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Posts posted by Gepard

  1. I'm still working on this mod and i would say a first Beta could be released in a not so far future.

    As already said its a mod of FE. i use my old Vogesen terrain, its nice moutainous. I have now a Z-37 Cmelak argocultural airplane as firefighter, a mod of the O-1e for SAR and Parachute missions and a C-130 mod for Parachute and firefighter missions. Spillone sent me a A-26 firefighter and his waterdrop effect.


    The only problem is that i made a german language mod, so that i will have to retranslate into english for release. I hope that my english is good enough for it.

  2. The F-22 is a nice toy. Its true. But do you need it really? Its the same with the Eurofighter, is it really usefull in our time? I think no. What we need are planes like the A-10 or Su-25. Rough, ugly, but high efficient killers. We need helicopters, we need better and more reliable systems for the man on the ground. Because only the man with the rifle in the hand can hold and secure a territory. I think a lot of people should read the old book of General von Clausewitz. Perhaps they would not invest our money in expensive and senseless toys, but in usefull weapons.

    If you see the decision in that way you will understand that the cut of the Raptor is the right way.

  3. My airfields consist of several objects wich can be combinated so that you can build your own Airbase.

    I have e runways of different length (2000, 2400 and 2600 meters) than 2 taxiways, one 100 meter long the other 500 meters long and 2 parking areas of different size. Each object you can set and move freely.

    Its like a big puzzle. But i think with a certain amount of workforce you could make every single airbase of the world with such files.

  4. The idea came some weeks ago when i had a bad discussion with my wife. She disliked it to see our 7 years old boy playing bomb dropping with TK's sims.

    So i decided to make a civil mod using the czech Z-37 agricultural aircraft which is widely used in East Germany since 40 years. My idea is to make agricultural missions (fertelising of fields), firefighting missions, SAR and parachute missions. In the meantime i have moded the stock C-130A for paratroopers, the O-1e for SAR and created the Z-37Cmelak for agricultural, firefighting and SAR missions.

    As basic game i use FE, because the tiling terrain is much more detailed and hedgehoping is much more fun than in the other TK sims. As basic terrain i use my Vogesen terrain.

    With copy the controls.ini from WOE i can fly also jets in FE and it is a great experience to hedgehoping with a F-4 or a MiG trough the Vogesen moutain area.



    Canadair, seems to be that we walked the same way. I used for making the woodfires FE stock trees and defined them as tanks too. Fireengines were also set as tanks.

    For firefighting i use a mod of a KMGU area dispenser, but i have the problem of non existing waterbomb effect too. Perhaps an effect maker could help and create one.


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