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Jan Tuma

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Everything posted by Jan Tuma

  1. Small addition to prepare gorgeous IAR-15, 37, 38 & 39 models from MineField IAR P-11F (under licence in Romania manufactured PZL P.11): Excelet PZL P-11C 3D-model created by Zurawski, small changed using FakePilot method (changed engine). Mod tested in First Eagles 1 and WOE. Should are about it interest? Jan
  2. Version 1.0


    First Eagles seasonal Tiles by Jan Tuma ------------------------------------------- This is a set of new seasonal textures together with environmental mod (Trees, Forests, Farms, and new city objects) to enhance the look and feel of default First Eagles "Verdun" terrain; Expansion Pack 1 "Cambrai" terrain and aditional Flanders and Vogesen terrain. Different textures and environmental for each of 12 months. Please note that due to things work in the series terrain engine, you cannot destroy nor collide with buildings or trees. There may be some performance drop on older systems (drop off framerate during flight), you have been warned! ---------------------- Installation: ---------------------- First make backups of your existing terrains folders!!! In case something goes wrong during the install... A) Installation for all terrain (Werdun, Cambrai, Flanders and Vogesen): Extract this package to First eagles main directory (not in Terrain folder), if asked, overwrite. So will supplementeds all files in Terrain folder at a time. B) Custom Installation: 1) Unzip this package and open "Terrain" directory 2) Copy "Seasonal_tiles" folder in Terrain directory 3) For installation new Tiles to Werdun terrain copy "wwiVerdun" directory from installation package to "Terrain" folder, if asked, overwrite 4) For installation new Tiles to Cambrai terrain copy "wwiCambrai" directory from installation package to "Terrain" folder, if asked, overwrite 5) For installation new Tiles to Flanders terrain copy "Flanders" directory from installation package to "Terrain" folder, if asked, overwrite 6) For installation new Tiles to Verdun terrain copy "Verdun" directory from installation package to "Terrain" folder, if asked, overwrite You may want to change the Ground Objects setting from Medium or High to Unlimited for better look (above all cities tiles) ---------------------- Uninstallation: ---------------------- A) Best would be to restore the directory you BACKED UP, don't tell me you didn't! or B) 1) Delete "seasonal_tiles" folder in Terrain directory 2) Delete all *.TOD files in "Terrain\wwiVerdun" folder. Move or copy all files found inside of "Terrain\wwiVerdun\backup" directory to "Terrain\wwiVerdun" folder, if asked, overwrite 3) Delete all *.TOD files in "Terrain\wwiCambrai" folder. Move or copy all files found inside of "Terrain\wwiCambrai\backup" directory to "Terrain\wwiCambrai" folder, if asked, overwrite 4) Delete all *.TOD files in "Terrain\Flanders" folder. Move or copy all files found inside of "Terrain\Flanders\backup" directory to "Terrain\Flanders" folder, if asked, overwrite 5) Delete all *.TOD files in "Terrain\Vogesen" folder. Move or copy all files found inside of "Terrain\Vogesen\backup" directory to "Terrain\Vogesen" folder, if asked, overwrite ---------------------- Credits: ---------------------- This mods was created by Jan Tuma Vesion: 1.00 13.2.2010 THIS MOD IS ONLY TO BE DISTRIBUTED AS FREEWARE AND IN NO OTHER CIRCUMSTANCE SHALL IT BE USED, EVEN IN PART OF ANYTHING THAT IS PAYWARE. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE COMBAT ACE MODDERS AGREEMENT. Remember to give me credits and include original readme. Have fun, again watch that Hun in the sun! Jan Tuma http://www.tuma.tenzor.cz
  3. File Name: First Eagles seasonal Tiles by Jan Tuma File Submitter: Jan Tuma File Submitted: 13 February 2010 File Category: First Eagles Terrain and Environmental Mods First Eagles seasonal Tiles by Jan Tuma ------------------------------------------- This is a set of new seasonal textures together with environmental mod (Trees, Forests, Farms, and new city objects) to enhance the look and feel of default First Eagles "Verdun" terrain; Expansion Pack 1 "Cambrai" terrain and aditional Flanders and Vogesen terrain. Different textures and environmental for each of 12 months. Please note that due to things work in the series terrain engine, you cannot destroy nor collide with buildings or trees. There may be some performance drop on older systems (drop off framerate during flight), you have been warned! ---------------------- Installation: ---------------------- First make backups of your existing terrains folders!!! In case something goes wrong during the install... A) Installation for all terrain (Werdun, Cambrai, Flanders and Vogesen): Extract this package to First eagles main directory (not in Terrain folder), if asked, overwrite. So will supplementeds all files in Terrain folder at a time. B) Custom Installation: 1) Unzip this package and open "Terrain" directory 2) Copy "Seasonal_tiles" folder in Terrain directory 3) For installation new Tiles to Werdun terrain copy "wwiVerdun" directory from installation package to "Terrain" folder, if asked, overwrite 4) For installation new Tiles to Cambrai terrain copy "wwiCambrai" directory from installation package to "Terrain" folder, if asked, overwrite 5) For installation new Tiles to Flanders terrain copy "Flanders" directory from installation package to "Terrain" folder, if asked, overwrite 6) For installation new Tiles to Verdun terrain copy "Verdun" directory from installation package to "Terrain" folder, if asked, overwrite You may want to change the Ground Objects setting from Medium or High to Unlimited for better look (above all cities tiles) ---------------------- Uninstallation: ---------------------- A) Best would be to restore the directory you BACKED UP, don't tell me you didn't! or B) 1) Delete "seasonal_tiles" folder in Terrain directory 2) Delete all *.TOD files in "Terrain\wwiVerdun" folder. Move or copy all files found inside of "Terrain\wwiVerdun\backup" directory to "Terrain\wwiVerdun" folder, if asked, overwrite 3) Delete all *.TOD files in "Terrain\wwiCambrai" folder. Move or copy all files found inside of "Terrain\wwiCambrai\backup" directory to "Terrain\wwiCambrai" folder, if asked, overwrite 4) Delete all *.TOD files in "Terrain\Flanders" folder. Move or copy all files found inside of "Terrain\Flanders\backup" directory to "Terrain\Flanders" folder, if asked, overwrite 5) Delete all *.TOD files in "Terrain\Vogesen" folder. Move or copy all files found inside of "Terrain\Vogesen\backup" directory to "Terrain\Vogesen" folder, if asked, overwrite ---------------------- Credits: ---------------------- This mods was created by Jan Tuma Vesion: 1.00 13.2.2010 THIS MOD IS ONLY TO BE DISTRIBUTED AS FREEWARE AND IN NO OTHER CIRCUMSTANCE SHALL IT BE USED, EVEN IN PART OF ANYTHING THAT IS PAYWARE. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE COMBAT ACE MODDERS AGREEMENT. Remember to give me credits and include original readme. Have fun, again watch that Hun in the sun! Jan Tuma http://www.tuma.tenzor.cz Click here to download this file
  4. Version


