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Everything posted by Gepard

  1. PF had no guns. Gunpod came with PFM. Make sure that you has the mig-21 pack for first generation sims, not SF2. SF2 models can cause the problem you descriped, when use in WOX or SFP1
  2. The best dog fighter? A cat! Ask Garfield!
  3. L-39 Albatros costs :-)

    The Albatros was designed as a training bird, not as a combat aircraft. Main focus was safety, reliability and cost efficency. Its a good buy.
  4. For the MiG-29 project 3 different design concepts were tested. The first was a twin engine MiG-23 look a like with no swing wings and F-15 style air intakes ( the first in the row of lindrs drawings) Then was a design which reminds on the later Yak-41 (second in row) And finally the lifting body concept, which later became the MiG-29. project 9-11 was a MiG-29 body with MiG-23 avionics for export. Was cancelled because it was impossible to fit the MiG-23 radar in the MiG-29 body. 9-12 was full development. 9-12A was export WP, 9-12B was export rest of the world.
  5. For the first series sims the Mirage2000 and the F-16C are available. They still need a SF2 conversation.
  6. MiG-21F Pilots told me, that the small windows at the rear werent really usefull. Thatswhy the czech had deleted them on their MiG-21F13. I think Lindr2s version is more realistic. As suggestion, perhaps it would be possible to add the dogtooth at the wingroots, as it was used in MiG-27M or MiG-23MLD. Should make the bird more agile and slower at carrier approach.
  7. War in Korea closer than we thought

    Something to laugh about. Heroic south korean politician shows the world dangerous NK artillery shells. Stupid if its found out that the shells were only thermos. Or does NK has to much of it, so that it shot thermos at SK. http://blogs.wsj.com/korearealtime/2010/12/01/thermos-flap-puts-politician-in-hot-water/
  8. War in Korea closer than we thought

    You had already had a president who was politically uncorrect enough to send US troops in the Iraq. The result is well known. In contrary to the flat and nearly defenceless Iraq NK is a mountain nightmare with nukes. Here is brain needed and not stupid muscles. Smart political pressure on Beijing is surely more efficent than sending carrier battle groups in the yellow sea.
  9. Verluste in Afghanistan

    Es gibt heutzutage in großen Teilen der deutschen Bevölkerung (wieso sagt man eigentlich nicht mehr Volk?) ein tiefverwurzeltes "Gutmenschentum" und wenn man etwas sagt, was gegen den Gutmenschenmainstream verstößt wird man gleich zum Nazi abgestempelt. Ich kann mich noch gut daran erinnern wie ich an der Uni als Mörder beschimpft worden bin, nur weil ich offen dazu gestanden habe, daß mir der Wehrdienst im Großen und Ganzen gefallen hat. Zuerst gab es komische blicke, dann das übliche "Soldaten sind Mörder" Gequatsche. Und das tolle an der Sache ist, das einer meiner Kommilitonen von damals ein paar Jahre später für die Grünen im Bundestag saß und fein fleißig die Flosse hob wenn es darum ging Soldaten in den Krieg zu schicken. Ich habe ihm, als wir uns vor ein paar Jahren zufällig wiedersahen, ein "Politiker, die Soldaten in den Krieg schicken, sind Mörder" an den Kopf geworfen, worauf er mir erzählt hat, daß die Bundewehr in Afghanistan ja keinen Krieg führt sondern Brunnen bohrt und Mädchenschulen baut. Na Klar! und ich ziehe mir die Hose mit ner Kneifzange an!
  10. Leslie Nielsen Dies

    Its a real loss for mankind. Thanks for all the funny hours, Leslie.
  11. War in Korea closer than we thought

    Depends how the NK are fortified. I think they will follow the proofen way and have their ari in the bunker caves. Rolling out only for firing, then back into safety, reloading and start the same again. So they are vulnerable only for some seconds. Makes very difficult to hit for SK. NK did it already in Korea war and the vietnamese Viet Minh fought on this way against the french in Dien Bien Phu.
  12. War in Korea closer than we thought

    True, if they would have firefinder radar. I'm not sure that NK has this level of technology. They will have optical instruments. But with spyglasses you only see that there is someone shooting, but not the direction of fire, not at a distance of 13 km. That they have no fire finder radar show the result of NK ari fire. More than 200 shells, but only 80 hit the opposing island. Thats not impressive. Lets make a mind experiment. Lets say, you are the NK commander. You are under permanent propaganda, that the SK are the bad and war mongers. You detect the smoke of enemy artillery. You know if the SK hit a target in NK you will be punished if you not act promptly. What are you doing? (This is not written do defend NK. Its written as an attempt to understand whats happen and why, far away from propaganda from NK and SK.)
  13. Inspired by the very very very old game "Harpoon", the fighter version of the Backfire.
  14. Of course its a sad moment when planes and ships are scrapped. So it is all around the world. I can remember how sad my feelings were when i had to hand over my good old Kaschi assault rifle for scrapping in the days of change 1990, or our birds went into the scrapyards. The same feelings soldiers all around the world can share and understand. But if its time to say good bye, then it is time. Something new will come. It surely will not be the same old love, it will be different. What mean: Keep a stiff upper lip, look forward and not back.
  15. War in Korea closer than we thought

