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Everything posted by Gepard

  1. Over Hokkaido northeast bound toward soviet Kurils.
  2. The weapon release altitude can be fixed in the data.ini of the plane with lines like: [LevelBombAI] ReleaseAlt=7000.0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Change this parameter. ReleaseCount=24 ReleaseInterval=0.1
  3. Visiting an SAM site on Kurils. Does we have SAM trailer trucks somewhere?
  4. The number of available trees per tile depends also from a entry in the terrain_data.ini. AlphaObjectVertexCount=8192 AlphaObjectIndexCount=12288 As higher the values, as more trees can be "planted"
  5. I dont know, why at Hokkaido the farmland has this squary lines of trees. Okay its Japan. They make strange things like eating raw fish, karaoke, harakiri. Why not planting squares of trees filled with farmland=
  6. I would prefer a bombay for cruise missile launchers instead 3 missiles under the belly. Like Tu-22M or B-1B.
  7. WIP. New tiles for the japanese island of my Kuril Islands terrain. Intercept mission over Kunashir island. And again one Japonsky down!
  8. I restarted my Kuril Islands terrain. Made it in the new 250m style highmesh and used the IslandNA tileset. And so it looks now:
  9. Stary should be able to answer that question. I thought it were a maximum of 256 objects in a TOD file. But with 200 you are on the safe side. The other way would be to use the single trees as a normal ground object in the target areas. Such trees you find in SF2NA i think. BUT there is also a limit of maximum objects for target areas, so you come easily in danger to reach this limit if you want to "plant" a forrest with that way.
  10. The solution is simple. Plant less trees.
  11. I played with the files a little bit to bring sequencial numbers and insignias on panzers.
  12. On bord of german carrier Theodor Heuss. some years later
  13. Ein paar Gedanken zu Pegida, Lügenpresse etc

    Nachtrag zur SEK Logo Posse. Die Logos werden von den Sitzen des Fahrzeuge wieder entfernt. Kann ja nicht teuer genug sein!
  14. Ein paar Gedanken zu Pegida, Lügenpresse etc

    Ich weiß nicht ob man es im Rets des Landes mitbekommen hat. In Sachsen gibt es mal wieder Zoff. Grund sind Panzerfahrzeuge, die das sächsische SEK erhalten hat. Gut, man könnte sich darüber aufregen, weil Panzerfahrzeuge was für Militär sind und nichts für die Polizei. Aber nein, darum geht der Streit nicht. Es geht um Logos, die in die Sitze der Fahrzeuge eingestickt sind. Gut, ich würde es einsehen, wenn man sich darüber aufregt, dass die ganze Stickerei die Kosten unnötig in die Höhe treibt. Ist ja schließlich unser aller Steuergeld, was da mit offenen Händen zum Fenster rausgeschmissen wird. Aber es geht nicht um die Kosten, sondern das Logo an sich. Es gibt da ein paar halbgebildete Wichtigtuer, die im Logo des SEK eine Anleihe an das NS Regime sehen wollen. Peinlich. Peinlich deshalb, weil es zwar eine Anleihe ist, aber nicht bei der Wehrmacht etc.pp, sondern bei der NVA. Das Logo des sächsischen SEK wurde aus der Qualispange der NVA abgeleitet. Und wer es nicht glauben will, ich habe mal Bilder der Qualispangen von NVA und LSK auf das Bild mit den Sitzen des sächsischen SEK Panzerfahrzeugs gebastelt.
  15. Polish MiG-29 crashed

    The MiG-29 has an outstandig ejection seat. It works very well. Interestingly Janes claimes, that the pilot does not eject. He was found in the wreck, with minor injuries. http://www.janes.com/article/76531/polish-mig-29-jet-fighter-crashes
  16. The truth is out there...........on US Navy FLIR

    I dont know, what kind of proof the videos should be. What i see is a dot and later an flying object of unusual shape. But this means nothing. When the US Air Force tested captured Go229 after the war, UFO sightings increased. When the SR-71 was tested, the same. When the F-117 was tested it happend again. An unusals shape of an flying object is rather a hint of a test of the new plane instead extraterrestrical activities.
  17. Bundesmarine F-2GN Super Fury ready for take off from Carrier "Walther Scheel" On course to soviet carrier group around TAKR Odessa Carrier hit, but plane damaged. Strike seen from wingman.
  18. Imagine my surprise when...

    Its the question what you want to do. Either you can feel flattered and say: "Cool!" Or you feel angry and you take contact with this FB group and ask, why they are using your screenshot without your permission.
  19. If you had to buy a new automobile.

    Rather crazy. He is burning money in big numbers. His car company never wrote black numbers. And the technological advantage he had is shrinking like snow in the summer. The big automotive companies, like BMW are gaining very fast. Its only a question of time that Tesla is out, because of quality reasons. Especially compared with european quality standards.
  20. Yep. If i set NavalMap=False. Then i have onyl strikes against land targets. But even carrier based planes, like A-7, does not start from carrier, but from land base. If i set NavalMap=True, then carrier based planes start form ship. But targets are only the enemy ships, never against land targets. There should be a way, that the engine randomly select land targtes and ship targets.
  21. Do svidanya japonez!!! Iti damoi! Good by, Japs! Go home!!
  22. In a campaign it works. But how it is with single missions?
  23. Formation.ini is correct file to mod. here you must look for [SovietBomberElm] Position[01].Offset= 0, 0, 0 Position[02].Offset= -100, -50, -5 Position[03].Offset= 100, 50, 5 change into [SovietBomberElm] Position[01].Offset= 0, 0, 0 Position[02].Offset= -100, 0, -5 Position[03].Offset= 100, 0, 5

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