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Everything posted by sophocles

  1. Thankyou very much for the reply Paladrian. Including the cockpit mesh into the external model mesh would be far too taxing as far as polys are concerned .. at least for my for my F-5 .. guess I'll have to make the most of baked textures:)
  2. Hello Centurion-1, it's not as high-poly as one might think. With only one meshmooth iteration, the polycount is just under a K
  3. Hello all, just a small update, getting all the details into the cockpit. There's plenty more to do .. I'm also thrilled to say that Brain32 and I are joining forces to complete the cockpit!
  4. You mean to include the external model mesh in the cockpit mesh lods? I'd appreciate some clarification, as dynamic shadows are very cool!
  5. Holy Moly!!! There's some excellent work there .. that MiG-15 looks absolutely gorgeous!!!!
  6. I too learned the hard way .. had to cut my fuselage into 4 pieces (was forced to collapse my mesh after sub division and then cut it..) regards
  7. Centurion-1, The polies themselves are not that many with the extra meshsmooth iteration; you just have to be careful that no one mesh in the model is greater that 4-5K polys. Given that, the A-37 could benefit from the extra smoothing as is evidenced by the improvements in the air-intakes. I am however curious as to why the difference in smoothing is not so pronounced on the other parts of the plane (wings, vertical stabilizer and such). Are you using smoothing groups which may be impeding the smooth process? You're doing a fasntastic job .. this second rendition is eons better than the original. Regards
  8. Just curious Centurion-1, What would the polycount go to with one more iteration in meshsmooth? Could be worth it? Regards, Sophocles
  9. Oh Yeah!! Centurion-1 that is a really good start! Glad you're adding polys
  10. Outstanding work!!!!! You have a pm ....
  11. Ooooooh! I'd love to see it! Coming from you it'll be darn good!! Maybe we could talk about commonality? I'm thinking of super-detailing mine .. perhaps we could avoid duplication of labour?
  12. Oooops!!! I know the legend ... ehm "The Wrench" Sorry, just not good with 1st names .. ok; I'll stop putting my foot in my mouth now .... I too am seriously looking forward to Centurion's A-37!!!!
  13. Forgive me Veltro2K, but who is Kev? (I know I'm an ignorant bastage.. How do I contact him? Thanks for the encouragement Muy bien, but it'll be months before I get the model anywhere near release..
  14. Also, does anyone know a site which details modern era (1960s-70s) us aircraft gauges and graphics? Thanks in advance
  15. Hello all! After suffering some burnout for about 6 weeks I've fallen in love with my project again. Here's a first glimpse of the cockpit .. Anyone know what the standard gunsight was for one of these? All the pics I have show different ones?
  16. Absolutely Drop-dead Gorgeous!!!!!!! Ablolutely love the colors on the HAF camo scheme; is it based on a real example of a HAF paint-scheme or is there some artistic license?
  17. Thanks to all for your encouragement Weekend's here! hope to have an initial view of the cockpit by Sunday. Regards
  18. Hello all, Just a little update; I've got the animations sorted out and the plane now sits nicely on the ground (now just to unravel the rest of the flight model .. I know next to nothing on this so may take a while..) Also nearly finished this version's external model. I think I'll start on the cockpit for a bit of a break before modelling the other versions. I've also just added the wing pylons and some 150/275 gallon tanks. Regards
  19. Looking absolutely gorgeous!!
  20. Hello all, I've finally unwrapped and animated all moving surfaces. Although the gear animations work perfectly in the air, when on the ground I get this (see pic). Once I get into the take off run and the nose rises, the gear look normal again and retract properly. The co-ordinates (pivot point) of my parent fuselage mesh are at pecisely 0,0,0 Any ideas?
  21. Yes, I see it would look odd. I am going to try with the 3 separate animations. Thanks again
  22. Oh great! Thanks Florian, this is the type of info I'm looking for .. I'll try a separate animation for the gear compression; you mean 3 different sets of 10 keys (41-50, 61-70, 71-80) one each for left gear, right gear, nose gear? Can't I just assign all 3 to one set? say 41-50,animation id 5? Regards
  23. Thanks, // Landing Gears --------------------------------------------------------- [NoseGear] SystemType=LANDING_GEAR Retractable=TRUE DeployTime=5.0 AnimationID=2 DragArea=0.25 HideGearNode=TRUE ModelNodeName=NoseGearStrut InsideNodeName= ShockNodeName=NoseGearHydraulics02 ShockAnimationID=2 ShockStroke=0.275 SpringFactor=2.0 DampingFactor=0.75 WheelNodeName=NoseGearTire RotationAxis=X-AXIS RollingRadius=0.50 CastoringWheel=TRUE CastoringNodeName= Steerable=TRUE MaxSteeringSpeed=41.15 Locking=FALSE MaxSteeringAngle=75.0 InputName=YAW_CONTROL ControlRate=1.0 HasBrakes=FALSE RollingCoefficient=0.05 MaxDeploySpeed=115.75 [LeftMainGear] SystemType=LANDING_GEAR Retractable=TRUE DeployTime=5.0 AnimationID=1 DragArea=0.50 HideGearNode=TRUE ModelNodeName=LeftMainGearStrut InsideNodeName= ShockNodeName=LeftMainGearHydraulics01 ShockAnimationID=1 //ReverseShockOrientation=TRUE ShockStroke=0.20 SpringFactor=3.0 DampingFactor=2.0 WheelNodeName=LeftMainGearTire RotationAxis=X-AXIS ReverseModelOrientation=FALSE ReverseWheelRotation=TRUE RollingRadius=0.50 CastoringWheel=FALSE HasBrakes=TRUE BrakingCoefficient=0.75 RollingCoefficient=0.05 MaxDeploySpeed=115.75 [RightMainGear] SystemType=LANDING_GEAR Retractable=TRUE DeployTime=5.0 AnimationID=1 DragArea=0.50 HideGearNode=TRUE ModelNodeName=RightMainGearStrut InsideNodeName= ShockNodeName=RightMainGearHydraulics01 ShockAnimationID=1 ShockStroke=0.20 SpringFactor=3.0 DampingFactor=2.0 WheelNodeName=RightMainGearTire RotationAxis=X-AXIS ReverseModelOrientation=TRUE RollingRadius=0.50 CastoringWheel=FALSE HasBrakes=TRUE BrakingCoefficient=0.75 RollingCoefficient=0.05 MaxDeploySpeed=115.75

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