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Everything posted by Gepard

  1. If i remember correctly the Falkland mods used off map airbases a long time ago, doesnt it?
  2. File Name: Yak-38MP Forger-D (Interceptor) File Submitter: Gepard File Submitted: 22 March 2012 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Aircraft Yak-38MP Forger-D ***************** This mod is made for SF2NA. ---------------------------------------------------------- I. The Yak-38MP was a project to fit the Yak-38 with a modern radar system. It was intended to arm this plane with R-24 (AA-7C and D) and R-60M (AA-8B) missiles. The Yak-38MP based on the Yak-38M. The project was canceled because the Yak-41 Freestyle was expected to enter the service in late 80th. The same fate had had the Yak-39 project, which was a Yak-38MP with larger wings and afterburner engines which should reach supersonic speeds. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- II. CREDITS: While making the Yak-38MP i used a lot of files made by other modders. Thanks for this files! The LOD file is made: ~~~~~~~~~~ by TK The skin is made: ~~~~~~~~~~~ by TK The flight model is made : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ by TK and modded by me The Cockpit is made ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ by Mago (Paladrian) The HUD is made by me. The GP-9 is made by .... e'm i forgot the name, sorry. ---------------------------------------------------------- III. INSTALLATION: -Unzip the Yak-38MP folder into your objects/aircraft folder. - Unzip the Kiev folder in your objects/groundobjects folder - Unzip folder GP-9into your objects/weapons folder ---------------------------------------------------------- IV. For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use the forum or send me a PM. ------------------------------------------------------------- V. The Yak-38MP is FREEWARE. COMMERCIAL USE IS NOT ALLOWED! ------------------------------------------------------ Hope you enjoy it. Michael (Gepard) Made in Germany March2012 Click here to download this file
  3. Exactly. Unfortunatly it is only available for NA. But if you merge NA with other SF2 games you can use it there too.
  4. SF2 NA

    Versucht es mal mit dem IcelandNA terrain von gerwin. http://combatace.com/topic/71249-sf2na-iceland-classic-tfdhfd-terrain/ Hier ist Island als HDF/TDF Datei nach dem alten Muster gebaut worden. Die Targets stammen aus TK's IcelandNA. Mit gerwins mod kann ich Problemlos über Island rumgurken und das mit meiner ollen Computerkiste.
  5. I have downloaded Gerwins terrain and it works on my old computer very well.
  6. SF2 NA

    Das einzige Potenzial, das ich sehe liegt auf dem Wasser, dh. die Trägerkampfgruppen. Jetzt ist es endlich möglich ein echtes Falkland Scenario zu basteln oder ein Scenario Träger gegen Träger. Der Weg führt aber über die alten Terrains und nicht über das komische neue Teil. Es funktioniert wenn man die älteren SF2 Titel als Basis benutzt. Bei mir ist es SF2Israel und das klappt ganz gut. Das ganze hat schon Potenzial, wir müssen es nur richtig nutzen. Oder wie hat mein oller Stabü Lehrer immer gesagt: Beim Übergang von einer Qualitätsstufe zur nächsten hebe das Gute auf und wirf das Schlechte weg und dann setze das Neue drauf. Angewendet auf SF2NA heißt das nutze das maritime Kriegführung und schmeiß das neue Terrain weg, das alte Terain war um Meilen besser. Und mal ehrlich, wenn kümmerts ob TK uns mag oder nicht.
  7. Yes you can. Tomcats starts from Carrier.
  8. SF2 NA

    Ich geb dem Teil mal eine Schulnote: 3 Minus Gut finde ich: die Tomcat die Jak-38 die Schiffe die versenkbaren Träger die Schiffsbekämpfungsraketen, Marschflugkörper schlecht finde ich: das Terrain (ein schlecht aussehender Ressourcenfresser, Starys mods der alten HFD terrains sehen um Meilen besser aus) lange Ladezeiten Selbstmord Hawkeyes schlechtere Framerate als bei den anderen SF2 Spielen. Vielleicht wird es ja irgendwann besser. Die erst Variante von SFP1 war ja auch zum gegen die Wand schmeißen.
  9. Version


