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Everything posted by fallenphoenix1986

  1. In keeping with the title of its older brother how about "Wraith" or "Spectre"? Craig
  2. A few old gales going the way of the "Beer Can" sad to see um go

    Gotta be honest - I'm surprised the Forrestal wasn't kept as a museum ship given she was the first super-carrier Craig
  3. Capt Eric "Winkle" Brown

    21.09.19 - 21.02.16 S! Craig
  4. The Will

    I was expecting a "Monopoly" punchline but still lol'd Craig

    On entering the thread I knida though we would be discussing the Grumman breeds... Bearcat, Tigercat, Panther, Cougar etc Never actually owned a cat myself but several close relatives and neighbors had cats. Seems normal to me, only one of the 7 or so I was close to didn't follow this pattern... she was still chasing dogs when she was 19 Craig
  6. DCS Newsletter for 29 Jan 16 - F/A-18C This Year!

    New Carriers and a western Naval Jet... I've been waiting years for this before getting into DCS. F-5E was news to me, could be fun on NTR. Craig
  7. Getting it off my chest.

    I'm stealing this word Craig
  8. Getting it off my chest.

    Capun is an asshole - the sooner you accept that the sooner you learn to move on and ignore him and his often half baked toys. Craig
  9. News from Nigeria

    "Famuyiwa stated that the feat is a major research and development breakthrough for the Air Force and the nation" Lets not go nuts.... how hard can it really have been? Craig
  10. So not an A-3.... a B-66? Or going the other way back from the A-3... a A-2 Savage? Craig
  11. Yeah I was 5 as well. Only thing I really remember from the time is seeing F-16's on the news on a nightly basis. Craig
  12. Tim Peake is NOT the first British Astronaut

    But since she went up with the Russians she's technically a Cosmonaut isn't she? If I'm honest I'm starting to get sick of hearing about Mr Peake. He's the seventh British born astronaut/cosmonaut in space and the 6th aboard the ISS. He's just te first to do it without a private contract or a change in nationality.The constant media BS would have you believe he's up there in the annals of space exploration with Gagarin, Leonov or Armstrong. Craig
  13. Surprised there hasn't been more recognition of the anniversary. Craig
  14. I'd welcome both, always had a soft spot for the Two-sader. Craig
  15. David Bowie passes away at 69

    Don't usually take notice when a celebrity dies but I really do feel the world lost something today, just that little bit darker. Craig
  16. Its getting there, even just having the second MFD makes a huge difference Craig
  17. First snow fall of 2016.

    I really miss this :( Moved from one of the highest towns in Scotland down to sea level last year, closest I get is looking at mountains 40 miles away :( Craig
  18. Please keep at it - even what you've shown so far is so much closer than the curent FRS.1 stand in - that said I could have sworn there was an FA.2 pit in the original release however many years ago, maybe imagining that? Craig
  19. Suddenly I'm picturing Greek F.3's hunting Turkish IDS/GR.1's at low level between Agean Islands Craig
  20. SPOILERS: Star Wars: The Force Awakens SPOILERS

    Point was that swords are not in the least bit easy to use properly, no reason to believe either Rey or Finn had ever held one before... On the other hand its pretty safe to assume Ren had been training religiously for 20 years or so. Craig
  21. SPOILERS: Star Wars: The Force Awakens SPOILERS

    I knew it was going to happen going in, still pretty hard to watch though. The thing thats bugging me though, why does everyone that picks up a certain elegant weapon from a more civilized age know how to use it... and score hits on a wanna be Sith... Was so sure he was going to follow the family tradition and loose his right hand Craig
  22. Had the same thought, then figured maybey a Boeing Bird of Prey... Kinda like the Baby Mirage though Craig
  23. Who has Star Wars Tickets?

    Well I've seen it... going to see it again in a few days Craig
  24. The Documentary Sea Legs Retold

    Not bad, think this ones better though (same Guy) Craig

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