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Everything posted by Gepard

  1. Horrible sights...

    Poor mans aircraft were they called. Its time that this old outdated expensive and often unreliable beasts are phased out.
  2. Its an ekranoplane. It was designed as a very fast ship (500km/h) which can also hover over land. Armed with Sunburn ship to ship missiles is was a considerable threat to NATO surface vessels.
  3. In reality the advatage of the F-15A radar range against the MiG-23ML is not as big as you think. The reason is that the RCS of the F-15 is very big in comparision with the Flogger.
  4. SFP2 serie

    Kann mir einer mal einen guten Grund nennen, warum man die SFP2 Serie kaufen sollte? Ich sehe keine wirklich gravierenden Verbesserungen. Oder seht ihr das anders?
  5. suche Space Station Simulator

    Ich weiß es ist eine blöde Art, aber ich weiß mir einfach keinen Rat mehr. Also ich war mit meinem Sohn in der Deutschen Raumfahrtausstellung in Morgenröthe Rautenkranz. War wirklich interessant. Gab allen möglichen und unmöglichen Kram über die bemannte Raumfahrt zu sehen, inclusive der Jacke von Tom Hanks, die er in Apollo 13 getragen hat. Für die Kinder hatten die dort ein paar Computer stehen, wo man sich selber eine Raumstation zusammenbauen konnte. Sohni wollte das Programm unbedingt haben um auch zu Hause bauen zu können. Nur gab es das Teil lediglich als Demo. Es war als CD im Buch "Die internationale Raumstation" aus der Reihe Was ist Was vom Tessloff Verlag 1997. Tja und nun bin auf der Suche nach dem vollständigen Spiel. Hat jemand da eine Ahnung wo man es finden kann, oder ob man es eventuell downloaden kann etc?
  6. suche Space Station Simulator

    Danke für den Link, doch ich suche das Teil von 1997, nicht den NASA simulator von heute.
  7. Let the F-35. Not needed expensive toy! A-10 is really needed. Save the live of lots of our soldiers in an enviroiment the F-35 would fail.
  8. one small step for a man

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qX9BspVCjeE&hl=de see yourself
  9. one small step for a man

    "One small step ...", perhaps the most used phrases when talking about space and astronautics. Yesterday, the german french TV station ARTE broadcasted the 40 years old original transmission of the german TV station ARD of the moon landing and moon walk of the Apollo 11 crew. I sat in front of the TV screen and waited for the famous words. BUT Armstrong climbed out of Eagle, steped down the ladder, was talking about the soil, that it looks like some kind of powder, but no "One small step ..." then he walked around, conected with some sort of string with the Lunar Module, then Aldrin came out, they planted the flag ... Later the german TV moderator said, that Armstrong had told this words, but he was'nt! Not in reality. I think he was intended to say this words, but he was so overwhelmed to stand on the moon that he simply forgot to say it.
  10. Problem: I can't autotexture a terrain. The problem is caused by the Terrain Editor version. While the old version autotexture terrains written for SFP1 without problems it has problems with the terrains for the newer Sims like WOE or FE. The new version of TE is good for the newer terrains, but has problems with SFP1. To overcome this i have uploaded the 2 versions of TE in the download section. Use the right TE version and the trouble is over. BUT: there is an other way, for all guys who want to use the new version of TE on old terrains. Step 1: Open the desert terrain Step 2: Open file TextureListDesert Step 3: Click Texture List, click Edit Texture Type List Dialog box is opening click on Mountain new Dialog box is opening set hook on Check for Altitude close the boxes Step 4: Click Texture List, Click Save Texture List With this newly saved Texturelist you can autotexture any terrain with the new version of TE. The problem: sometimes this trick does not work on the first try. Then try it again till it runs fine.
  11. Virtuelles deutsches Geschwader

    Als Trainer würde ich noch die L-39 Albatros vorschlagen. Nettes kleines Ding aus Tschechland.
  12. Afghanistan

