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Everything posted by Gepard

  1. Right now I'm thinking about which project to start next. I have 4 in mind. 1) Poland 2) Borderwar between China and Vietnam in 1979 3) version of Battle of Britain terrain for the 1960th or 70th 4) Diego Garcia Poland is an area with a lot of possible scenarios. World War 2 in 1939 and 1945, a possible Warsaw Pact invasion in 1981, a modern Suwalki Gap scenario, or a hypotetical what if the former german province Ostpreussen would have become the homestate of the jews: Israel in Central Europe. China and Vietnam Borderwar is an interesting scenario, because both sides have similar planes and weapons, so that only the skill of the player decides of an outcome of an air battle. I like the idea very much. "Modern" Battle of Britain terrain has two major possible scenarios. One: The Soviets have taken control over France and UK is in the same situation as 1940, but with other enemy. Two: A conflict between the European Community and UK, a scenario with its own flair, because blue vs blue and to be honest true friends the Brits and the French never were. Diego Garcia. Its an other naval map with one base on an island and carrier operations.
  2. It is an airport in France. You can find it soon in my Battle of Britain 1960th terrain. The planes are static objects made by Jimbib. Mandatory screenshot (WIP Michigan, USA terrain)
  3. Sit rep for my small Michigan fun project. I made 3 new tiles. It are small towns or big villages (dont know how the Americans call it). All tiles a made by sat pictures. From altitudes higher 1.000 meters they are looking really good, i think. Sit rep for Battle of Britain 1960th project. I'm creating new target areas in southern England, in that way, that i place factory buildings or warehouses at townfiles.
  4. Since the last 2 or 3 days i have the feeling, that CombatAce is very slow. I had a download rate of 14 kB or so, when i downloaded the Charels de Gaulle. And the build up of the site needs a lot of time. Is this a problem with CombatAce site or have i a problem on my side of the connection?
  5. No, no alpha channel in jpg. [Texture034] Filename=USASEA.JPG HasWater=2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< This line is responsible, that the water effect is activated. HeightMap=USASEA_hm.BMP HeightMapScale=0.000000 Color=0.109358,0.191711,0.205712 SolidObjectTexture= AlphaObjectTexture=
  6. I always thought, that sea tiles must be TGA files only. But then i played a little bit with Michigan terrain and made the sea tile as JPG. This is the result: No difference to TGA files, but with much smaller memory load. I think coastal tiles and river tiles will need TGA, but for the sea tile itself a JPG could do the job too.
  7. London Docks after Ju-88 strike.
  8. If you set the Super Etendard to SMALL you should check, whether the plane still can take off from small land airbases too. The setting BaseSize=SMALL or BaseSize=MEDIUM is unfortunatly connected with carrier size and size of land airfields. This can cause problems, like that a plane, which is moved from MEDIUM to SMALL setting, needs a longer runway for ground airfields and is overrunning the runway now.
  9. I will try it. Perhaps i will get a better look.
  10. Guernsey 3 Tiles.7z In the zip file are TGA versions of following tiles
  11. An-225

    Photo was taken in May 2013.
  12. An-225

    A picture of better days: The mighty An-124 looks tiny in contrast to the majestic An-225 Mrija.
  13. The brown water close to the coastline comes from the sat picture. This is intended to be so. The following screenshot shows the problem, which i mean: If you look directly under the F-4J(UK) you see a straight line which devided the coast tile with the sea tile. This is clearly visible and i found no way to solve that problem. It's the first time, that i have this problem and i dislike it.
  14. Hunter is going vertical over Guernsey island.
  15. I have finished now the converting the JPG to TGA files for Guernsey island. It is not perfect, but good enough, i think. The only thing, what me angered are the slight differences between the blue of the sea tiles and the blue of the coastal tiles of the islands. I tried to solve that problem, but i failed.
  16. Now some screenshots with the correct Phantom for that terrain.
  17. When i was watching the US elections, saw and heared the hate between the two political partys, i was thinking" How about a "Trump vs Harris terrain"?" Located around the big lakes in the USA, lets say Michigan. Only such an idea. Okay, wrong nation markings on the Phantom. My fault.
  18. Hunter over the south coast of England.

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