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Everything posted by Gepard

  1. But a true Graf Zeppelin would be great. Could be used as soviet carrier after WW2 with MiG-17s on the flight deck.
  2. Traitor?.. or Defender of Civil Liberties?

    The idea of systems like Prism is to get the neccessary informations to protect the state. So it was all around the world and so it is still today. The americans now have a bad press and the british too. But to be honest, the others make the same. The french do it and the russians, the chinese and and and ... Of course it is a violation of the civil rights of the citicens. But it is the common job of secret services. They do their job on basic of the laws of their contries. But how efficient are this data mining systems? The NSA get so much informations, that they are nearly unable to find the gold in the mass of sand. Or with other words the best place to hide a tree is a wood. Its the stupid way to replace human int with technology. Who collect all will find nothing.
  3. Drillsergeant says:

    Which damn fool has put the monthly amount of washing powder in the washing machine at once?
  4. Polish F-16s

    The Viper is a good choice for Poland. Its fits perfectly for a country of that size. Poland has no real need for high end fighters like a F-22 or F-35 or Su-35. The Viper is a good workhorse. Be happy with it.
  5. No, i dont think so. But to be honest, i have never seen soviet or russian planes with yellow bordered tactical numbers. All planes i know, had white bordered numbers or no borders. The colors of the planes depended of the squadron at the airfield. The first Sqd had red numbers, the second blue, the third iirc yellow, then came green and white (only borders)
  6. You have got to give Snowden credit for this...

    Havanna is a nice place on a nice island. But i guess the journalists will not be happy about that trip.
  7. Mrija and Ruslan

    Its very seldom to see the biggest airplanes at one airfield.
  8. Mrija and Ruslan

  9. Mass take offs are possible. Look into Baltic Entrance Terrain for SF1. 16 Hunters in less than 50 seconds in the air. 20 planes are impossible. The game handles only 16.
  10. World of Tanks

    Der T-80 war wirklich eine positive Überraschung. Ist nur doof, daß man als Tier 4 so oft in Tier 5 oder sogar Tier 6 Gefechte reinkommt. Da sieht man dann ganz schön alt aus. Da ist mir der T-70 viel sympathischer. Der ist fast genauso gut, ist aber nur als Tier 3 eingestuft. Der P-1C hat frontal auch gegen den T-70 keine Chance. Nur von der Seite ist es unangenehm. Vor allem weil bei mir die Bildrate in sich zusammenfällt wenn ein P-1C mit dem MG losballert. Dann sehe ich nur noch Slideshow.
  11. 98 years ago today the first U-Boat was sunk...

    Okay, I see.
  12. New Badges

    No PM, i have nothing to hide. My military service started in 1988. On 1. September i was drawn (hope this is the correct term) to the Military Technical School at Prora. There in the "Land der drei Meere (Sandmeer, Ostmeer, Nichtsmehr) [ difficult to translate "soldier joke" = Land of three Seas (Sandsea, Baltic Sea, Nothing more)] i spent a half year for sergeant training, specialiced for "propaganda technic", what sounds terrible, but was in reality operating a cinema and taking photos etc. After that half year i was sent as Unteroffizier (Sergeant) to a helicopter squadron and got there a small cinema, which i had to operate. Was a nice and easy job. The most part of the day was easy and at the evening i had to show movies from all over the world (mostly western productions from France, Danmark and Hollywood) But then i had during a training a "big mouth" and told one officer that he teached rubbish (He said: You can kill a Leo2 panzer by shooting the turret with a RPG-7 and i said "foolish nonesens" but not silently enough). The result was that i was promptly degraded to Private rank. The problem was, that the officer was a pilot, but i was member of the staff, so he had not had the right to degrade me. So i was ordered to come to the commander of the squadron to become degraded. It was not a very nice time there, but after they had stamped me into the soil for a while one deputy commander rised his finger and said "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, excuse me please, but the guy was right. The Leo 2 is frontalyl attacked with RPG-7 unvulnerable" And after he explained the "Why", he teatsed my knowledge of "tank busting" in front of thie high ranking officers of the squadron. He was safisfied and so i became a member of the tactical SAR team. From this time my easy life was over. I still had to operate my cinema and had additionally to train the TAC SAR job. Was interessting. In September 1990 the unit was dismissed and i left the Military with the rank of a Unterfeldwebel (Staff Sergeant)
  13. Its a propaganda movie from 70th, i think. Far away from reality, with one exaption, there were "orginazied" sport meetings between them and us. Football and volleyball mostly. And it is also true, that it was very difficult to communicate with the soviet guys. But such propaganda videos, to say it in german "kotzten mich an". (And this term i will not translate.)
  14. 98 years ago today the first U-Boat was sunk...