    F-31G Wirbelwind for SFP1,WOE,WOV,WOI ==================================== I. This is my mod of Dels F-31A MustangII for use in the first generation sims SFP1,WOE,WOI,WOV II. I decided to make a german bird (thatswhy G for Germany), because the X-31 project was mostly financed by the germans. I also decided to make a more real life combat airplane instead of a test bird. So i switched of the Trust Vector plates and deleted a lot of ammo capabilities, reduced the thrust of the engine. Changed the afterburner emitter. Made some small changes in Flightmodel. I also choosed the F-15 cockpit which is standard in WOE and WOI. Some changes were neccessary because some features not worled properly in WOE, WOI, SFP1. III. All credits belongs to Dels who made this fantastic bird or SFP2 IV This mod is Freeware. Commercial use is NOT ALLOWED. I hope you enjoy this mod. Michael (Gepard) Made in Germany Januar 2010 below the original ReadMe file: -------------------------------------------------------- ROCKWELL/MBB F-31A MUSTANG II Ver 1.0 -------------------------------------------------------- By Dels Dated 25th January 2010 ******************************************************** MAY BE USED IAW COMBATACE FREEWARE LICENSING POLICY http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=26131 ******************************************************** DISCLAIMER ---------- This is a third party add on of the F-31A using a model and cockpit created by me. It is designed for and works in the SF2 series of games. VERSION NOTES ------------- I have created this F-31A as if it went into production and service during the 90's. So it is the F-31A (not X-31) and the skin is for the 421st TFS, 388th TFW 'Black Widows' based at Hill AFB. The X-31 had no official or un-official nickname so I gave it the name "Mustang II". If you don't like it, feel free to change the AircraftFullName= in the F-31A.ini file. The cockpit of the X-31 was a little too ancient, so I modified my F-23A cockpit for this F-31A. This is also what I would expect from an aircraft of the mid 90's. The cockpit has visible pilot legs which were loaned to me by Klavs81, so all the credit to him for those. I have taken a bit of artistic licence as not a whole lot of information was available on the aircraft. In addition to wing and centerline drop tanks, I have also included a special F-31 Dual Rail Adapter (DRA) for use with IRM's and AHM's. INSTALLATION ------------ Very simple, extract the files from the archive to your C:\Users\*NAME*\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 folder. Next, You will need to add the following to your Squadronlist.ini file which should be in your Flight AND Pilot Data folders. This is so the Unit Names show up. (*NOTE* This is not essential). Make sure the XXX is replaced with the next number in sequence in your file: [squadronXXX] Name=421FS DisplayName=421st TFS Black Widows Nation=USAF *NOTE* If you do not have a Squadronlist.ini file in your Flight folder you will need to extract it from the MissionData001.CAT file in your Flight folder using the CatPack utility. That's it. You will need Diego's MODUSAF pilot skin for the pilot, or you can use whatever skin you like by editing the F-31A_Data.ini file. REMOVAL ------- Reverse the above steps. CREDITS ------- Aircraft Model/Skins/Decals, Flare/Weapon positions, FM and Performance figures, Hangar/Loading/Loadout screens, and Lighting positions -All me!!! Cockpit Model and Skins -Also all me!!! Klavs81 - Pilot legs in the cockpit Pilot Skins - Diego THANKS ------ Thanks to all on the forum for their continuing and always useful support. Hope you enjoy it as much as I have had making it. Dels
  10. Yesterday and today i wasted my time to play with the Yak-38 FM. The take off was possible with the methode i descriped above, but i found out, that the KI was now impossible to land the bird. Vertical take off is impossible because the Lift engines are not switched on in game. The command line in the data.ini were missing. I made them working and the plan stated to play somersault on the flightdeck, so i switched them off. Finally i changed the Kiev carrier, moved the starting position, moded the catapults added arrestor cables. Now it works. Not 100% perfect, but in the most cases. I uploaded this bird as Yak-38M (and the modified Kiev included in the file). You find it in the download section. Would be nice to hear what you think about it.
