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Everything posted by Gepard

  1. You would need not to many new tiles. Two or 3 different streight roads, 5 or 6 different curves, crossroad and so on. Lets say 10 new tiles. But you will lay them all per hand on the map. Its a lot of work. Take a look on my old Persian Gulf terrain for WOI. There i have put some road through the desert.
  2. ADIZ is over the free ocean. Far away from the territorial waters of Canada or the USA. All planes can operate in this area at free will. No need to believe WW3 is starting.
  3. independent Scotland?

    On September 18th the scotsmen will have a referendum for the independence of Scotland. What do you think about it? Is this a good development or a bad one? Will be a independant Scotland member of the NATO and/or the EU? Will it have the Pound Sterling as currency in future or a scotish Pound or the Euro? What will bring the future for such a state? And if Scotland really departed from UK, will we perhaps see falling Belgium into parts or Spain, will Corsica claim the Independence from France or Bavaria from Germany?
  4. What if Israel would not have canceled the Lavi and sold this technology to China? Maybe the Lavi would looks like these:
  5. NATO Fighters Mod is made for SF2 if i remember correctly. Could be that the SF2 weapondata.ini not work properly with WoE. Try to delete the file weapondata.ini, but make a backup of this file.
  6. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Yep. Sehe ich genauso. Gesundheit geht vor. Mal ein dummer Vorschlag eines medizinischen Laien: Hilft vielleicht eine Augenklappe? Da rennst du dann rum wie Moshe Dayan, aber wenn es hilft das doppelsehen zu vermeiden?
  7. It would be nice to have a working movable gun. But this is impossible. Unfortunatly.
  8. I think so. But it can happen, that SEAD missions become difficult because pressing the E button (select groundtarget) often not select a Flak that is defined by this way.
  9. I have never tried it, but i guess, that your idea could work, but only if you put all needed files in the relating terrain folder. To put them in the groundobjects folder would not work. If i remember correctly there was something similar in the stone age old factorycomplex from the very beginning days of SFP1. There were also ini files for the objects with a definition of a shadow file and 1 or 2 lod files. The entry was like these: [LOD001] Filename=airtower02.lod Distance=10000.0 [shadow] CastShadow=TRUE ShadowLOD=airtower02.shd ShadowType=0 ShadowCastDist=500 MaxVisibleDistance=1000
  10. no there were 2 MiG's. I would like to know what payload the planes had. Was it the usual way to load the MiG with fueltank and 6 missiles and fly the F-16 clean to give the Viper a chance? Or was it only bad flown by the MiG jockeys?
  11. Berlin Gatow

    Die machen schon eine Menge an den Flugzeugen. In den letzten Jahren wurde eine L-29 absolut neu gemacht, eine tschechische MiG-15, eine MiG-21F13 usw. Das kostet alles Geld und Zeit und Manpower. Davon gibt es nicht genug. Und wenn sie einmal mit dem schönmachen bei allen Maschinen durch sind, können die Leute gleich von vorn anfangen. Das ist ein Endloskreis. Die Alternative wäre alle Maschinen in die Hangars zu stellen, doch dazu ist einfach kein Platz. Die Bilder wurden alle bei schlechten Lichtverhältnissen aufgenommen. Laß mal die Sonne scheinen, da sieht alles viel freundlicher aus.
  12. Nearly. Its mirrored. The Star must be on the left side.
  13. Okay, its a little bit off topic, but here some real masquerade tanks: T-34/85 covered as american tanks for a movie The muzzlebrake comes from the PT-76
  14. "Hey coward, dont hide! Let me duck behind the tree!"
  15. independent Scotland?

    Perhaps it will be completly different. Englands industry is only a shadow of her former power. For me as foreigner it seems to be that England is concentrating only or mostly on the financial sector in London while the rest of the country is falling into the insignificance. Maybe my point of view is wrong, but i see a tremendous deindustrialisation of England. And so Scotland could be really stand better without the rest of UK. And as long the separation of Scotland and England, Wales and NIreland is going on a peacefull and friendly way, i would say nothing against it. The blueprint is the separation of the CSR into the Czech and the Slovak Republic. And hopefully not such a disaster like in Yugoslavia or the Ukraine.
  16. Mal ne blöde Photoshop frage!

    Bei Paint net hast du doch auch die Funktion, daß du mehrere Punkte auf der gezeichneten Linie findest, die du durch anklicken und verschieben zu einer Kurve formen kannst.
  17. I have read this in a book written by the old german journalist Peter Scholl-Latour, who died some days ago in the age of 90. He was a grandmaster of journalism here in Germany and a well respected person. Scholl-Latour had had access to sources in Iran, Iraq, both sides of the front in Syria and in Israel too. Very often he was blamed to have written wrong things, but finaly he was right in the very most cases. But sometimes he was wrong, thatswhy my statement "Maybe this leak was a fake too, but it could be possible."
  18. Post Pics of your Pets

    This little Tomcat i found today morning at work. Someone had thrown it over the fence. I cant understand why people abandon such a little cat baby.
  19. Cool! I want it, i want it!
  20. On the other side the syrians stated, that they were ask by Iran do build a fake nuclear facility to give them a chance to study the israeli tactics during an precision strike. Maybe this leak was a fake too, but it could be possible.
  21. On old machines, like mine, the first generation runs faster. Especially the loading of a mission. With WoX i cant start after 10 to 20 seconds while a SF2 mission needs 2 - 4 minutes to load. When the mission is running, then SF2 brings a better fps, but only a little bit.
  22. Versatile & practical

    Make a take off and the greenkeeper will dig out the hatchet and hunt your scalp.
  23. Heres hoping it's called Ark Royal

    But only if UK has enough money to operate the two big ships.
  24. The start positions are defined in the xxx_airfield.ini for each airfield type. Of course you can set the position to a place where you want, but the AI plane will start the take off run from this position and the other planes will move to the defined start position too. What means, if you set the position for your plane in a hangar and the rest of your squadron is standing on the taxiway, then you may move your plane along the taxiways to the runway and start there by hand. But the AI planes will move from their taxiwayposition to the Hangar and will begin the takeoffrun from there and not on the runway. The same will happen if you let the autopilot start your plane.

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