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Everything posted by Gepard

  1. Heavy flak use Schrappnell (sorry dont know the english term). Would be nice if we would have such warhead. But the increasing the explosive warhead may be a good starting point for improving Flak efficency.
  2. Strange thing. Okay. Lets try it on following way. 1. you must have an folder wwi/terrain/vogesen with all files relating to Vogesen terrain. 2. you must have the folder wwi/terrain/cambrai with all files relating to TK's Cambrai terrain 3. In folder cambrai you must have the subfolders Fall, Snow, Spring 4. In this subfolders you must have all files which TK put into this folders plus the two files i made (FRRheinG.tga and FRRheinK.tga) for Vogesen terrain. If you has deleted the subfolders Fall, Snow, Spring you has a problem with the seasons, because the game will not find the neccessary files. In this case a reinstallation of the subfolders Fall, Snow, Spring will be neccessary. If you dont want to have them into your wwicambrai folder, you can place this subfolders into Vogesen terrain folder. Then you must edit the file Vogesen.ini. The lines you find below. Simply copy ond overwrite the existing lines. I hope my answer will help you. [Terrain] TerrainFullName=Vogesen DataFile=Vogesen_data.INI TargetFile=Vogesen_targets.INI TargetTypeFile=Vogesen_types.INI MovementFile=Vogesen_movement.INI NationsFile=Vogesen_nations.INI BriefingText=Vogesen_briefing.INI DogfightFile=Vogesen_dogfight.INI DogfightOnly=FALSE CatFile=..\wwiCambrai\wwiCambrai.cat Longitude=5.221 Latitude=49.176 [Map] FilenameFormat=Vogesen-Map%d.bmp Width=250000.0 Height=250000.0 NumZoomLevels=2 [WeatherChance] ScatteredChance=25 BrokenChance=25 OvercastChance=17 InclementChance=8 [season001] Directory=..\Vogesen\Snow StartDate=1/1 EndDate=1/27 ScatteredChance=0 BrokenChance=40 OvercastChance=50 InclementChance=10 [season002] Directory=..\Vogesen\Fall StartDate=01/28 EndDate=04/14 ScatteredChance=25 BrokenChance=40 OvercastChance=17 InclementChance=8 [season003] Directory=..\Vogesen\Spring StartDate=04/15 EndDate=06/20 ScatteredChance=40 BrokenChance=25 OvercastChance=17 InclementChance=8 [season004] Directory=..\Vogesen\Fall StartDate=09/21 EndDate=11/25 ScatteredChance=25 BrokenChance=40 OvercastChance=17 InclementChance=8 [season005] Directory=..\Vogesen\Snow StartDate=11/26 EndDate=12/31 ScatteredChance=0 BrokenChance=40 OvercastChance=50 InclementChance=10
  3. It isnt complicate. 1.open file israel2_movements.ini with notepad editor 2.copy the lines i posted above and overwrite the relating entries in the movement.ini file. 3.Save the file Thats it.
  4. To no.2 question i can't tell you something. This is a problem of the game and I'm not the big guru to know the answer. To question no.1. The seasons. Do you has FE with the expand pack or only the original game? The terrain is written for the Expansion Pack. Without it it will have no seasons, because the seasons are a newly introduced feature which are not part of FE. Other solution could be, that you has renamed the Cambrai terrain folder.
  5. To the frontline [FrontLine] FriendlyBase=Brownsville Airport EnemyBase=Laredo International Position[001]=24400,110115 Position[002]=186872,181809 Position[003]=141312,260881 Position[004]=121235,296236 Position[005]=109944,309776 StartShow=4 <<<<<<<this is wrong EndShow=12 <<<<<<< this is wrong try follow entries StartShow=1 EndShow=5 thats all :;-)
  6. Working with TE harm the xxx_data.ini file. TE write an old version of the data.ini file. Thatswhy it is the best way to have one original _data.ini in backup. Perhaps the TE is the reason for your problem.
  7. My work on Vogesen terrain comes to an end. Thatswhy i'm playing with the though to make a terrain in 1:1 scale covering Taiwan, the Formosa Street and a little bit of China. Is there an interesst in the community for such a terrain or would it be wasted time?
  8. Some minutes ago i uploaded the first Beta of Formosa Street (Taiwanhixai) terrain. I think in some hours it will be available for download.
  9. I would like to put a little bit water into your wine, but the Century Fighters were all not the top. I would favor the french Super Mystere instead of the F-100 or F-101, the Mirage III or the MiG-21 instead of the F-104, the british Lightning would i set over the F-102 or F-106 and as strike plane i would choose the F-4 instead of the F-105. And my favorite bird would be the F-5 Tiger.