    New Pilot repaint for First Eagles created by Jan (Honza) Tuma. To install: Drop the wwiPilotNew*.bmp into your Aircraft folder. (Default C:\Program Files\ThirdWire\WWI\Objects\Aircraft) Jan 24.7.2009
  5. Version


    New Tracer with Smoke Emitter for First Eagles. Mod based on excellent illuminated tracer effect by Gbreuder & Fubar512 To install: Drop the TracerSmokeEmitter.ini and TracerSmoke.tga file into your Effects folder. (Default C:\Program Files\ThirdWire\WWI\Effects) Uninstall: If you don't like it simply delete TracerSmokeEmitter.ini and TracerSmoke.tga file. Jan
  6. Albatros D.III Oeffag Ba.53 / Oeffag Ba.53 field mod - 3d model + 2 generic skins + FM (185 Hp Austro-Daimler) - released: http://combatace.com/files/file/13802-albatros-diii-oeffag-ba53/ http://combatace.com/files/file/13801-albatros-diii-ba53-field-mod/ Jan Tuma
  7. File Name: Albatros D.III Oeffag Ba.53 File Submitter: Jan Tuma File Submitted: 03 February 2013 File Category: Other Central Powers Aircraft Albatros D.III Oeffag Ba.53 3D model + 2 generic skins + FM (185 HP Austro-Daimler) by Jan Tuma Click here to download this file
  8. Albatros D.III Oeffag Ba.253 late (It is possible use also like Ba.153 late field mod + Ba.253 early field mod) - 3D model + 2 generic skins + FM (225 HP Austro-Daimler) - released: http://combatace.com/files/file/13798-albatros-diii-oeffag-ba253/ Jan Tuma
  9. Albatros D.III Oeffag Ba.153 late (It is possible use also like Ba.253 early) - 3D model + 2 generic skins + FM (200 HP Austro-Daimler) - released: http://combatace.com/files/file/13799-albatros-diii-oeffag-ba153-late/ Jan Tuma
  10. Albatros D.III Oeffag Ba.153 early - 3d model + 2 generic skins + FM (200 Hp Austro-Daimler) - released: http://combatace.com/files/file/13800-albatros-diii-oeffag-ba153-early/ Jan Tuma
  11. Version 1.0


