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Everything posted by Gepard

  1. The real K were rebuild soviet MiG-27 for export. K means there "kommertschnui". For the case of my "what if" K stands for "korabelnui" ship based
  2. I tried to implement a HUD on Magos MiG-21MF cockpit for my MiG-23MK carrierborne Fighter. I copied all lines from A-10 cockpit into the cockpit files, but i had no success. I had seen never a little bit of HUD markings.
  3. I'm happy that you enjoy it. For carrier operations i made a little CV-63 mod as TAKR Orjol soviet aircraft carrier.
  4. File Name: Orjol (Orel) soviet aircraft carrier File Submitter: Gepard File Submitted: 10 November 2007 File Category: Aircraft Carriers TAKR Orjol In the 70th the Soviet Navy had a high ranking aircraft carrier project (project 1153 Orjol). It was cancelled by Marshall Gretschko who favored the baby carriers of the Kiev class. Searching the net for information i found, that the Orjol was planned as a counterpart to the american attack aircraft carriers with similar design and a tonnage between 70.000 and 80.000 tons. Thatswhy i used the stock CV-63 of WOE for making the Orjol carrier. INSTALLATION Simply unzip all files into your WOE/objects/GroundObject folder Thats it. Orjol will work without problems in WOE and WOV. For using in SFP1 you must extract the files CV-63.lod to CV-63_lod006.lod from objects.cat of WOE or WOV and copy them into your Orjol folder of SFP1. Hope you enjoy it Michael (Gepard) Click here to download this file
  5. Version


    MiG-27K (K ... Korabelnui ... carrier based) for WoE This is a mod of the stock MiG-27 of Wings over Europe. It will not work with SFP1 and WOV because the lod files are not included. If you want to use it with SFP1 or WOV you must extract the files MiG-27.lod MiG-27_LOD2.lod MiG-27_LOD3.lod MiG-27_LOD4.lod MiG-27_LOD5.lod from objects.cat of WOE and copy them in the MiG-27K folder. ****************************************************** INSTALLATION: Unzip all files into your Wings Over Europe/Objects/Aircraft folder. Thats it. ****************************************************** The MiG-27K was originally intended as attack plane of the soviet carriers of the Orel class. In the 70th the Orel was a high ranking aircraft carrier project of the Soviet Navy (Project 1153 if i remember right). It was canceled by Marshall Grechko who favored the Project 1143, the later Kiev class aircraft carrier. The MiG-27K was build in 2 or 3 prototypes and were tested at the Saki facility (Crimea Penisula). +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ differences to stock MiG-27: * modified flightmodel of the plane to improve the handling. * added capability to land on aircraft carriers * added some armour, so that the MiG-27 now can survive MG fire * added on board jammer * added 15 flares and 15 Chaff * added Magos great MiG-21F cockpit (thanks for it Mago!) * plane can now fly intercept and CAP missions Known problem: You cant see the tailhook coming down. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hope you enjoy it Michael (Gepard)
  6. Number limit

    1000 is more correct from 000 to 999.
  7. Once only a soviet project: The MiG-23K
  8. MiG-23K.jpg

    Still Work in Progress, the carrierborne MiG-23K.
  9. I remember reading a british battle report of fighter activities in WW2. The author wrote, that the warningcall "109 on your tail" forced all british fighter pilots in range to break. Same thing i read in russian reports of MiG-15 activity in Korea.
  10. Mirage F1

    I have never had problems with landing the F-1. Landing speed around 250 km/h. At higher speeds the landing becomes a little bit difficult.
  11. Every terrain has an "invisible" wall around, so that you cant go out of the terrain. Maybe the MiG's run against this wall.
  12. If planes are set on the same place on airfields, the reason is, that there is no desert_airfield.ini file available. I guess 12ams plays WOE or WOV. BoB terrain is written for SFP1. It use desert_airfield3.ini file for plane location on airfields. The older versions of WOE and WOV does not include desert_airfield3.ini. With the latest patch TK included the SFP1 airfield files into WOE and WOV. The simplest solution of 12ams problem is to download the latest patch.
  13. File Name: Battle of Britain terrain update v.1.3 to v1.4 File Submitter: Gepard File Submitted: 09 September 2007 File Category: Terrains Battle of Britain terrain contains the area of South England, the English Canal, the Canal Islands and North France. It is the area where the famous Battle of Britain was fought in 1940. This file update your already existing Battle of Britain terrain version 1.3 to the new standard 1.4 Simply extract into your Strike Fighters folder. New is: -some updated terrain tiles -modified France, now including the Seine river and Cities along this river -65 new target areas mainly in France (airfields, factories etc) -Convoys (made by Baltika for his BoB campaign) -changed look of german fighter bases (Fliegerhorst) I tested the terrain as intensive as i could and found no bugs. If you find bugs, then please contact me via PM at SIMHQ Forum are at COMBATACE Forum. Finally i want to say thank you to all who supported me with files and hints. Hope you enjoy it. Michael (Gepard) Click here to download this file
  14. New version of my Battle of Britain terrain is released. You find it at the download section.
  15. Version


