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Posts posted by Gepard

  1. HARM was a nice missile and easy to fool. In 1999 the Serbs used Microwaves (!) for this job and it worked perfectly. One of the HARM they sent so toward bulgarian capital Sofia.

    Switch of the radar and switch on the microwave :biggrin:




    BTW: the source of my statement about SA-8 anti jam capability are german military magazins from early 1990th "Wehrtechnik", "Soldat und Technik" and the book ""Die Landstreitkräfte der NVA".

  2. Es gibt noch eine andere Erklärung für den Angriff auf die Liberty, zumindestens ein Gerücht. Es heißt, daß die Liberty direkt auf El Arish zusteuerte. In El Arish soll sich ein großes Gefangenenlager befunden haben, in dem israelische Soldaten "überzählige Ägypter entsorgt " haben sollen. Die Israelis wollten wahrscheinlich nicht, daß diese Aktion ans Licht kommt und haben versucht die Liberty zu versenken.

  3. To correct the things: the russians dont nicknamed the SA-8 as Wasp. The original system was called Osa-AK. Osa is russian for Wasp.

    It was a very capable system in late 80th. Short before Desert Storm the west germans gave some (2 or 3) east german Osa-AK in american hands for test capability tests. The americans found out that the Osa-AK radar was impossible to jam and the missile was nearly impossible to beat with chaff. So they gave the order to avoid Osa-AK positions.

    Later the west germans gave the other east german Osa-AK systems to Greece. The greek where overwhelmed to get such a capable SAM system and told Oas-AK as their best SAM they ever had. Later they bought SA-300 Favorit from Russia for Cyprus.


    As said in central europe the Osa-AK was a widely used system and a deadly too. To delete iit from the game would be a little bit cheating ;-)

  4. Klingt ja erst mal nicht schlecht.

    Aber ich habe noch nen alten Pentium 4 2.8GHz mit 2GB Speicher und ner Radeon X850 Grafikkarte.

    Läuft SFP2 mit dieser Konfiguration überhaupt zufriedenstellend oder habe ich Slideshow zu erwarten?

  5. Kann mir einer mal einen guten Grund nennen, warum man die SFP2 Serie kaufen sollte?

    Ich sehe keine wirklich gravierenden Verbesserungen. Oder seht ihr das anders?


  6. Okay, why i say the nukes are widely senseless for military use?

    Let take the advancing tank battallion as example. As i have learned it in the bad old time a soviet tank battallion consist of 31 vehicles. (3 vehicles/ platoon, 3 platoons + vehicle for company leader = 1 company, 3 companies + vehicle for battalion leader = 1 battallion)

    Under the conditions of nuclear warfare the doctrine said, that 15 vehicles should be set maximum at 1km wide attack field, what means, that a battallion covers 2 km.

    If you use a 10kt nuclear bomb to stop this advancing battalion you will have a destruction diameter of that weapon against tanks in the size of between 800 and 900 meters. What means that 60% of the tanks will survive and continue the attack. A simple mind will also come to this simple calculation: i need a destruction diameter that must be twice as high, also i need a weapon which has the dubbled strenght. In our example 20kt bomb instead 10kt.

    Would be nice if this would be correct, but the problem of nuclear weapons is that the annihilation capability climbs not directly with the strenght of the weapon.

    If i look at the charts i find, that a 20kt bomb will annihilate tanks i a diameter of 1100 - 1200 meters. To annihilate the advancing tank battalion you would need a bomb of nearly 100 kt. To come to a dubbled kill diameter i need a ten times stonger weapon! What a waste!

    Not to count the size of the poissened territory which is useless for years. If you want to conquer and use nukes you will conquer a poissened radioactive land. If you want to defend your contry with nukes you will kill yourself.


    Thatswhy nukes are only weapons of terrorism and useless for military.

  7. The story of the "shadows of Hiroshima" is widely published, but i think it is wrong.

    In the german air magazin "Fliegerrevue Extra" was an article were a former secret british report from September or October 1945 was published. The brits said, that the people whos shadows are still today to see, survided the bomb explosion for a certain time, walked away and died later caused by the heavy burned skin. The heavy destruction of Hiroshima. was said, was caused by the typical japanese buildings made mainly by wood and paper. Stronger buildings were not as hard damaged. It was also said, that the Hiroshima bomb when used against London would cause around 50.000 dead and wounded civilists.


    The nuclear weapons are not really worth its price. You can use them only effectivly against civil targets as towns and factories, but not against troops on the field. With the Hiroshima bomb you cant even completly stop the advantage of an attacking panzer battalion. over 60% of the tanks would survive such a strike. A wing of A-10 is much more effective against it.

  8. In gewisser Weise kann ich die Israelis verstehen. Wenn ich mir vorstelle ich wäre an ihrer Stelle, hätte zig Millionen Landsleute in der Shoa (Holocaust finde ich ist ein blödsinniger Begriff. Industriemäßiger Massenmord sollte nicht als freiwilliges Brandopfer gedeutet werden.) verloren und dann komme ich in ein Land und die Nachbarstaaten überfallen mich und wollen Hitlers Job zu Ende bringen indem sie mich ins Meer schmeißen. Ich glaube ich würde genauso paranoid reagieren wie die Israelis.

