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Everything posted by fallenphoenix1986

  1. "Well he was holding a rather sharp slice of mango...." Craig
  2. Thanks, flight suits sorted :) I have most available Harriers installed, spend most of my time in FRS.1's and F/A-2's though. More of an A2A guy at heart so the GR.1/3/7/9's and AV-8's don't apeal as much personally. So far I've experimented with both vertical and short rolling landings, both difficult in their own ways. I'd agree with your assesment, getting the Yak slow enough to land can be a real pain in the ass, lots of fun trying though :) Craig
  3. What you have said therre is true in theory, however it would take one monumental screw up on part of the F-22 force to allow themselves to be detected and engaged visually under wartime conditions. In cases where the 22 has been defeated in excersises the opposing force has been privy to where and when to find the 22, not something thats going to happen in combat. Craig
  4. RIP Stormin Norman

  5. Just took four of these little buggers off to sink the Invincible, she ate 7 Kh-25's and stayed afloat (My numbers 2 and 4 refused to open fire....) Managed to land back aboard the Kiev on my 2nd aproach, much harder than in a Harrier. Only bug I've spotted is the textures for the pilot don't want to show up. Thanks, I'd given up on the 38 until I spotted this, couldn't get it back down without punching out. Craig
  6. Much as I respect the raw performance of the Bison and its upgraded avionics/armaments I have to point out that you cannot "force" an F-22 to slow down, if the pilot of the 22 wishes to extend and reposition for a BVR shot there is bugger all the Mig can do about it. As for vectoring onto the 22, it has to be detected in the first place, easier said than done. Craig
  7. Tell me about it, I was flying a Demon a week ago and being rather underpowered I was out maneuvered and gunned down by an IL-28 at 30,000'. Craig
  8. G940 or Cougar ?

    Been leaning towards a G940 set myself, just can't quite justify the expense right now. Craig
  9. Learn somethin every day, it never occured to me to cycle through the oject view and target what I saw. Thanks Craig
  10. Sir Patrick Moore RIP

    Been watching his documentaries sine I was two years old and propped up on my gradfathers knee http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-20657939 Craig
  11. After about 6 months away from playin anything TW I think I'm back. Strarted putting togetther everything for a standalone Korean install however I don't own all the titles. As I gather the following are required: SF2I & Exp 1: Mig-15 and Meteor SF2V: SCB-27C and Skyraiders SF2: I it really required? Would rather save £20 if I can The rest, NA, SF2E & Exp2 I already have. Am I missing sometheing or should I be able to get away with just Israel, Europe, Vietnam & expansions? Craig
  12. All is everything

    Love it when threads meander like this. I believe the RN FAA used these briefly before the Gannet AEW's came along. Just googled it there, turns out 849 and 778 RNAS flew 50 of them between 1951 and 1962, designated as Skyraider. AEW.1 in Brittish service. Craig.
  13. So that UK Nurse that got pranked...

    So do we unfortunatly :( Classy? Prince Philip, 'nough said lol Craig
  14. So that UK Nurse that got pranked...

    Actually yes, we did. As for getting butt-hurt over the fact Royals are involved, more than a few of us could gladly live the rest of our lives never hearing a word about them or from them. Craig
  15. 12 12 2012

    Until 01/01/2101 that is Craig
  16. All is everything

    NP, don't worry about Monty's A-1's on my count. Actually thought I'd seen them updated somewhere already, my mistake. Craig
  17. All is everything

    Fair enough, just that when I was on the SF2 page I didn't really see anything that wasn't covered elsewhere, maybey hold of on 'Nam and get Sf2 then. I'll gladly wait on Mr Samurai's Essex class boats over the stock ships and i guess I can live with Monty's old A-1's. Kind of hard to justify the cost for a couple of models. Craig
  18. Another thing that crossed my mind RE the USN launching on the Mig-25, wasnt that shot taken at max range with the Mig doing a 180 and out running the shot? Hardly a mark against the Phoenix as it was the only USN launch in anger and exactly the same thing would have happened to ANY other missile launched at max range. Craig
  19. The NEW Sabres

    Hey wrench, just putting a dedicated Korean install together just now, some of us do appreciate it bud Craig
  20. Plenty of Iraqi Migs lying spread accross the dessert to lend their claims some credence. Craig
  21. Its the 35's radar I'm having trouble with, can't lock up a 29 until <20nm, AI wingies seem able to lock and launch much further out. I would say however that it would be great if a salvo of Phoenix could get more than one hit like in your story Craig
  22. Had a set up last night flying the F-35B from the tarrawa off iceland on MIGCAP, 4 vs 6 against Mig-29C's. We got the first 5 then we were all out of missiles, no guns. That last Mig dodged at least 6 Aim-120's before bugging out at 170 Knots, passed directly over the Tarrawa at 10,000 with an escort of 4 unarmed F-35B's in close formation. He then dodged 4 Sea Sparrows... all without countermeasures or evassive maneuvering, worst we could do was hurl insults at the cheeky B******. Before the F-35B I was flying a Se Harrier burning off fuel in the pattern before attempting to recover, full throttle, low altitude, radar OFF around the Invincible. Numbnuts here forgot his wingmen were in the pattern and ran head on into his number two with a clossure speed of around 1000 knots. Saw him about a 1/4 second before boom... Managed to accidentally get a ground kill with a Phoenix a few months ago, it missed the Badger it had been aimed at and coasted all the way to an airbase 20 odd miles behind said badger, smack into a parked Mig-23 Craig
  23. This cheeky b*****d managed to evade 6 Aim-210C's, then proceeded to fly directly over the Tarrawa with an esscort of 4 now toothless F-35B's and finally evade 6 Sea Sparows from the ship before buggering off home. Craig
  24. Ball

    From the album SF2NA

  25. Shar_Home

    From the album SF2NA


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