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Everything posted by Gepard

  1. The Sukhoi was attacking IS forces close to the Golan heights. I think the IS is a bigger danger for us all than Assad. So the shot down was a mistake.
  2. World of Tanks

    Since 2014 the game has updated a lot of times. Its still fun, but with a much better graphic engine. BTW, this is graphic setting nearly minimum.
  3. In reality you can select the size of the salvo. In the Mi-24 it was possible to fire 1 rocket per pod, 4 rockets per pod, 16 per pod or all rockets at one time. In the AH-1 it was the same procedure.
  4. There is no simple solution. The "easiest way" is to move the runway to a flat area. The other way is to use the TerrainEditor to flatten the area around the runway.
  5. The F-104 Starfighter was the intended air superiority fighter for the USAF.
  6. The runway is placed not on a flat area. Its a terrain issue, has nothing to do with the campaign.
  7. MiG-23 Flogger in the middle east 

    Had Libya had MiG-23MLD? MS, MF and ML they had. but MLD?
  8. Soviet era propaganda films

    Here a east german propagada movie. Interessing part starts at 1:00.
  9. Soviet era propaganda films

    Some soviet cinema movies. Storyline: American are bad, soviets are brave good guys.
  10. That would be file piracy and this is forbitten here. We are not in China.
  11. With the MiG-23ML a new swing wing position was possible. For dogfight the wings was now moved to 30° which gave a much better turn rate than before. The empty weight was around 1 t lighter. I have seen MiG-23ML making a full circle in 22seconds.
  12. What if East Germany will rise again:
  13. The MiG-23 had had no automated swing wings. The pilot had to move the wings by "hand".
  14. The soviet war literature is the same as the american. "We are the heros, the others are the dumb fools." An other thing were the military literature, which was intended to teach lessons to the new military generation. From tanks over planes to air defence. There were also analysis of different wars after WW2, from Korea to Falkland, and mostly without any idiological rubbish. Biographies would be also interessting. Pokryshkin, the soviet no 2 ace in WW2, wrote a very interesting one. Then there was a czech or slovak author. Franticek Faitle, who fought first in the RAF and then moved to the USSR and then was transfered into the area of slovak national rebellion to fight with La-5FN against the german Luftwaffe in Slovakia. Problem. All in german translation. I doubt, that english translations are available. Edit, the czech pilot was: František Fajtl https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/František_Fajtl
  15. Does it happen everytime or only at certain targets?
  16. If you can, release it please. IIRC it was the last, or one of the last Messerschmitt designs.
  17. The helicopter became a attraction for the local medias, inclusive fotoshooting for a model. Here a link to german TV station MDR. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NneQClyeY_M
  18. Today i have seen 5 Chinooks, 17 Apaches and one Black Hawk flying over Saxony. I guess, that they are flying to the NATO exercises in the Baltic states. First a group of 4 Chinooks were flying in line formation along the Bundesstraße 2 northbound. Around a half hour later one heli came back alone and it sounds not really good. He still made it for some kilometers before the Chinook had to perform a field landing near the town of Delitzsch. See attached link to the local newspaper http://www.lvz.de/Region/Delitzsch/US-Militaerhubschrauber-muss-auf-Delitzscher-Feld-notlanden One hour later a formation of 8 Apaches with a UH-60 leader were on the way northbound. Two hours later a formation of 9 Paches and one Chinook was on the way. Sorry for the bad quality of the photos. My mobile phone is from stoneage.
  19. The Chinook at the emergency landing site.
  20. I would like to have a better fitting cockpit for the "Düppelschwein" (word by word translated as "Chaff Pig" or "Chaff Hog", but the meaning lose in translation) as we called the F-4G in the bad old days.
  21. Does the USAF have a waiting list?

    Really? But dont count to much on us in a conflict with Russia. We have weapons for only 4 EuFis. Wheny they have shooten their missiles we must throw with cotton balls.
  22. Does the USAF have a waiting list?

    Dont worry. In Germany we have a minister of defence who has more own children than combat ready Eurofighters.
  23. Okay, dann auf Deutsch. Der TE verkraftet nur Dateien im Format 256x256 Pixel. Für die Arbeit mit dem TE musst Du also einen Extra Ordner haben, in dem alle Tiles im Format 256x256 Pixel gespeichert sind. Für das endgültige Terrain ist es dann egal wie groß die Tiles sind. The TE accepts only tiles in the size of 256x256 pixel. Thatswhy you must have tiles in 256x256 pixel size in the folder for working with TE. In the terrain folder you can have tiles with better resolution, or even with other format. JPG instead BMP for instance.
  24. Big white squares are missing tiles. In SF2 world it would be black squares. It could be, that it are tiles in jpg format, which IIRC SF1 cant handle.
  25. The Drop Tank Dilemma

    One story i would add from Korea War. When the MiG-15 entered the war, the supply situation with fuel tanks was bad. The soviet pilots got the order to drop the tanks only in emergency. On November 8, 1950 a single flying MiG-15, piloted by S.Lt. Kharitonow was surprised by an attacking F-80, flown by 1Lt.Russel Brown. Shortly after oppening the fire 5 of 6 machine guns of the F-80 jammed, but some bullits hit the MiG-15. Kharitonow now aware, that he was attacked dropped the fuel tanks. As usual with the early MiG-15 drop tanks some fuel vapored. For the american pilot it must have been like a deadly hitten plane. But the MiG-15 dived down, accelerated and escaped. For a long time in the western medias this was called the first jet to jet kill in history.

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