  10. IL-10 had a better armament and was aerodynamicly surerior to the IL-2
  11. For the TE there is no need for tga files. Only in the game you need the TGA. TE is working only with bmp files. Dont use the _hm.bmp files. These are for additionally heigh data for the tile. You can create hills on the tiles which are not connected wih the terrain.
  12. This are the lines for the file Israel2_movement.ini. It are the 1948 - 1967 borders of Israel for my Israel2 terrain. The West Bank is jordan there and the Golan is syrian. You see, a x and a y coordinate. Check this points on the map and move them on the place you wish. [FrontLine] FriendlyBase=Tel Nof EnemyBase=Inshas Position[001]=508000.000,600000.000 Position[002]=550500.000,552500.000 Position[003]=536500.000,537000.000 Position[004]=593000.000,351500.000 Position[005]=600750.000,354000.000 Position[006]=605000.000,370000.000 Position[007]=648250.000,517750.000 Position[008]=641250.000,539500.000 Position[009]=616000.000,545250.000 Position[010]=600500.000,553750.000 Position[011]=597750.000,567250.000 Position[012]=603250.000,588250.000 Position[013]=608250.000,590250.000 Position[014]=628000.000,590250.000 Position[015]=628500.000,592250.000 Position[016]=610500.000,595750.000 Position[017]=618000.000,645000.000 Position[018]=634000.000,651000.000 Position[019]=658300.000,654000.000 Position[020]=663000.000,730000.000 Position[021]=629000.000,748000.000 Position[022]=498000.000,748000.000 StartShow=2 EndShow=21
  13. The best is to make a subfolder into the terrain folder. In this folder you should place the texturelist.ini and all terraintiles. all tiles must have 256x256 pixel all tga files must be converted to bmp files to get TE running Then you has all to run the TE. A major problem of TE is, that terrains which are created with old version of TE you cant autotile with the new version of TE and vice versa. For such terrains i use the old version of TE for autotiling and the new version for the rest of the job.
  14. I think with A2G missiles you mean unguided rockets like the S-5 of the UB-32 pods. The aimpoint of the unguided rockets is connected with the air to ground gunnery sight. The definition you find in the cockpit.ini here the lines for the Su-22M4 [GunsightFront] HasGunsight=TRUE GunsightMilSize=30 GunsightName=Zielpunkt Luft.tga AGGunsightName=Zielpunkt.tga <<<<<< This line LeadComputing=TRUE MinLeadRange=300 MaxLeadRange=1300 DefaultLeadRange=500 MaxDepression=172 DefaultDepression=50 At this point you can designate the wished A2G sight format.
  15. Ordway, I would use a completly different approach to merge the 2 neigbouring DEM files. Step 1 you has already done. Import the (left, western)DEM file into TE You will find the heigh data visible as green and the water as blue. The right, eastern region is also blue, what means, no heigh data available. Step 2 Use "Export heigh map as bitmap" function of file directory of TE and save the picture as west.bmp Step 3 Newstart of TE and import the right, eastern DEM Step 4 is the same as Step 2, but save it under west.bmp. Step 5 open the 2 bmp files with a paint program like PaintShopPro. Then copy the green (height data) part of the east.bmp into the empty part of the west.bmp. Save the merged file. Step 6 Use "Import Heigh map from bitmap" function to import the merged bmp file. Its a little bit difficult to explane it in english. German i would prefer, but i hope it was clear enough. If not ask again.
  16. I found one difference between R-60M and MK wich is not often to hear. In german (westgerman) use the warhead of the MK was replaced by the warhead of the M. The reason was, that the continous rod warhead of the MK was made of Depleted Uranium and the M had one made of Wolfram Steel.
  17. East german air force used R-60M and MK. I think the Czech would have the same. To correct the statements about the MK. It was developed for MiG-23ML, not for MiG-29. The R-73 was designed for the Fulcrum.
  18. While working on an updated version of Vogesen Terrain for First Eagles i found the problem of flickering textures of a flat object. My intention was to create a garden for a chateau. For the garden i used the same flat object, that i already successfully used in SFP1 and WOE for creating airfields, i only changed the texture of the garden. While i never had problems in SFP1 and WOE i have in FE to face, that the terrain texture is flickering through the object. Has someone an idea, how to solve this problem?
  19. Suez terrain has borders which are close to the todays borders. Israel terrain has borders in the time between 1967 and the withdraw of the israelis from Sinai.