    Fox News is not really a serious source. If the message would came from CNN or Sky it would be different. The said number of MiG's is what makes me doubt. 5 is not a size of fighter units. 2 okay, 4 okay, 6 okay, but 5? That would mean that one pilot would act as "lone ranger". Maybe that such things happend during Vietnam War, but not today. And by the way a short mesage from Reuters, which is backing the north korean version, that the south shot first. http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTOE6AM05P20101123 The SK made a firing drill, the NK felt threatend and shot sharp on SK military.
  16. Frage zu Weaponstations und den Weapons an sich

    Ich hatte mal was ähnliches versucht, ist mir aber misslungen. Ich hatte mit dem Hex editor einfach Teile der LOD Datei gelöscht, hatte zwar keinen CTD aber dafür war das was ich weghaben wollte immer noch da.
  17. War in Korea closer than we thought

    CN doesnt stand this for Canada? Canada+Russia+North Korea The axis of the bears grizzly bears + polar bears + no bears
  18. File Name: F-20C TigerShark File Submitter: Gepard File Submitted: 22 November 2010 File Category: F-5 Freedom Fighter F-20C TigerShark ***************** BE AWARE: The F-20C TIGERSHARK pack is a mod of the F-20A TigerShark. It comes WITHOUT the neccessary file F-20A-R0b.lod You can get the file from F-20A package available at A-Team Skunkworks homepage. http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/ ---------------------------------------------------------- I. This is the flyable version of *****s static F-20 It represent the F-20C as it was intended as successor of the F-20A. Performance: Max Speed: Mach 2.1 Acceleration from M0.9 to M1.2 at 30.000 ft in 29 seconds max turn rate: 20° = 18 seconds per 360° circle sustained turn rate 11.5°/sec at M0.8 at 15.000 ft Specification: Length 14,40 m Wingspan 8,30 m Internal fuel 5.500 lbs take of weight clean 17.260 lbs combat weight 50% fuel 15.060 lbs max weight 26.290 lbs Engine: 1 x General Electric F404-GE-200 Thrust 49,88 kN dry 70,094 kN Afterburner Armament: 2 x 20mm M-39 cannons 460 rounds up to 6 AIM-9 Sidewinder 2 x AIM-7 2 x AIM-120 5 pylons with max 8.000 lbs external stores BE AWARE: the F-20C Tigershark is a high agile plane with a tendency of fast rolling and overrolling. Thatswhy dont move the stick to fast! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ II. Known issues: - the model is low poly (was originaly intended to use as ground target only) - the skin is relatively simple, upper and lower side of the wings are similar - airbrakes are not visible - i used the F-15A cockpit which is the closest available to the F-20C cockpit - nose gear steering is not animated +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ III. CREDITS: I want to say thank you to ***** for the permission and his help to mod his static F-20A Tigershark The flight model is partly basing of TK's stock F-16A FM The cockpit is basing on TK's F-15 cockpit ---------------------------------------------------------- IV. INSTALLATION: -Unzip F-20C files into your objects/aircraft folder. -Copy file F-20A-R0b.lod from your F-20 into your F-20C folder -Unzip Decals into your decals folder (If you dont have one, create one into objects folder) That it. ---------------------------------------------------------- V. For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use the forum or send me a PM. ------------------------------------------------------------- VI. The F-20C TigerShark is FREEWARE. COMMERCIAL USE IS NOT ALLOWED! ------------------------------------------------------ Hope you enjoy it. Michael (Gepard) Made in Germany November 2010 Click here to download this file
  19. War in Korea closer than we thought

    Em. Right and wrong. North Korea is important for China, because it is a buffer state. It is not in chinese interest, that american soldiers are standing at the Yalu river. Thatswhy they will back up the Kims as long as possible. On the other hand there is no peace treaty between North and South Korea. Technically spoken they are still in war, and the USA is also seen as a "war party" by the north koreans. Personally i think, that a peace treaty would be the best solution. It would end the war status and it would give the North Korean leaders the amount of safety they want, and vice versa for South Korea. At the moment the armies of both sides are in high alert. The south korean Navy held yesterday a naval exercise close to the island yon...something. It is more than possible, that a north korean officer felt threaten by the exercise and opend the fire. It reminds me to the NATO autumn exercise seria 1983, when the NATO troops advanced toward east and the soviets misinterpreted the exercise "Able Archer" as a real countdown for WW3.
  20. Give this a try: look for SystemName[001]=TailGun SystemName[004]=TailGunner SystemName[002]=Rudder SystemName[003]=TailLight replace with SystemName[001]=TailGun SystemName[002]=Rudder SystemName[003]=TailLight SystemName[004]=TailGunner
  21. As Silverbolt already said, you must download the F-20A in the 3 party mods, not the static F-20. The static F-20 would be funny.
  22. War in Korea closer than we thought

    Who is ratteling with the sabre is not really willing to draw the sabre. I dont know, what the mad Kims are doing, and why, but a beginning of a war looks different from the action of yesterday.
  23. If you want merge your model with the FM of my MiG-23MK http://combatace.com/files/file/5532-mig-23mk-carrierborne-flogger/
  24. You could also download a Vietnam terrain. Look for DRV terrain for instance.

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