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Everything posted by Gepard

  1. Yes sometimes it happen. But i dont know why.
  2. Yes the flaps are relativly small, but they have boundary layer control, so they are much more efficent. The problem is, that the low speed charctertics of the Yak-39 FM are poor. THe KI is cheating while takeoff, so it can start with the chages i made with the increased flap ratio. Perhaps we must set it to 3.000 to have the chance to start from the Kiev ourself. Or we include slats in the FM. But does the Yak-38 hadh had slats?
  3. Its true, that it has one engine with 68kN. But you gave it two engines with 66,7 which is a sum of 133,4 kN. And this is much to much. You must set it to 34kN each engine in the FM to get the more or less correct thrust.
  4. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Quick and Dirty Fix für das Yak-38 Startproblem. Einfach bei den Flaps die: AreaRatio von 1.000 auf 2.200 oder noch höher setzen. Dann kann die KI vom Träger aus starten.
  5. SidDogg, you give this plane much to much thrust. To get the Yak-38 in the air from a carrier it would be a better way to change the lift system. Here is my quick and dirty fix: [LeftFlap] SystemType=HIGHLIFT_DEVICE CLiftdc=0.1336 CDdc=0.0185 Cmdc=0.0514 DeltaStallAlpha=-1.97 AreaRatio=2.200 DeploymentMethod=MANUAL Setting[1].Angle=10.0 Setting[1].DeployValue=123.5 Setting[2].Angle=35.0 Setting[2].DeployValue=123.5 MaxDeflection=35.0 MinDeflection=0.0 ControlRate=0.2 ModelNodeName=flap_L ReverseModelOrientation=TRUE [RightFlap] SystemType=HIGHLIFT_DEVICE CLiftdc=0.1336 CDdc=0.0185 Cmdc=0.0514 DeltaStallAlpha=-1.97 AreaRatio=2.200 DeploymentMethod=MANUAL Setting[1].Angle=10.0 Setting[1].DeployValue=123.5 Setting[2].Angle=35.0 Setting[2].DeployValue=123.5 enlarged the Aere MaxDeflection=35.0 MinDeflection=0.0 ControlRate=0.2 ModelNodeName=flap_R ReverseModelOrientation=TRUE I have simply enlarged the AreaRatio=1.000 to AreaRatio=2.200 This enables the Autopilot to take off. Manually it is still impossible, but perhaps the enlarging to 2.5 or 3.0 could fix it also for manual takeoff.
  6. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ich wollte bloß mal sehen, ob man das Ding auch bei WOI Operation Kadesh einbauen kann. Die anderen SF2 LOD's funktionierten dort ohne Probleme.
  7. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Weiß jemand in welchem cat die LOD von der YAK-38 steckt? Ich habe rumgesucht, aber nichts gefunden.
  8. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Dann schreib ich das mal in die readme, das die Teile von Dir stammen. Ich hoffe nur, daß irgendwann das STT tool einsatzfähig ist. So einen Platz zu bauen dauert bei mir zwei bis drei Tage. Und wenn ich dran denke was ich noch alles an Plätzen zu basteln habe ....
  9. Someone interessted in? 1000 x 1000 km in real scale Danmark complete, South Sweden, little parts of Norway, Germany and Poland Terrain for possible WW3 scenario "Jutland operation" WPac Navies attempt to break out the Baltic
  10. Schleswig Jagel Fliegerhorst. (Beta version) West german airbase in north of Germany.
  11. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Langsam aber sicher fresse ich mich durch das Terrain "Ostseeausgänge". Hier ein Screenshot vom Fliegerhorst Schleswig Jagel. Okay, da fehlt noch ein bisschen was. Und das tile für den Flugplatzuntergrund muß auch noch verändert werden ... und und und. Kommt noch alles. Wer hat eigentlich die geschlossenen Flugzeugbunker mit Rollbahnanschluß gebastelt? Weiß da jemand?
  12. CAT extractor tool. And then carrier vs carrier battles. Invincible vs Kiev
  13. The answer is simple, i hope to get NA working on my old system. For an 23 Euro game i will not by a new computer.
  14. SF2 NA does not work with XP when started alone. But when merged with other SF2 installation it works, also with my very old computer (2,8 GHz single core). The planes working well. You can fly them and there is no significant FPS drop. Problematic is IcelandNA terrain. Over the open sea you can perform dogfights without problems. When closing Iceland the fps rate drops. Over the dry land the game becomes unplayable for me. The sea looks ugly in XP, only blue and white stripes. See screenshot below: Loading time has become very long. And CAT extractor tool does not work anymore.
  15. MiG-23 ML Nummern

    Do you need the MiG-23BN numbers too?
  16. R-27 + F-14 ?

    Its easy to hang a missile on a rail. But this must not mean, that the Tomcat can fire this missile.
  17. Nice ship. By the way, Red Banner Fleet was the name of the soviet Baltic Fleet. The other Fleets (Black Sea Fleet, Noth Fleet and Pacific Fleet) were no Red Banner Fleets. The name Red Banner Fleet comes from the order "Red Banner", which was given to the fleet for bravery in WW2.
  18. MiG-23 ML Nummern

    MiG-23ML der LSK 329 330 331 332 333 336 338 339 340 341 343 345 349 350 353 467 471 475 488 550 551 554 558 563 567 569 576 598 599 601 606 610 MiG-23MF LSK 568 577 582 584 585 586 591 592 593 564 574 596
  19. Je größer das Terrain ist und je größer die Auflösung der skins der Flugzeuge ist, desto größer ist die Ladezeit. Du brauchst entweder mehr Speicher oder du verkleinerst die Größe der skin Dateien. As bigger the terrain and as bigger the size of the skins for the planes, so longer the loading time. You can solve it with more RAM or with making the skins smaller.
  20. Sea Harrier Over The Falklands

    If the argentinians would have made the runway of Port Stanley only 300 meters longer the whole british adventure could have become a bad end. But so it end in favor for UK. The big plus point of free press is, that after a while of propaganda during war times and after the war the truth comes to the light. Sometimes truth is painfull, but healthy.
  21. Riiight...

    To selling something to China means, that you will see it very fast on the market as competiting product.
  22. Its work in progress. Havent seen one for download.
  23. Spottersday2012 beim JG71 "R"

    Wäre schon eine tolle Sache für mich, wenn sie nur nicht am anderen Ende von Deutschland stattfinden würde. Schade. Trotzdem viel Spaß dort.
  24. My BoB terrain include all tiles you need. Why do you want to retile it? Of course you can do it, feel free to make your own mod. but i think it is not really neccessary. BoB terrain it is written for SFP1 desert terrain, but with the line CatFile=..\GermanyCE\GermanyCE.cat in the BoB.ini you can use it in WOE without problems. The same is with the modern times BoB terrain.

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