welcome groundobject for an updated Donbass terrain.
  15. MiG-21SMT and F-4EJ in a short discussion over the Kuril Islands.
  16. Su-33 on board of TAKR Kuznetsov

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