    Afghanistan ist auch verdammt staubig. Ich kann mich noch daran erinnern wie vor den ersten Einsätzen der CH-53 alle Ratschläge ehemaliger NVA Leute in den Wind geschlagen wurden, weil man ja staubige und sandige Umgebungen von Übungen im Mittelmeerraum und den USA, sowie vom Somalia Einsatz kannte. Blöd war nur, daß die in Afghanistan anderen Sand (scharfkantig) haben, den die Turbinen der Helis nun gar nicht mochten. Also war ein anderes Staubschutzsystem fällig. Hätte man vorher wissen können, weil ja die ollen NVA Leutchens in der "guten alten" Zeit mit ein paar Pullen Wodka Bestechungsgeld so einiges an Tips und Tricks aus der sowjetischen Zeit am Hindukusch in Erfahrung brachten. Ich kann aus eigener Anschauung berichten, daß deutsch sowjetische Saufgelage die absolute Härte waren (allerdings nur für Buckels). Ach so, wußtet ihr, daß einige DDR Mi-24D Mitte der 80er Jahre in Afghanistan zum Einsatz kamen? Allerdings ohne Piloten. Die Maschinen wurden zur Garantieinspektion nach Moskau geschickt und Kolja hat sie ohne Wissen der Deutschen gleich an den Hindukusch weitergeleitet. Nach etlichen Nachfragen kamen die Doras dann etwa ein halbes Jahr später zurück in die DDR und unsere Techniker haben die Kisten nicht wiedererkannt. Jede Menge Sand in allen möglichen Ecken, Wartung war überhaupt nicht erfolgt, Ölwechsel mußte bei uns gemacht werden etc... Dazu kamen noch provisorisch geflickte Einschußlöcher und als Clou hatte Kolja die Maschinen noch nicht einmal gewaschen bevor er ihnen einen neuen Tarnanstrich verpaßt hat. Die haben einfach den Sand an den Kisten mit überspritzt, so daß die Außenhaut zum Teil aussah wie lackiertes Sandpapier. Die Koljas, das waren schon so richtig gute Freunde. Wer solche Freunde hat braucht keine Feinde.
  13. Afghanistan

    Ich glaube nicht, dass der PVI ne gute Wahl wäre. Panzer gehören einfach nicht ins Gebirge. Gut wäre es vom Ami ein paar A-10 zu besorgen oder vom Russen ein paar Su-25. Den Eurofighter kannst Du glatt vergessen. Scheißteuer und zu nichts zu gebrauchen. Vielleicht könnte man auch die Mi-24P von den Ungarn zurückbekommen. Haben die Gulaschkommunisten sowieso nicht genutzt, sondern nur zur Ersatzteilgewinnung ausgeschlachtet.
  14. To make the things a little bit more difficult: Each single MiG-21 of the LSK (east german air force) had had a unique camo sceme. There were no two birds who had the exactly same look.
  15. First Soviet Jet bombers?

    The first jet bomber was a jet version of the Tu-2. If i remember right the designation was Tu-10 or Tu-12. They simply replaced the piston engine by jet engines. link: Tu-12 page from Aviaorg
  16. MiG-21bis Jagdgeschwader 8 (JG-8) "Hermann Matern" Marxwalde airfield, serial number 75035407. Delivered in July 1976, served till 1990, was taken over by Bundeswehr, new tactical number 24+49, then phased out and, so the rumours, given to Croatia to fight the serbs. One comment, the double missile rail was used only for R-60 missiles, not for the heavier R-3S or R-13M. Model still need the plates below the anti-pompage air intakes.
  17. The best methode against Flak and SAM is called in german "Alle zugleich" in english "All together". Which mean encircle the battery and strike from different directions at one time. But unfortunatly it will not work in game, because you can only direct your wingman to your designated target, not the entire wing.
  18. HARM was a nice missile and easy to fool. In 1999 the Serbs used Microwaves (!) for this job and it worked perfectly. One of the HARM they sent so toward bulgarian capital Sofia. Switch of the radar and switch on the microwave BTW: the source of my statement about SA-8 anti jam capability are german military magazins from early 1990th "Wehrtechnik", "Soldat und Technik" and the book ""Die Landstreitkräfte der NVA".
  19. IL-22 was also the name of an IL-18 version for Command missions. Dont mix both Types!
  20. MiG-29M2 was the former name. MRCA candidate for India.
  21. Nachrichten in deutschland