    Battle of Britain terrain contains the area of South England, the English Canal, the Canal Islands and North France. It is the area where the famous Battle of Britain was fought in 1940. This file update your already existing Battle of Britain terrain version 1.3 to the new standard 1.4 Simply extract into your Strike Fighters folder. New is: -some updated terrain tiles -modified France, now including the Seine river and Cities along this river -65 new target areas mainly in France (airfields, factories etc) -Convoys (made by Baltika for his BoB campaign) -changed look of german fighter bases (Fliegerhorst) I tested the terrain as intensive as i could and found no bugs. If you find bugs, then please contact me via PM at SIMHQ Forum are at COMBATACE Forum. Finally i want to say thank you to all who supported me with files and hints. Hope you enjoy it. Michael (Gepard)
  16. File Name: Battle of Britain terrain version 1.4 File Submitter: Gepard File Submitted: 08 September 2007 File Category: Terrains Version 1.4 After a long periode of silence i thought, that BoB terrain was dead. BoB was forgotten. But then i found the BoB Campaign at www.combatace.com and it was a great campaign for my forgotten terrain. Then the campaign builders contacted me and this was the kickstart for me to improve BoB terrain again. - I updated some terraintiles. Mostly the cities, the villages and the airfields. -Then i invested some time in making target areas in France. You find now industrial targets in Paris and other french towns. Some new airfields i added and i made the Port of Brest. - The Convoys are made by Steven for his BoB Campaign. I added them in my terrain too, after a very small modification. - there are now 229 target areas, this are 65 more as in Version 1.3. - german fighter bases (Fliegerhorst) also got a new face. I tested the terrain as intensive as i could and found no bugs. If you find bugs, then please contact me via PM at SIMHQ Forum or at COMBATACE Forum. Finally i want to say thank you to all guys who supported me in building this terrain with files and hints. Click here to download this file
  17. Version


    Version 1.4 After a long periode of silence i thought, that BoB terrain was dead. BoB was forgotten. But then i found the BoB Campaign at www.combatace.com and it was a great campaign for my forgotten terrain. Then the campaign builders contacted me and this was the kickstart for me to improve BoB terrain again. - I updated some terraintiles. Mostly the cities, the villages and the airfields. -Then i invested some time in making target areas in France. You find now industrial targets in Paris and other french towns. Some new airfields i added and i made the Port of Brest. - The Convoys are made by Steven for his BoB Campaign. I added them in my terrain too, after a very small modification. - there are now 229 target areas, this are 65 more as in Version 1.3. - german fighter bases (Fliegerhorst) also got a new face. I tested the terrain as intensive as i could and found no bugs. If you find bugs, then please contact me via PM at SIMHQ Forum or at COMBATACE Forum. Finally i want to say thank you to all guys who supported me in building this terrain with files and hints.
  18. If you has installed the newest patch of WOE it should run without problems.
  19. Is there a way to convert the EAW speechpack into SFP1 format? Would be nice to have german pilot and ground controller voices in WW2 scenarios.
  20. New updated version off my BoB terrain will coming soon. Included now some target areas in France.
  21. J-7E is the chinese name. Its said, that this bird can hold itself very well against Su-27 (J-11) in dogfight.
  22. File Name: Israel 2 terrain File Submitter: Gepard File Submitted: 23 December 2006 File Category: Terrains ISRAEL 2 Terrain version 2.0 23.Dezember 2006 ===================== Israel Terrain INSTALLATION instruction: 1.) unzip all files into your Strike Fighters folder 2.) If you use WOV open WOV folder and copy file Israel2.ini into Israel2 folder 3.) If you use WOE open WOE folder and copy file Israel2.ini into Israel2 folder For WOE and WOE you must download a desert terrain tileset seperatly! *************************************************** The first versions of Israel terrain for SFP1 were very successfull. They were downloaded in high numbers from C6, Combatace, Avsim and other sources, but i was never really satisfied with it. The reason was, that the size of Israel terrain was only 60% of reality. With the new terrain editor tool TK offered to the community i was able to make a terrain that is nearly correct scaled. But i had to rebuild the terrain completly from the scratch. As promised i release the new terrain now short before Christmas. What is new? *Completly new terrain with enlarged size. It covers now also Cyprus and Lebanon *additional terraintiles (Canal, Mountainwoood) *airfields with multiple runways *new designed SAM fence along the Suez Canal the SAM Complex west of the Bitter Lake (Osiris) i designed using a report about the big air to SAM battle in 1970 between the Israelis and the Egytians. So Osiris should be more or less historical correct. The positions of the other networkes (Ra, Isis, Sala Uhudin) are more or less fiction. I also reduced the number of SAM sites, as requested by some players. *number of target areas is now 292 (212 in the preview, 128 in Israel v1.5) * I include a smoothed terrain height data file in folder Israel2/Smooth. Personaly i prefer the more rough standard terrain, but if you like a smooth terrain copy file Israel2.hfd from folder Israel2/Smooth into Israel2 folder * I included also updated Panzer files. The T-34,T-54,T-55,T-62 have now coaxial machineguns and their performance is now a little bit more real. *The SAM Fence along the Suez Canal now consits only between 1970 - 1976. In 1977 the Egyptians changed their AD startegy from area defence to point defence. I want to say thank you to all guys who supported Israel2 terrain with ideas, hints, files and good wishes. Thanks to Polak for the Pontons and the Pyramids, Gecko6 for the Coolingtowers, thanks to the guy who made the factory complex some years ago (I forgot his name) and of course TK for the terrain editor and the great SFP1 flight sim. And finaly a big thank you to all unnamed and forgotten object and file makers. *************************************** If you find bugs, please post it at www.combatace.com forum of Strike Fighters section of www.SIMHQ.com forum ******************************************* This terrain is FREEWARE and is NOT intended for commercial use. I hope you enjoy it. Michael (Gepard) Click here to download this file
  23. In the options is a point where you can toggle through the head up data including no data visible. You must first set a key combination. I use myself STRG+H.
  24. Pferdsfeld AFB is next WIP. Will try to see Nörvenich.
  25. A Mi-24 with the Name "Biene Maja"

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