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Everything posted by sophocles

  1. Thankyou friend :) Can't wait for the F1! By the way, does anybody know how to get dynamic shadows in the cockpit? Paladrian had suggested including the cockpit model into the main model .. but I'm not quite sure I understand how to go about doing this .. Any advice would be appreciated!
  2. Hello all! I'm now progressing again; I am reluctant to post progress pics as I don't know if you're interested in the build process .. maybe you'd prefer updates close to the projects release? (don't want to bore you..) Anyway, here's how she looks today!
  3. I'm sorry about my ignorance .. coud you tell me how to enable this (I only get to see spec and normals when rendering) thanks!
  4. Thanks! I didn't know about the "99 and manage alpha.." bit.
  5. I can't seem to find the "Modders section of the files site" is it available to all?
  6. Hello again:) What about controlling the reflectivity through a texture map? Can this be done (I know there's provision for a separate specular map)? I remember in FSX etc.. you could use the diffuse alpha channel to control reflectivity .. is this possible for SF series?
  7. I too don't mess with the material settings but get the effects I need through separate specular and bump maps .. I would however also like to know what material settings people use for transparencies/glass that you don't intend to make textures for Thanks
  8. Absolutely beautiful!! Exceptional work Centurion!!
  9. I appreciate the support Dag, I'm determined to finish this!
  10. Su-25

  11. Guys I'm really moved .. I just got served a summons from a Bank here in Greece asking me to cough up the total ammount of a business loan I took out so as to keep my business afloat and not to have to lay off emplyees that have been with me for years. .. this is a very sad day for me but I won't let my faithful employees down .. neither will I let my clients not get the services they've been promised .. I'm currently at war with the system .. nice to receive some humanity .. Cheersa to the CA community!! .. now it's time to get drunk .. then I'll wake up, have a shower, a shave and some breakfast, and then man up and deal with the problem.. Sorry for the personal details, but .. I needed to vent ..
  12. Ooops! Forgot to mention that this is how I it looked as of March .. Cheers all!
  13. Hello all! As Stary pointed out, I'm striving for a very detailed model (which is a lot of hard work and some of it can get very tedious:( So whenever I start feeling like it's "work" I step back for a while and let the enthusiasm stir up to a point where I'm enjoying it again. I guess I'm still on one of those breaks .. If this upsets some people, well I guess that's too bad .. that's the way it is .. Thanks for your interest guys; it's doing a lot to stir my motivation!!!! Hope to be working on her again soon:)
  14. Centurion-1, I'm getting into the F-5a full bore again .. this project has woken me from my burnout phase .. so It shouldn't be too much longer! (modelling 90%, textures 90%, 3d pit (95%) However, F-5e and F are a completely different animal .. don't expect those any-time soon I'm afraid ..
  15. Damn this is exciting!!!!!!!!! Centurion-1, congrats on the project; this campaign is going to be epic!! Oh no! you're beginning to inspire me again ..
  16. I'd love to see it ingame!! Mine won't be ready for a few months yet..
  17. Dassault nEUROn

    Excuse me? Your comments in this thread have been misguided, ignorant and totally disrespectful .. I'm unimpressed ..
  18. Always considerate Thanks so very much!!
  19. Helpful as always Russouk2004!!! I would love a copy of that scratch filter texture you are featuring in those shots; excellent tutorial!!
  20. I can't believe I've only just seen this thread!! Wow!! Excellent work Centurion_1; and kudos to the rest of the design team .. this is going to be epic!!!!
  21. Outstanding work paulopanz!!!! Another demonstration of how excellent textures can enhance 10-fold the quality of a model! Love the shading, the "washout" and the tones of color..It looks spot on!! oops! mandatory screenshot ...
  22. Thanks Centurion-1 I really need the encouragement as I'm really starting to feel the pain .. all these details need mapping, texturing etc.. and worries about going too far with polys is beginning to creep in; I don't want the thing to be unplayable Cheers ; need all the encouragement I can get! I'll do my best!

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