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Everything posted by Gepard

  1. Planes That Look Alike

    Tu-144 and Concorde
  2. Planes That Look Alike

    F-86 and Ta-183 and MiG-15bis
  3. Planes That Look Alike

    Original Copy
  4. The Frontline is going exactly through the eastern yellow naval zone. Try to move the zone more north, perhaps between the big island and the coastline west of the island. The other two yellow and the green zones are not crossed by the frontline.
  5. SF2 NA

    Ich habe auf TK's Seite geschaut und muß sagen, daß ich ein wenig angefressen bin. Zum einen sind die Systemanforderungen für NA zu hoch für meinen ollen Rechner und zum anderen ist die Auswahl an Flgzeugen doch echt mager. Ne Tomcat und die Corsair und dann ist Pumpe. Keine Phantoms, keine Intruders, nichts, njente, nada, nietschwo. Ich habe mir mehr erhofft.
  6. Type Saber not Sabre or follow this link http://combatace.com/files/category/145-f-86-saber/
  7. Quick, dirty and easy way for free flight is to make a recon mission. Before starting the mission go to the planning map and set the last waypoint before the target waypoint at a point of free will and then start the mission. In most times you will face no opposition and will have a relaxed fly.
  8. I must agree with gerwin. The shape of the cockpit, especially the pilots cockpit needs a little bit work. And the left stubwing has a camera comparement. If you see at the upper picture in gerwins post you will see it on the upper end of the left wing. Its no critics to blame you, but to help to make this beautifull bird better By the way, had a meeting with the Mi-24 at Cottbus Airfield Museum today.
  9. SF2 NA

    Also bei mir funktioniert es wie gehabt. Habe allerdings nur SF2Israel und SF2NA. Optionen, Gameplay und dann "start on ground from airfield"
  10. Thats a strange thing. Perhaps you should post your question at Thirdwire forum. Maybe that there is a interaction between the frontline and the naval zones. Could you post a screenshot of the naval zones? Perhaps the frontline must go along the border of the naval action zones. Or you must make a big black line to devide the red and the blue naval action zone and the frontline must be middle of the black line ..... (Bye the way, what's a high priest of CYA? The only priest i know is the M37 Priest which i often see at World of Tanks.)
  11. I'm back after a year

    Welcome back
  12. In the earlier games the Sidewinder L was much overrated. Its a good weapon, but as good as it was in game it was not in reality. TK changed it now, but nerfed it a little bit to much.
  13. Wrong closing of Weapon editor can cause damage of the weapondata.ini. Delete the edited weapondata.ini and try it again.
  14. Orientation of East german insignia at the wings is wrong. At the Czech MiG-23 its the same. (rule for the czech: the red part of the circle is always in direction to the fuselage)
  15. The NATO Fighters Pack was designed for SF2. Thatswhy some additional planes will not work with WOE. But the most planes can converted by yourself from SF2 standard to WOE standard. Go to the knowledge base here at CombatAce. There you will find a hint what to do. You can also download a lot of planes (the most of NATO Fighters package) from downloadsection, which are made specially for first gen sims like WOE.
  16. Try to bring the first position and the last position closer to the edge of the map. Perhaps Position[001]=0.00,950000.00 ...... Position[005]=999999.00,500000.00 or try following lines [FrontLine] FriendlyBase=Doha EnemyBase=Bandar Abbas Position[001]=0.000,768000.000 Position[002]=225000.000,661500.000 Position[003]=565500.000,387000.000 Position[004]=678500.000,405000.000 Position[005]=857500.000,457000.000 Position[006]=883500.000,444000.000 Position[007]=933750.000,356000.000 Position[008]=999999.000,328000.000 StartShow=1 EndShow=8
  17. Here two links, but these birds are made for first gen sims http://combatace.com/files/file/4364-su-27-us/ http://marcfighters.combatace.com/Aircrafts.htm
  18. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Der Witz ist schon so alt, das er für die nachwachsende Generation schon wieder neu ist. (Oh man, das ist wieder so ein Fall wo ich merke, das ich langsam alt werde. Aber ich kenne ja auch noch Twix unter dem Namen Raider und Coca Cola Flaschen aus Glas. ...) Den Witz mit weißer Adler auf weißem Grund hat OTTO mal in einer Show Mitte der 80er Jahre zum besten gegeben, und Otto Walkes ist nunmal Ostfriese. EDIT: Hab die Show bei YouTube gefunden: (Zum Gag bis 4:50 vorspulen)
  19. Dear Activist

    Correct. And if i see whats happen under the rule of the lybian freedom fighters .... Oh oh. Its not very far away from Europe.
  20. Dear Activist

    One point i very disagree with Israelis (right wing) is the fact how they behave in the occupied areas (West Bank). The settler movement and the permanent new settlments they rais are one of the biggest problems. The settlements are connected with streets. Okay. The streets are for israelis only and are controlled by the israeli Green Barrets (Borderforces). Checkpoints everywhere at crossroads, where israeli streets and arab streets cross. Okay. I can understand it. The rule is, that israeli cars allways have the right of free drive. If a israeli car drives on a road and is closing the crossroad, all arab cars have to stop, till the israeli car has passed the crossroad and is out of range again. Its okay, if you want to make sure the security of the israelis. But some, and i say some, settlers made a sport to drive along their streets over the crossraod checkpoints, turn, come back, turn, come back and again and again and again. With the result, that one israeli car can force hundrets of arab cars to stop and create a traffic jam. And the result. One single settler feels like a god and in hundred arab harts grews the hate.
  21. Dear Activist

    Syria is the only non religios state in the arab world. True. Its an dictatorship. True. Its an ally of Iran. True. Syrian forces killed their own people. True. But the so called Free Syrian Army did the same. Syria has a majority of sunnite religion, minorities of shiits and alawits. The laters are the rulers of the state. At the beginning of the syrian uprour it was a "cry for freedom". And i all my hopes were with the folks who went to the street to fight for democracy and freedom. But now it is a civil war, a religiuos war between sunit and the shiits and alawits. Sunit states, like Saudi Arabia (a well know centre of democracy and freedom ) supports his religion fellows, while the shiit Iran support the other side. Now it is a war of proxies fight on the back of the sysrian people. Old Napoleon said a unfortunatly true word: "In a revolution are two kinds of people, the one who make the revolution and die and the one who make profit." All western eyes are concentrated on Syria, but what is with the Gulf States. For instance Bahrain. Shiit majority, sunit rulers. The upror of the people was suppressed by Saudi Arabia with more than 70 dead people. No word about it in our press or TV. And to come back to Israel, the starting point of our discussion. Israel has the right to defend.It has the right to protect the israeli people. No question. But the way how Israel do it, makes it difficult for true friends....
  22. Wenn keine Waffen geladen werden sind keine Pylone sichtbar. Ich bin mir nicht ganz sicher, ob das bei westlichen Luftwaffen usus ist, das die Pylone dann abgebaut werden wenn man sie nicht braucht. Bei den MiG's blieben die Dinger jedoch immer dran. Man hat höchstens die Startschienen abmontiert. Wie kann ich es hinbekommen, daß die Pylone im Spiel immer sichtbar sind?

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