  11. I dont see an really advantage of the LOD terrain if it is used in the way as TK has done it. It would have neen better if he would use the old HFD/TFD terrains and added special LOD's for rocks, carves, valleys etc and add a overlay for streets and rivers.
  12. Yes sometimes it happen. But i dont know why.
  13. Yes the flaps are relativly small, but they have boundary layer control, so they are much more efficent. The problem is, that the low speed charctertics of the Yak-39 FM are poor. THe KI is cheating while takeoff, so it can start with the chages i made with the increased flap ratio. Perhaps we must set it to 3.000 to have the chance to start from the Kiev ourself. Or we include slats in the FM. But does the Yak-38 hadh had slats?
  14. Its true, that it has one engine with 68kN. But you gave it two engines with 66,7 which is a sum of 133,4 kN. And this is much to much. You must set it to 34kN each engine in the FM to get the more or less correct thrust.
  15. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Quick and Dirty Fix für das Yak-38 Startproblem. Einfach bei den Flaps die: AreaRatio von 1.000 auf 2.200 oder noch höher setzen. Dann kann die KI vom Träger aus starten.
  16. SidDogg, you give this plane much to much thrust. To get the Yak-38 in the air from a carrier it would be a better way to change the lift system. Here is my quick and dirty fix: [LeftFlap] SystemType=HIGHLIFT_DEVICE CLiftdc=0.1336 CDdc=0.0185 Cmdc=0.0514 DeltaStallAlpha=-1.97 AreaRatio=2.200 DeploymentMethod=MANUAL Setting[1].Angle=10.0 Setting[1].DeployValue=123.5 Setting[2].Angle=35.0 Setting[2].DeployValue=123.5 MaxDeflection=35.0 MinDeflection=0.0 ControlRate=0.2 ModelNodeName=flap_L ReverseModelOrientation=TRUE [RightFlap] SystemType=HIGHLIFT_DEVICE CLiftdc=0.1336 CDdc=0.0185 Cmdc=0.0514 DeltaStallAlpha=-1.97 AreaRatio=2.200 DeploymentMethod=MANUAL Setting[1].Angle=10.0 Setting[1].DeployValue=123.5 Setting[2].Angle=35.0 Setting[2].DeployValue=123.5 enlarged the Aere MaxDeflection=35.0 MinDeflection=0.0 ControlRate=0.2 ModelNodeName=flap_R ReverseModelOrientation=TRUE I have simply enlarged the AreaRatio=1.000 to AreaRatio=2.200 This enables the Autopilot to take off. Manually it is still impossible, but perhaps the enlarging to 2.5 or 3.0 could fix it also for manual takeoff.
  17. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ich wollte bloß mal sehen, ob man das Ding auch bei WOI Operation Kadesh einbauen kann. Die anderen SF2 LOD's funktionierten dort ohne Probleme.
  18. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Weiß jemand in welchem cat die LOD von der YAK-38 steckt? Ich habe rumgesucht, aber nichts gefunden.
  19. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Dann schreib ich das mal in die readme, das die Teile von Dir stammen. Ich hoffe nur, daß irgendwann das STT tool einsatzfähig ist. So einen Platz zu bauen dauert bei mir zwei bis drei Tage. Und wenn ich dran denke was ich noch alles an Plätzen zu basteln habe ....
  20. Someone interessted in? 1000 x 1000 km in real scale Danmark complete, South Sweden, little parts of Norway, Germany and Poland Terrain for possible WW3 scenario "Jutland operation" WPac Navies attempt to break out the Baltic
  21. Schleswig Jagel Fliegerhorst. (Beta version) West german airbase in north of Germany.
  22. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Langsam aber sicher fresse ich mich durch das Terrain "Ostseeausgänge". Hier ein Screenshot vom Fliegerhorst Schleswig Jagel. Okay, da fehlt noch ein bisschen was. Und das tile für den Flugplatzuntergrund muß auch noch verändert werden ... und und und. Kommt noch alles. Wer hat eigentlich die geschlossenen Flugzeugbunker mit Rollbahnanschluß gebastelt? Weiß da jemand?
  23. CAT extractor tool. And then carrier vs carrier battles. Invincible vs Kiev

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