    The first sunk submarine was during american civil war, wasnt it?
  15. More speculation

    This is not really new. Leonow told this story since years. I have read it in two books and saw some years ago one interview were he told the story that two Su-7 caused Gagarins MiG crash.
  16. New Badges

    It was the insignia of the planes and helicopters of the LSK/LV or in western terms EGAF = East German Air Force
  17. New Badges

    I would like this.
  18. World of Tanks

    Kenne ich auch. So etwas passiert immer mal wieder. Meist, wenn man mit "Noobs" zusammenspielt. Wenn so etwas passiert schau doch nach dem Spiel einfach mal nach, wieviele Gefechte deine Mitspieler bisher hinter sich haben und welche Ergebnisse sie dabei erzielten. Wenn Du dann welche hast, die weniger als 500 Gefechte haben, dann ist die Sache klar. Ebenso sieht es aus, wenn du Mitspieler hast, die ein Abschußverhältnis (Zahl der Abschüsse pro Gefecht) schlechter als 50% haben. Gute Leute haben ein Verhältnis so um die 1 oder besser (Pro Gefecht ein Abschuss). Beispiel 2500 Gefechte und 2400 Abschüsse deuten auf einen Spieler, der die Sache verstanden hat. Hat aber einer bei 2500 Gefechten nur 200 Kills, so ist er einfach zu doof für dieses Spiel (oder er spielt nur Scout, dann ist es etwas anderes). Ich habe letztens einen Spieler in Gefecht, der hatte sage und schreibe 53.000 Gefechte und etwa 40.000 Abschüsse. Bei dem habe ich mich gefragt, ob der überhaupt noch was anderes macht als WOT zu spielen und warum der kein besseres Ergebnis vorzuweisen hat.
  19. You can set more than one squadron at one airfield. If they are from different Air Forces, you must check, wheter the Forces are on the same side. A red and blue mix will not work.
  20. The SF1 terrain is made by me. The SF2 version had done someone else, and i dont know, wheter he has simply converted from SF1 to SF2 or wheter he has added some new target areas, or modified something. To be honest, i prefer the SF1 series and play very very very seldom SF2.
  21. Target: Invincible

    Yesterday i saw on german TV a reportage about the Belgrano story. Argentinian and british veterans were interviewed. The most astonishing part was, that one british high ranking officer finally said, that the british expeditionary force was very close to run out of supply. 10 days more and the british would have had to retreat. http://www.zdf.de/ZDFmediathek/kanaluebersicht/aktuellste/398#/beitrag/video/1878082/Kampf-um-Falkland-%281%29 sorry, only in german language
  22. More PAK-FA footage

    I would say "spin recovery test". Maybe, that i'm wrong. Its an impressive bird. Very interessting for me was the design of the wing roots with the movable parts, which seems to be able to act as canards.
  23. New Badges

    No need, thats true. But its nice to have.
  24. Its possible by using the "fake pilot" methode. I have done it on my fictive "MiG-23FI non swing wing Flogger" http://combatace.com/files/file/11112-mig-23fi-non-swing-wing-flogger/ In this file the pylon is included.

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