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Posts posted by Gepard

  1. Suhsjake: In the reworked version of my MiG-23MK HUD i use following lines :



    //beweglicher Teil des Luft Boden Zielnetzes







    The tga is a simple line. It use automaticaly the airgroundgunsight which is defined in the cockpits ini under the line AGGunsightName=

  2. MiG-23MK carrierborne Flogger

    MiG-23MK for WoE


    This is a mod of the stock MiG-23M of Wings over Europe.

    It will not work with SFP1 and WOV because the lod files are not included.

    If you want to use it with SFP1 or WOV you must extract the files






    from WOE objects.cat and copy them into your MiG-23M folder.





    Unzip all files into your Wings Over Europe/Objects/Aircraft folder.


    Thats it.




    The MiG-23MK is fiction, so far that no carrierborne MiG-23 was built in the Soviet Union. But during the 70th the Soviet Navy had a high ranking aircraft carrier programm (Orel or Orjol class). Orel was canceled by Marshall Grechko who favored the Project 1143, the later Kiev class aircraft carrier.

    For soviet carrier groups the MiG-23 was the planned interceptor, the MiG-27 the intended strike plane. From both types prototypes were built, as far as i know, and were tested at the Saki facility at the Crimea penisula. With the canceling of the Orel was no need for seria production of the MiG-23MK.




    differences to stock MiG-23M:

    * modified flightmodel of the plane to improve the handling.

    * added capability to land on aircraft carriers

    * added on board jammer

    * added 15 flares and 15 Chaff

    * added Magos great MiG-21MF cockpit (thanks for it Mago!)

    * added working HUD (inspired by the HUD of Marcfighters Su-27 and TK's F-15 and Harrier. Thanks for it!) The HUD is much more improved than in my flyable MiG-23M

    * added the capability to carry 2 fuel tanks under the outer wings


    Known problem: You cant see the tailhook coming down.





    Hope you enjoy it



    Michael (Gepard)


  3. To delete the recording camera in MiG-21MF cockpit, or the "that thing to the right of the gunsight" follow these steps: Open Cabina_MiG-21MF and find this line:




    Below the previous line add the following lines:













    And that's it. The radar screen is another matter, even if you do remove the radar you would be left with a big hole where the radar was. I suggest you use Su-17 cockpit for later versions, or wait for Florian's MiG-21UM with radarless cockpit


    Artur, I was going to post the same observation :yes:



    Paladrian, i tried it for my MiG-23M HUD and i had no success to delete the camera. Dont know whats wrong.

  4. flyable stock MiG-23M for WOE

    Flyable MiG-23M for WoE


    This is a mod of the stock MiG-23M of Wings over Europe.

    It will not work with SFP1 and WOV because the lod files are not included.

    If you want to use it with SFP1 or WOV you must extract the files






    from WOE objects.cat and copy them into your MiG-23M folder.





    Unzip all files into your Wings Over Europe/Objects/Aircraft folder.


    Thats it.





    differences to stock MiG-23M:

    * modified flightmodel of the plane to improve the handling.

    * added 5 flares

    * added Magos great MiG-21MF cockpit (thanks for it Mago!)

    * added working HUD (inspired by the HUD of Marcfighters Su-27 and TK's F-15 and Harrier. Thanks for it!)





    Hope you enjoy it



    Michael (Gepard)


  5. Orjol (Orel) soviet aircraft carrier

    TAKR Orjol


    In the 70th the Soviet Navy had a high ranking aircraft carrier project (project 1153 Orjol). It was cancelled by Marshall Gretschko who favored the baby carriers of the Kiev class.

    Searching the net for information i found, that the Orjol was planned as a counterpart to the american attack aircraft carriers with similar design and a tonnage between 70.000 and 80.000 tons.

    Thatswhy i used the stock CV-63 of WOE for making the Orjol carrier.





    Simply unzip all files into your WOE/objects/GroundObject folder


    Thats it.



    Orjol will work without problems in WOE and WOV. For using in SFP1 you must extract the files

    CV-63.lod to CV-63_lod006.lod from objects.cat of WOE or WOV and copy them into your Orjol folder of SFP1.




    Hope you enjoy it



    Michael (Gepard)


  6. MiG-27K (carrier based)

    MiG-27K (K ... Korabelnui ... carrier based) for WoE


    This is a mod of the stock MiG-27 of Wings over Europe.

    It will not work with SFP1 and WOV because the lod files are not included.

    If you want to use it with SFP1 or WOV you must extract the files MiG-27.lod




    MiG-27_LOD5.lod from objects.cat of WOE and copy them in the MiG-27K folder.





    Unzip all files into your Wings Over Europe/Objects/Aircraft folder.


    Thats it.




    The MiG-27K was originally intended as attack plane of the soviet carriers of the Orel class. In the 70th the Orel was a high ranking aircraft carrier project of the Soviet Navy (Project 1153 if i remember right). It was canceled by Marshall Grechko who favored the Project 1143, the later Kiev class aircraft carrier.

    The MiG-27K was build in 2 or 3 prototypes and were tested at the Saki facility (Crimea Penisula).





    differences to stock MiG-27:

    * modified flightmodel of the plane to improve the handling.

    * added capability to land on aircraft carriers

    * added some armour, so that the MiG-27 now can survive MG fire

    * added on board jammer

    * added 15 flares and 15 Chaff

    * added Magos great MiG-21F cockpit (thanks for it Mago!)

    * plane can now fly intercept and CAP missions


    Known problem: You cant see the tailhook coming down.





    Hope you enjoy it



    Michael (Gepard)



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