    Ich kann aber auch die Palestinenser verstehen. Wenn ich mir vorstelle, da kommen Leute in mein Land, kaufen sich von arabischen Großgrundbesitzern große Flächen, errichten dort Wohnsiedlungen die sich immer weiter ausbreiten und beginnen dann mich von meinem Land zu vertreiben ... Klar kann man da ausrasten.

    Ich verstehe beide Seiten. Und ich finde die Lage beschissen.


    Aber ich habe Hoffnung. Vor Hundert Jahren waren wir und die Franzosen Todfeinde. (Dagegen ist der israelisch palestinensische Konflik doch nur Kinderkram.) Und heute? Vielleicht sind Deutsche und Franzosen nicht die besten Freunde, aber wir kommen miteinander aus und schlagen uns nicht die Schädel ein. Vielleicht ist das ein Modell für den Nahen Osten.



    Ach so noch eins. Die schlimmsten Verbrechen werden oft von Leuten begangen die ein reines Gewissen haben, weil sie sich im Auftrag einer höheren Macht oder Idee glauben. Da wird gemordet, gefoltert, gestohlen und gelogen. Und alles weil man glaubt daß der Zweck die Mittel heiligt. Und leider sind auch Demokratien davor nicht gefeit.

  9. Civil Mod "FireFighters"





    The CIVIL Mod "Firefighters" is made for FIRST EAGLES.





    I made this mod for my son, because i believe that it is not really good if a 7 years old boy is dropping bombs or firing missiles or shooting guns. So i decided to make a civil version of TK's sims. That my son is a fan of the Feuerwehr (fire brigade in english), gave me the idea to make a mod for the flying firefighters who use agricultural planes or old military planes like the Tracker, the B-26 etc to fight against wood fires all around the world.


    This mod includes a modified version of my Vogesen terrain, the Z-37 Cmelak agricultural airplane and modified files to make modern planes usable in FIRST EAGLES.


    You can fly firefight missions (mostly suppress woodfires), Search missions (SAR) and you can drop parachutists.







    1.) You need a clean installation of First Eagles (FE)

    2.) Open folder objects/aircraft and delete all subfolders (planes)

    3.) Open folder objects/groundobject and delete all subfolders (Groundobjects)


    4.) Unzip the Civil Mod into your civil First Eagles installation


    5.) to make the O-1E Cessna and the C-130 usable you must include the files O-1E.lod, C-130A.lod, C-130A_LOD002 - 005 in the relating folders. This files are part of original SFP1,WOE,WOV game. You must extract them from SFP1,WOE or WOV objects.cat by using the SFP1E tool which you can find at CombatAce.com


    Thats it



    With the Civil Mod comes the file meine.ini which you find in Controls folder. This file allows you to use flaps, breaks etc in game. This are the option settings i use in my game. You can replace this file by your own controls file from an other SFP1,WOE,WOV,WOI game.






    I want to say thank you to Darreck for the Coolingtowers, RussoUK2004 for the VW, suicidal for the Lamas, Canadair for the Waterdrop effect and all the othersfor hints, files, ideas etc.






    If you find bugs please post them in StrikeFighters section of Combatace.com forum.

    If you want to modify CIVIL MOD "Firefighters" then feel free to make it so.





    Hope you enjoy it.


    Michael (Gepard)





    Made in Germany

    Mai 2009






    I wrote this mod in german language. Into english retranslated files you find in subfolder Terrain/Vogesen Zivil/ENGLISH. Please copy the files Vogesen Zivil-targets and Movement into your Vogesen Zivil folder. MISSIONSUMMARY and MISSIONTYPE in your MENU folder.

    I hope that my translated files are good enough. Feel free to modify them.


  10. I had seen this movie some hours ago and i loved it. Maybe that it is the starting point of a new movie serial so that some "continous problems" could be solved in the next part. I would like to see more of this young crew.

  11. It was a little bit difficult to find the problem. It seems to be that the runway of Bagram is not 100% flat. Perhaps the soviet ingenieurs had a little bit to much wodka in their bodies when they built this base :moil:

    The easiest way to fix the problem is to change your options from hard landing to normal landing. It should help. And for the next version of the terrain i promise to flatten the runway.

  12. If you have to attack targets in villages you will face also civilists there. I think with the hit on the Madrasa you will have made to much "collateral damage". Its like in real Afghanistan, you must be aware on civilists. And it is difficult to decide between taliban warriors and civilists (in real life and in this terrain)


    With the CAS missions in mountains: I will see that i can find a way.

  13. Mod funktioniert so weit ganz gut. Sohnemann löscht wie ein Wilder Feuer in den Vogesen und freut sich wie wahnsinnig wenn ein Wasserabwurf die Kühltürme von einem Kraftwerk zerlegt.

    Sind also noch ein paar Feinheiten zu bügeln bevor das Teil ins Netz gestellt werden kann.


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