    Albatros D.III Oeffag Ba.53 3D model + 2 generic skins + FM (185 HP Austro-Daimler) by Jan Tuma
  12. File Name: Albatros D.III Ba.53 field mod File Submitter: Jan Tuma File Submitted: 03 February 2013 File Category: Other Central Powers Aircraft Albatros D.III Oeffag Ba.53 field mod 3D model + 2 generic skins + FM (185 HP Austro-Daimler) by Jan Tuma Click here to download this file
  13. File Name: Albatros D.III Oeffag Ba.153 early File Submitter: Jan Tuma File Submitted: 03 February 2013 File Category: Other Central Powers Aircraft Albatros D.III Oeffag Ba.153 early 3D model + 2 generic skins + FM (200 HP Austro-Daimler) by Jan Tuma Click here to download this file
  14. File Name: Albatros D.III Oeffag Ba.153 late File Submitter: Jan Tuma File Submitted: 03 February 2013 File Category: Other Central Powers Aircraft Albatros D.III Oeffag Ba.153 late (It is possible use also like Ba.253 early) 3D model + 2 generic skins + FM (200 HP Austro-Daimler) by Jan Tuma Click here to download this file
  15. File Name: Albatros D.III Oeffag Ba.253 File Submitter: Jan Tuma File Submitted: 03 February 2013 File Category: Other Central Powers Aircraft Albatros D.III Oeffag Ba.253 late (It is possible use also like Ba.153 late field mod + Ba.253 early field mod) 3D model + 2 generic skins + FM (225 HP Austro-Daimler) by Jan Tuma Click here to download this file
  16. Version 1.0


    Albatros D.III Oeffag Ba.53 field mod 3D model + 2 generic skins + FM (185 HP Austro-Daimler) by Jan Tuma
  17. Version 1.0


    Albatros D.III Oeffag Ba.153 early 3D model + 2 generic skins + FM (200 HP Austro-Daimler) by Jan Tuma
  18. Version 1.0


    Albatros D.III Oeffag Ba.153 late (It is possible use also like Ba.253 early) 3D model + 2 generic skins + FM (200 HP Austro-Daimler) by Jan Tuma
  19. Version 1.0


    Albatros D.III Oeffag Ba.253 late (It is possible use also like Ba.153 late field mod + Ba.253 early field mod) 3D model + 2 generic skins + FM (225 HP Austro-Daimler) by Jan Tuma
  20. Hi! New Oeffag D.III 3D model based on stock Albatros D.III. Only that my little experiment with Hexa- editor: I prepare Oeffag D.III Ba.53 and Oeffag D.III Ba.153 (without prop spinner) also. Jan
  21. Version


    New Forest and Trees modification for WOE Tiles_REPAINT_GermanyCE terain by Brian32 created by Jan Tuma ("Honza") Version 1.0 - 20/11/2008 New forest and trees based on excelent "Forests and farms modification v 1.01" by CA_Stary Terain original created by Brian32
  22. Oeffag D.III Ba.53, 153, 253 - WIP

    Hi! I'm again back! I send 3D models soon, but with basic skins only and with stock Albatros cockpit. Jan
  23. Oeffag D.III Ba.53, 153, 253 - WIP

    Information for skin makers: For all models is used universal skin. Skin based on stock Albatros D.III - with some changes (red marked): Jan
  24. Oeffag D.III Ba.53, 153, 253 - WIP

    Yes all three versions, FM and cockpits: Ba.53 (185hp) engine cover, inner MG Ba.53 (185hp) without engine cover, inner MG Ba.53 (185hp) field mod without engine cover, inner MG and 2 aditional Schwarclose MG on Upper wing ----- Ba.153 (200hp) early - engine cover, without Spiner, inner MG Ba.153 (200hp) early - without engine cover, without Spiner, inner MG ----- Ba.153 (200hp) late - engine cover, round Nose, inner MG Ba.153 (200hp) late - without engine cover, round Nose, inner MG ----- Ba.253 (225hp) without engine cover, round Nose, external MG Jan ----------------------------------------------------- Oeffag D.III Ba.53 - 2+2 MG: Oeffag D.III Ba.53/153 - inner MG: Oeffag D.III Ba.253 - external MG:
  25. Oeffag D.III Ba.53, 153, 253 - WIP

    I use for editing: Mikes.de Tiny Hexer (hexa code editor), and like browser: 3D object converter by Zoltán Karpáti (for *.lod unfortunately only viwer) Changes are effected directly in stock AlbatrosD3.LOD (scrolling points, delete and addition polygons etc.). This method has its limits, but her results are good beyond expectation. Alone am surprise at, how all it is possible change. Is that a however heavy work with Hexa-editor (B23F 256A --->3B3F 256A etc. ). I am began with this one method already in former times in EAW, earlier than was available 3D-editor (my EAW models- WW1: http://www.sandbagger.uk.com/ww1skins1.html and WW2: http://www.tuma.tenzor.cz/index_hr.html ) I will try that! Jan

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