    Es gibt noch eine andere Erklärung für den Angriff auf die Liberty, zumindestens ein Gerücht. Es heißt, daß die Liberty direkt auf El Arish zusteuerte. In El Arish soll sich ein großes Gefangenenlager befunden haben, in dem israelische Soldaten "überzählige Ägypter entsorgt " haben sollen. Die Israelis wollten wahrscheinlich nicht, daß diese Aktion ans Licht kommt und haben versucht die Liberty zu versenken.
  22. To correct the things: the russians dont nicknamed the SA-8 as Wasp. The original system was called Osa-AK. Osa is russian for Wasp. It was a very capable system in late 80th. Short before Desert Storm the west germans gave some (2 or 3) east german Osa-AK in american hands for test capability tests. The americans found out that the Osa-AK radar was impossible to jam and the missile was nearly impossible to beat with chaff. So they gave the order to avoid Osa-AK positions. Later the west germans gave the other east german Osa-AK systems to Greece. The greek where overwhelmed to get such a capable SAM system and told Oas-AK as their best SAM they ever had. Later they bought SA-300 Favorit from Russia for Cyprus. As said in central europe the Osa-AK was a widely used system and a deadly too. To delete iit from the game would be a little bit cheating ;-)
  23. SFP2 serie

    Klingt ja erst mal nicht schlecht. Aber ich habe noch nen alten Pentium 4 2.8GHz mit 2GB Speicher und ner Radeon X850 Grafikkarte. Läuft SFP2 mit dieser Konfiguration überhaupt zufriedenstellend oder habe ich Slideshow zu erwarten?
  24. Okay, why i say the nukes are widely senseless for military use? Let take the advancing tank battallion as example. As i have learned it in the bad old time a soviet tank battallion consist of 31 vehicles. (3 vehicles/ platoon, 3 platoons + vehicle for company leader = 1 company, 3 companies + vehicle for battalion leader = 1 battallion) Under the conditions of nuclear warfare the doctrine said, that 15 vehicles should be set maximum at 1km wide attack field, what means, that a battallion covers 2 km. If you use a 10kt nuclear bomb to stop this advancing battalion you will have a destruction diameter of that weapon against tanks in the size of between 800 and 900 meters. What means that 60% of the tanks will survive and continue the attack. A simple mind will also come to this simple calculation: i need a destruction diameter that must be twice as high, also i need a weapon which has the dubbled strenght. In our example 20kt bomb instead 10kt. Would be nice if this would be correct, but the problem of nuclear weapons is that the annihilation capability climbs not directly with the strenght of the weapon. If i look at the charts i find, that a 20kt bomb will annihilate tanks i a diameter of 1100 - 1200 meters. To annihilate the advancing tank battalion you would need a bomb of nearly 100 kt. To come to a dubbled kill diameter i need a ten times stonger weapon! What a waste! Not to count the size of the poissened territory which is useless for years. If you want to conquer and use nukes you will conquer a poissened radioactive land. If you want to defend your contry with nukes you will kill yourself. Thatswhy nukes are only weapons of terrorism and useless for military.
  25. The story of the "shadows of Hiroshima" is widely published, but i think it is wrong. In the german air magazin "Fliegerrevue Extra" was an article were a former secret british report from September or October 1945 was published. The brits said, that the people whos shadows are still today to see, survided the bomb explosion for a certain time, walked away and died later caused by the heavy burned skin. The heavy destruction of Hiroshima. was said, was caused by the typical japanese buildings made mainly by wood and paper. Stronger buildings were not as hard damaged. It was also said, that the Hiroshima bomb when used against London would cause around 50.000 dead and wounded civilists. The nuclear weapons are not really worth its price. You can use them only effectivly against civil targets as towns and factories, but not against troops on the field. With the Hiroshima bomb you cant even completly stop the advantage of an attacking panzer battalion. over 60% of the tanks would survive such a strike. A wing of A-10 is much more effective against it.

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