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Everything posted by Gepard

  1. Formosa terrain now with carrier battle groups. Dont know why this american bastards are shooting on me:
  2. The real E-8 taken from a russian web site
  3. You should make the air intake section longer, so that it fit into the engine section.
  4. This bird was called "Sotka". "Cost a hundret tons of gold" and was much to expensive.
  5. Not Saphire-21 but Saphire-22. This radar was used first with MiG-21S and was used in MiG-23S.
  6. I'm playing again with the BoB terrain files. I think the fighter bases need a rework. Really satisfied i was never with it.
  7. File Name: Terrain Editor (2 versions) File Submitter: Gepard File Submitted: 20 Apr 2008 File Category: Utilities/Editors This are the 2 versions of TK's terrain editor tool. The old version use for autotexturing SFP1 terrains. The new version is better for autotexturing FE, WOE, WOI. Click here to download this file
  8. Ye-8 is very welcome. Further informations and some pictures: http://www.testpilot.ru/russia/mikoyan/e/8/e8_e.htm
  9. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showforum=191
  10. I think "Lock On" is a nice sim of soviet birds. And with the last patches "Battle of Britain 2 Wings of Victory" has become a very nice WW2 flight sim.
  11. File Name: T-55AM Panzer of ZAHAL (israelie Army) File Submitter: Gepard File Submitted: 04 May 2008 File Category: Ground Objects Mods T-55AM Panzer of ZAHAL In the 6-Days War of 1967 Israel captured a lot of syrian and egyptian T-55. This panzers were used in the israeli Army (ZAHAL) up to the 70th and proved as good and reliable combat vehicles. During the Yom-Kippur-War the israeli T-55 formed the spearhead of Sharons counter offensive to cross the Suez Canal. In combat with egyptian T-55 the israeli T-55 proved superior due better crew training. ************************************************ INSTALLATION Unzip all files into your objects/groundobjects folder. Thats it. *********************************************** This is a mod of TK's WOI stock T-55. The mod is freeware. Commercial use is not allowed. *********************************************** Hope you enjoy it. Michael (Gepard) Click here to download this file
  12. If you has a 7.62mm_PKB MG in your gunlist you will also see the coaxial MG firing.
  13. The BMP-1 looked better than it was in reality. The BTR-70 and 80 proved superior in Afghanistan.
  14. Version


    T-55AM Panzer of ZAHAL In the 6-Days War of 1967 Israel captured a lot of syrian and egyptian T-55. This panzers were used in the israeli Army (ZAHAL) up to the 70th and proved as good and reliable combat vehicles. During the Yom-Kippur-War the israeli T-55 formed the spearhead of Sharons counter offensive to cross the Suez Canal. In combat with egyptian T-55 the israeli T-55 proved superior due better crew training. ************************************************ INSTALLATION Unzip all files into your objects/groundobjects folder. Thats it. *********************************************** This is a mod of TK's WOI stock T-55. The mod is freeware. Commercial use is not allowed. *********************************************** Hope you enjoy it. Michael (Gepard)
  15. The lingua franca of this forum is english. Its the language all people here more or less understand. If you want to speak in your own language then you should ask the administrator wheter he could open a polish section. And i think he will follow your request, because as he has done it already for czech, hebrew, german etc members.
  16. Did it only appear on the TE or also in the game?
  17. Polska vs. Obwód Kalingradzki ( Polska agr.) Tja, our polish friends. Thats reminds me on the good old story, that the polish wanted to conquere this land, that now is know as Kaliningrad area, some hundred years ago, in the medieval. But the people who setteled there, they were called the Pruzzen, dont wanted to come under the polish regime. So the protected themself very successfully and pushed the polish knights away. The polish attacked the pruzzen again and again and again and the only result were bloody polish heads. Its a typical polish problem of polish selfdeception, the believing to be powerfull lions but to be in reality only weak poodles. But the polish poodle was clever. He called real wolfes to conquer the land of the Pruzzen, he called the Deutschritterorden, the knights of the german order. The germans build the fortress Marienburg and from this fortress they started crusades against Pruzzi, fought around 50 years. Then they hold Pruzzia in their hands. Now the polish poodles came to the german knights and said: Okay, thank you that you have taken Pruzzia, now hand it over and go home. But the knights of the german order were much cleverer than the polish poodle. Before they had started the conquest of Pruzzia they went to the pope and got the permission to keep all land that was conquered during the crusades agains Pruzzia. So the law was on the german side and to poodle went home with haning ears. The polish poodle was fooled and from this time the polish hated the germans, up today, in the strong knowledge of their inferiority. And now our polish friends want to play it again. But now they want to bite the russian bear instead the pruzzen. And we all know how this would end, with bloody polish heads. Also the poodles will have to call support again. The german wolfes or the american eagles? But beware little poodle wolf or eagle will fool you again.
  18. Ask TK or do it youself. But the later option is a very boring job.
  19. I would like to see the red fighters operating under tight ground control. I would also love to see reloadable SAM's and an integrated Air Defence Network.
  20. I would set the Sea tiles min alt = 0 and the max alt = 1
  21. No. But you can create new one with the Terrain Editor tool.
  22. Terrain Migration

    Very difficult. I tried it with Vogesen terrain and i failed.

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