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Everything posted by Peugeot205

  1. Good, I did not know that, I think everybody should use your HFD as reference.
  2. Guys I'm going to suggest something. As the terrain HFD is the same for all the WIP , my suggestion is to create a common tileset for this terrain, and then ,make specific targets.ini and small modifications for each different era or conflict.
  3. Sorry, I couldn't resist
  4. Test the terrain once, and then test it again and again during the time you may consider.
  5. I have modded and put together some files and add-ons related with the Su-33 Flanker-D avaible here at CA in the past moths and this is the result: It is Marcelo's Su-27 with fastcargo's Su-33 MOD , with some skins that can be found in the SFP1 section (They were modded by me in some aspects) , and with a completely modified loadout.ini and some other tweeks as well as superb YEYEYE's cockpit. I know that some modders are working in a new version of this bird , however my question is if Modders, Moderators and Administrators as well as all the community in general consider that this interim add-on may be interesting for the game. If you think so I could upload it immediately.
  6. Anybody knows what's gonna happen in September

    In september, this MOD will be avaible at Combatace http://combatace.com/topic/83063-europe-total-war-1979/page-10?do=findComment&comment=701121
  7. I think we shouldn't rush , and take time to do things.
  8. [Terrain] TerrainFullName=Europe (EAW) DataFile=EuroEAW_data.INI TargetFile=EuroEAW_targets.ini TargetTypeFile=EuroEAW_types.ini NationsFile=EuroEAW_nations.ini BriefingText=EuroEAW_briefing.ini MovementFile=EuroEAW_movement.INI DogfightFile=EuroEAW_dogfight.INI DogfightOnly=FALSE WaterMap=EuroWW2_Water.bmp CatFile=GermanyCE.cat Longitude=10.817 Latitude=51.111 GroundObjectTexture=green NavalMap=FALSE //NavalMap=TRUE LimitedNations=TRUE Try to change the bold lines in Kamchatka.ini
  9. No where. The Mission editor is just one application that works with all the games. You already have it.
  10. If you are just using SF2E you cant' add any carrier group unless you have the NA module installed.
  11. I would say that it is imposible since the aircraft model maping is different.
  12. http://combatace.com/files/file/5361-f-16ef-block-60/
  13. I think that the problem here is a language barrier, and I don't know if the problem is that he can't install the ships or if he is unable to see them when ingame.
  14. Belgian Fighting Falcons Block 1,10,15 and 15 OCU
  15. Excellent, this is one of my favourite mods for SF2. I strongly ecourage you to repack it with .jpg textures, it will save a lot of space. Anyway, congratulations for the add-on.
  16. You don't like it because you have not seen the last version of it. And of course, you did not fly over it .

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