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Everything posted by fallenphoenix1986

  1. img00091

    From the album SF2NA

  2. img00063

    From the album SF2NA

  3. img00088

    From the album SF2NA

  4. img00085

    From the album SF2NA

  5. F-35 pilot says it can't dogfight

    Wasn't there an article posted on here a week or two back where a Norwegian test pilot with an F-16 background said pretty much the polar opposite of everything mentioned in this article? Craig
  6. Does anyone play EAW still?

    Don't know the current state of affairs with EAW however if its pvp WWII you want then might be worth looking at war-thunder. Its kind of arcady but somewhat addictive, I'd stear clear of arcade mode though, realistic and simulated modes can be fun. Craig
  7. Wow found some pics that were not destroyed by the flood

    If I'm reading this* right then since there's nothing marked against 810024 then I guess its still in service? * http://www.joebaughe...rials/1981.html Craig
  8. Ok, up until now I've had no interest in the WW2 side of the TW games... this just got my attention in a big way Craig
  9. Let's see your cars!

    Don't have a pic of mine (technically my girlfriends) runabout but this oughta give an idea... Craig
  10. laica

    From the album ID Comp

  11. ID Comp

  12. Love the model and the pit. Might have spotted a weird bug though - the moment I drop below Mach 1.0 the game freezes, has happened on 4 consecutive flights. Will play around with the sounds and effects tonight see if I can lock it down. Anyone else noticed it? Craig
  13. US Navy F-16N

    Makes a lot more sense having read that, never could quite figure out how the USN wore them out so damned fast. Craig
  14. Theres a Tornado GR4 with a Lancaster style paint job floating about on tinterwebs somewhere, similar sort of idea - having a hard time finding a pic of the real one just now though. Craig
  15. The audacity

    Actually the A-4's were quite as rare as the rest, there were detachment flights of A-4's sent to provide "fighter" capability on CVS cruises: http://www.ebdir.net/vsf1/boom_powell_part_1.html Interesting if unusual read. Craig
  16. I'm a black sheep I guess, been here since the start but never did get around to picking up SF2 or SF2I, got everything though as both gen 1 and 2 plus a few dlc's. Craig
  17. This is what I've been waiting for since LOMAC debuted - can't wait. Craig
  18. Iran`s new Aircraftcarrier

    So who wants to tell them the real one moves and shoots back? Craig
  19. War Thunder - Any takers?

    Started messing around with it last week, its fun in an arcady sort of way not a sim by any stretch. The arcade mode is too easy - real battle mechanics are fun as for simulated I'll wait till I have TIR or something like that set up. As for the flight models my Spitfire mkI can slaughter my mkII... go figure. Craig
  20. I like it, though one thing I'd point out is that the decal on the fin should read "Marine" rather than "Navy". I knocked up a Dutch FAA Sea Harrier a while back - supposed follow on to their Sea Hawks in much the same fashion as the Indian Navy - might post it latter this week if I can find it. Craig
  21. The Most Fun Car Chase Scene Ever

    "It's a hundred and six miles to Chicago, we've got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses." Craig
  22. Fuel Prices, back in the "day"

    I paid £1.05 per litre yesterday and that's the cheapest its been since 2010, £1.05 per litre works out at $6.11 per gallon.... I was over the moon at that Granted the bulk of it over here is tax, take that out the equation and its about $3 something Craig
  23. My Spanish is a bit rusty but isn't he linking to full games? Not just DLC's & Mods? Craig
  24. Brrrrrrrrrrr!

    To hell with that.... Craig
  25. Upgraded Arrow CF-105

    There is also the fact the French wanted a naval version that noone else needed. Craig

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