  20. You find it in the download section WHATS NEW? Version 1.0 1. Vogesen Terrain is now compatible with the Expansion Pack of First Eagles. You will enjoy now the terrain in all 4 seasons. You will face snow in the winter and green in the summer. If you dont have the expansion pack you should open file vogesen.ini and exchange line CatFile=..\wwiCambrai\wwiCambrai.cat with CatFile=..\wwiVerdun\wwiVerdun.cat 2. I improved the tiling of the terrain. The street network in the Elsass is now much more dense. The River Rhine is now not longer a fragment. 3. I added 2 new german airfields, 2 more Rhine bridges, 2 other bridges, a couple of Castles, 2 chateaus and additional observation ballons (hope i had forgotten nothing). Increased the number of target areas from 78 to 116. 4. I cutted the middle Rhine Valley into the mountains south of Koblenz. This beautifull valley, which is famous for its castles, is still only a fragment. But i enjoyed the fly through this valley very often. With a WWI plane its an relaxe flight. For a funny ride you should take a WWII bird. With full speed in a FW-190, a Spitfire or a Mustang hedgehopping there is a great experience. Hope you enjoy it.
  21. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...ode=sst&id=5933 File Name: Vogesen Terrain version 1.0File Submitter: Gepard File Submitted: 2 Feb 2008 File Category: Terrains VOGESEN TERRAIN Version 1.0 ===================== Vogesen terrain is made for TK's sim "First Eagles" only. I have never tested it with SFP1 sim family. **************************************************** FIRST WORDS The Vogesen, in french Vosges, are a mountain ridge along the former french german border. It devided the Elsass (Alsace) from Lothringen. The Elsass was german till 1648 , from 1648 to 1871 french and became german again in 1871. When the great war broke out french armies tried to attack from Fortress Belfort in direction of Mühlhausen (Muhlhouse), but had no real success. Also along the hills of the Vogesen mountains the war was hard and bitter. The german soldier fought here on german soil to defend the civilists in the Elsass lowlands, very often only some steps away from the last hills from where you have a beautifull look over the towns and villages. Very hard were the fights around the hill Hartmannsweilerkopf (Hartmannswillerkopf). I gave the towns and villages their old german names, to represent the time of the great war. This is not expression of desires of revanche which poissend the relations between germans and french since the french engagement during the 30 years war (1618 - 48). I'm glad that this bitter times are over and today germans and french call friends each other. Vogesen Terrain is still work in progress. Only the southern part of the terrain is finished. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ WHATS NEW? Version 1.0 1. Vogesen Terrain is now compatible with the Expansion Pack of First Eagles. You will enjoy now the terrain in all 4 seasons. You will face snow in the winter and green in the summer. If you dont have the expansion pack you should open file vogesen.ini and exchange line CatFile=..\wwiCambrai\wwiCambrai.cat with CatFile=..\wwiVerdun\wwiVerdun.cat 2. I improved the tiling of the terrain. The street network in the Elsass is now much more dense. The River Rhine is now not longer a fragment. 3. I added 2 new german airfields, 2 more Rhine bridges, 2 other bridges, a couple of Castles, 2 chateaus and additional observation ballons (hope i had forgotten nothing). Increased the number of target areas from 78 to 116. 4. I cutted the middle Rhine Valley into the mountains south of Koblenz. This beautifull valley, which is famous for its castles, is still only a fragment. But i enjoyed the fly through this valley very often. With a WWI plane its an relaxe flight. For a funny ride you should take a WWII bird. With full speed in a FW-190, a Spitfire or a Mustang hedgehopping there is a great experience. ********************************************************* INSTALLATION 1.) unzip all files into your WWI/Terrain folder (files will be placed in folders Vogesen AND wwiCambrai) 2.) the file "Burgen am Rhein.msn" put into your missions folder Thats it. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CREDITS As usual i want to say thank you to all guys who helped me to create Vogesen terrain, to TK, ErikGen, and a lot of others,( sorry guys, at the moment i have forgotten the names. Please contact me if you want to be named at this place.) Thanks for files, suggestions, bug findings etc ********************************************** DISCLAIMER Vogesen terrain is freeware. You are free to modify and share it, BUT Commercial use is prohibited. If you find bugs please post them in StrikeFighters section of Combatace.com forum. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hope you enjoy it. Michael (Gepard) Click here to download this file
  22. The problem of a India Pakistan terrain are the mountains. The AI planes could have the tendency to run against the hills. It could be also difficult to use Alt +N because of the danger of hitting the hills. To build this terrain would require the terrain data for the heigh profile,( what is not the problem), then it would need a completly new texture set (who would make it) and finaly the order of battle, the knowledge, where to place the airfields, SAM sites and other target areas. Would be a very big work. And then the problem with AI fly into the hills.
  23. If i take a look to the First Eagle WWI sim of TK i find weather parameters in the terrain files. I guess, that TK will implement this feature in the SFP1 seria when he release WOI. Or better said, i hope he will do it.

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