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Posts posted by Gepard

  1. It is an old tactic for soviet combat helicopters. I found it in a tactical document of the East German Army. It is called "Angriff aus dem Hochziehen" (attack while pull up).

    The pilots did not loved this kind of attack, because the helicopters had no aiming device for it. The tactics said, that you need a two ground controllers on the ground. Or two orientation points. The line between the two points or controllers marks the flightpath. When reaching the second point you must pull up to a specific angle, with a specitic speed and start firing the unguided rockets. This had to be done very accurate. If not the rockets hit anything else, but not the target. Even the wind direction and wind speed must be in the calculation.

    A direct hit on a small target, like a tank is nearly impossible. Areal targets can be hit with a certain degree.

    After the pull up maneuver it was orderd to fire masses of flares, dive down and go over to very low flight level. And run away.

    In SF2 world you will see no or less success with this kind of attack.

    • Like 4

  2. My 2 cents have nothing to do with the 3d model. For me it looks great.

    My 2 cents are about the flight behavior of the Shafrir. Pilots said, that the Shafrir made very heavy curls while flying. Much bigger than the Sidewinder or the soviet R-3S (AA-2). It was also said, that Shafrir, which made not such big movements hit nothing.

    I dont know, wheter this behavior can be simulated in the SF2 world.

    • Like 1

  3. There were two kinds of colors. Black and the strange color, which you call turquoise. Some planes came with black, the other with turquoise cockpits. Later were the blacks repainted to turquoise. It was said, that it had a psychological reason. It should "rise" the moral. The turquoise should have been better for the eyes too. It was said, that it was easier to detect the instruments. This is what i have heared during my military time.

    Here some detail photos of a MiG-21 cockpit. IIRC it is a MiG-21bis cockpit, maybe a MiG-21MF cockpit.






    EDIT: I have looked into my archive. The photos were taken at Flugplatzmuseum Cottbus. It is a MiG-21bis, subversion SAU. The MiG-21bisSAU is the version with the arrow shaped antenna under the air intake. The other version MiG-21bisLasur did not had this antenna.



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