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Everything posted by fallenphoenix1986

  1. Was thinking more along the lines of glorified live fire ex. The a2g capabilities of the 33 are really nothing impressive, that said some articles have stated the 29k is going to be embarked as well.
  2. Air Force investing $12B in F-15s

    No mention of the fact the airframes are simply worn out? They have literally started falling out of the sky... there needs to be a massive structural overhaul if they want them to last anywhere close to 2040.
  3. They're about to be, the Kuznetsov is is due to make its first combat deployment in October.
  4. Nice Canuck, didn't realise it had ever been put in game. Craig
  5. "When I grow up I wanna be a CF-100"
  6. Northrop Grumman T-X revealed!

    My money is on the T-50, the M-346 doesn't have the performance to meet the requirements, this bird looks to be fairly early in development, the Boeing/Saab design is still unknown so hard to say on that one I guess. Of all the above though the T-50 is the only one with a proven track record, adequate performance and ready to enter production at a moments notice.
  7. IL-2 '46 on GoG?

    In a word, YES. Even the base game at $5.00 is a steal, with the mod community the game has it'd be dumb not to pick t up :P Craig
  8. Kiwi Mirage

    Would be cool to "Kahu" one of these birds - the capability the RNZAF managed to squeeze out of the A-4 was really impressive. Looks great in the EDSG/green pattern as well. Craig
  9. another attack in France....

    The saddest thing is they cannot "win"... so the bullshit will not stop. Ohh FFS... must you interject your godless heathen speech at every opportunity? By all means show respect and mourn the victims but take your preaching hollier than thou bullshit and ram it!
  10. E-2 cable snaps on landing

    Damn, wasn't expecting to see him flying off from that... was barely moving when he cleared the deck. Craig
  11. Bad Angel

    If it was a movie you wouldn't believe it
  12. F-35s land in the UK

    B-52 Buff, A-7 Sluff.... F-35 Puff... I like it Only snag is the first two proved to be exceptional at what they did.... the F-35 remains to be seen. I can see its potential but there are so many potential malfunctions waiting to happen that its difficult for me to have much faith in it yet. Craig
  13. F-35s land in the UK

    Ding ding ding.... we have a winner. Way too many moving parts for my liking... a graceful elegant and simple solution to VTOL it is not. Craig
  14. FA-50 Fighting Eagle: fighter or not a fighter?

    Not a pilot but an engineer - its a light fighter, same league as the F-5 and Sea Harrier, maybe even the F-16A. Edit - just read its planned to integrate the Amraam - 21st century answer to the F-5/T-38 Craig
  15. Independence Day

    Don't bet on it, a great many North of the border are royally pissed* about the result. As for the Scottish economy ranking 10th worst globally...Um... not even close... it isn't even the 10th worst in the EU... * more so than usual.
  16. Independence Day

    Troll much?
  17. Independence Day

    Just been to see it and if I'm honest I wasn't expecting much, its so bad the crowd were laughing at the dialogue. Theres also a good few scenes that are shot for shot line for line remakes of the original.. Save your money and wait till its shown on Tv... its bad You do realise it was a rhetorical question? I used a figure of speech and you're still trying to dissect it several comments latter... Go look at the state of the British fishing fleet, its decline and ultimate near death is entirely down to the EU dictating what we are and are not allowed to do in our own waters. Keep your eyes peeled for its resurgence as mainland vessels are forced out of our EEZ. As others have already mentioned, the Lisbon treaty is a brilliant example of the EU democracy in action, demanding a member state re-run a referendum until Brussels get the answer they wanted. As for labour camps, where is it written that a dictatorship must have labour camps?
  18. Independence Day

    Its an expression... get over it... You pointed out yourself there is "one ton" then went on to explain yourself that you were wrong.... do I need to go further on this point? Why restrict to China? The UK electronics sector is worth around £75 Bn p/a. We're ranked 5th by volume globally... Much like Airbus could pull out of the UK what is to stop RR doing the exact same thing? As long as it makes business sense in current locations things will continue as usual. Automotive, yes a lot (not all) of it is owned by foreign firms... many of which themselves are outwith the EU... is it so inconceivable that the UK and India /Japan could come to an arrangement between themselves without EU interference? So you're saying Brazil, China, Japan, Mexico, South Africa, New Zealand, Pakistan, Russia, Canada and the USA allow the EU to dictate domestic policy to them? I think you've missed the point. Why exactly can the UK not be part of the global market without being part of the EU? Not being part of the EU will allow the UK to draw up trade agreements without EU interference, we have already lost out on deals with China and New Zealand and Canada because of bureaucratic bull in various EU countries that is in no way related to the matter at hand... We just freed ourselves from having our hands tied by people that don't actually have a stake in the deal. Craig
  19. Independence Day

    I swore to myself I'd never waste my time conversing with you again... where do you get your "facts" from exactly? I'm a British engineer so read expert in British manufacturing capacity... we manufacture a metric-f*ck-ton more than most idiots like yourself realise... in no particular order: agricultural/construction equipment, electronics, satellites, aero-engines, automotive, weapons, pharmaceuticals/chemical, food/drink... much of the above being world leading and unsourcable outwith the UK... As for Churchill's vision... it certainly was not for the bureaucratic monstrosity that we actually ended up with. To anyone outwith the UK/EU questioning our wisdom in leaving, ask yourselves this... would YOU hand over the same level of power to UNELECTED and effectively UNACOUNTABLE officials in other countries and allow them to dictate to you how your country was going to be run? Didn't think so... Craig
  20. Independence Day

    I don't remember giving un-elected officials in Brussels a mandate to overrule my elected government, that's enough of a reason to leave while we have the chance. The EU as it is today has grown arms and legs and ran away from what was originally intended. Will there be challenges going alone? Of course there will. Is the EU an overbearing, interfering manipulative, bureaucratic waste of time? Not always but often... Craig
  21. Snowbirds fly missing man for Blue Angel 6

    Something deffinately in the air - Patrouille Suisse lost a jet today as well. Mid air colision. Fortunately both pilots are ok, one landed safe the other punched out. Craig
  22. Into Harriers?

    A very good point, RR had the rights to it long before I was born had forgotten they hadn't actually designed it. Craig
  23. Snowbirds fly missing man for Blue Angel 6

  24. Into Harriers?

    Never thought about it before but the name Pegasus now makes so much more sense, always bugged me since RR tend to use river names. Craig
  25. They did officially declare they were abandoning the TW series, pretty much down to TK's constant patching. Re. the Mirage III - Razbam are very good at anouncing products that never materialise... I'm not holding my breath. Craig

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