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Everything posted by Gepard

  1. 60 years ago...

    One picture says more than thousand words: This picture is taken from an old east german airplane recon book. It clearly shows a humpback four engine plane which can easily missidentified as a 747. Missidentification is possible, especcially by night. Toryu, the rumour of the camo lights said, that the american used them to simulate the lights of the windows of the passenger cabin. (Es sollte aus der Entfernung so aussehen, als ob Licht aus den Fenstern der Passagierkabine kommt.)
  2. I dont think, that DCS will have the moddability of TK's sims.
  3. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Dumme Frage: Hat eigentlich jemand den einsitzigen Tornado gebastelt, so wie ihn die Luftwaffe ursprünglich haben wollte?
  4. I think, the supersonic bang of a Mirage would be similar to a MiG-21, a single short and dry bang. When the soviets introduced the MiG-29 and Su-27 there was a change in the supersonic bang. It was now a double bang (two short dry bangs very close together)
  5. aircraftobject.ini was the correct file in First Eagles and WOX games. In SF2 it is the file: AIRCRAFTAIDATA.INI
  6. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    So weit ich weiß gehts nicht. Entweder an oder aus.
  7. If i remember right is there a file, where you can edit the AI dogfight performance. I will try to find it again.
  8. OT: Guilt of Nazi children.

    For Germany i must say: Be sure it is a danger. A clear and present danger. Not for you if you looks arian, but if not, then it could be difficult or dangerous for you. Do you have heared the term "national befreite Zone", what means "national liberated zone"? This is not a term from the Nazi time, its a term what is used up today by neonazis. It means area with no nonarian foreigners. Do you have heared from "NSU"? A german nazi terror group that killed "non arian" people, because they were not "arian". If you look carefully you will see young people with very short hairs and a symbology on their clothes which are very close to the symbols of the 3.Reich. Be sure, they are a danger. There is no communist STASI secret service to suppress this groups anymore, nowadays we have so called secret services which were founded by former nazis. For example, the BND, former Organisation Gehlen was a organisation with 100% former NSDAP members and more than 90% former SS. Their team spirit is still alive in german secret service community, so that they cant see very good at their right eyes.
  9. True. But it was a fine pilot job to land on such a small strip. Our pilots landed on the Autobahn (like motorway in england) but this landing stripes were not as small.
  10. To get a better frame rate you should reduce the horizon distance in the options menu.
  11. Ernest Borgnine has passed on...

    I have never seen a movie where he was the major star. But i have never forgotten his face.
  12. My 2 cents. There are two reasons why i say, that it was no supersonic speed which the Mirages had flown. first, a supersonic boom sounds different second, the people on the place are still standing on their feets. To first. Here in Germany (East Germany) we heared in the cold war time very often the supersonic boom. It was a short and dry bang. It was an unmistakable and very diffrent sound than that what i have heared in the video. To second. during my military time i (and my unit) was a "victim" of a very low high speed overfly of a pair of Su-22 fighterbombers. They came along the street on which our column was marching and they came from the back, so that we not heared, that they came. And when the were above us the noise and the pressure on the lunge was so overwellming, that i fall on my butt, like the most of the guys in the column. But is nice to see windows breaking in real.
  13. The landing on such a small airstrip was impressive.
  14. you need the weapon editor of 2008. Make sure that you close the editor correctly. First press sSAVE button, then press CLOSE button. Dont close the programm by using the x button.
  15. Yes, but you must delete the original pitot tube too.
  16. Do you has the corrrect weapon editor? Do you has extracted the weapondata.ini?
  17. Panzer Corps-having fun

    Tank driving is much more fun World of Tanks
  18. Well done Israel !

    Yes, but ultraortodox jews and married women had not had to serve in the military
  19. DAS BOOT

    And here on Youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1j3ug4Nflfs
  20. Nice skins for a nice bird. But the number of claimed kills is much to high.
  21. http://combatace.com/files/file/12532-f-7me-iran-for-woi-and-woe/ try this as basic. Its my F-7ME. For F-7P engine: WP-7BM 43,15 kN dry 59,84 kN afterburner For F-7PG engine WP-13F 44,15 kN dry 64,71 kN afterburner

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