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Everything posted by CrazyhorseB34

  1. Brazil chooses Gripen

    Yes, but what does the fox say?
  2. Brazil chooses Gripen

    I guess we should start by telling people not to start a topic with the words, " Loss of American dignity." Dance like a drunk fat woman at a wedding if you want to over the Gripen. Never expect your topic to be taken seriously when the first sentence is an insult. America has dignity.
  3. What a finish! We won it all!

    Great job!!!!
  4. Are Pit Bulls Misunderstood?

    The American Pitbull Terrier as a breed is a destroyed breed that should be eradicated. Then again I have four cats...................................................................................... Dogs suck. I spent a weekend with Dave. His Belgian Maloise scared the fuck out of me. The feline is the apex predator in biology............... No human civilization in history, or even any animal eats Cats. Buzzards do not eat Cats.Not even Koreans ( They munch the fuck out of some kagogie though). Cats are faster. Cats can see in the dark (Built in PVS-14s), Cats can smell just as good as dogs, Cats will use claws and win before they even consider the fang, and Cats do not take shit from anyone..... Want a badass pet? Get a notch-eared Striped American Tabby and treat it with respect and dignity and it will watch NFL games with you all goddamn day and still present you with a rodent bodycount better than MACV-SOG the next morning. I love Felines and my four amaze me on a daily basis. Main reason is, they do not need you. You need them. You invite them into your family to show you the true meaning of the American independent spirit. Plus they smell good and are furry. But for home security........ I do not have the balls to have a pet Tiger....... so Mossberg 500 with 00 buck and the inability to sleep at night works well for me. Better than some bitchy, needy dog any day. Anyone that would raise and breed an animal to fight is a POS.
  5. Then once you have downloaded and installed Gunny's Awesome Ordnance pack......... Upload Ravenclaw's weapons and Lindr's Russian bombs! It is a community effort!
  6. Bullwinkle's Weekend Safety Brief for 27-29 Dec 13

    Oh the memories of the days when I was a Warrior King. I would pay $50 to smoke Meach!
  7. Brazil chooses Gripen

    If it was not designed for export, then stop exporting it. The best the "Soviets had to offer" would not have been used against Sweden. The real war would have been fought over West Germany against real fighters like F-15s. Sheesh................
  8. Brazil chooses Gripen

    Flown by Swedes. With massive corporate tech support. Wonder if the same thing can be said of South Africans.......
  9. Tanks?

    The Challenger stand in I use is the Ariete repainted and available in the SF1 downloads section. T-90 looks just like a T-72 from 3000 ft. so just copy the T-72 rename and redate it and that can be a good temporary stand in.
  10. Brazil chooses Gripen

    Yes. Because of it's radar and BVR advantage. Also because it works. As I said before, brochures are nice. Would you rather buy something you can only read about in a brochure, or would you rather buy something you read about in the news every day pounding the crap out of people worldwide? When your enemy hears the words, F-16, or Rafale, or Hornet, they take notice. When most people hear Gripen they are like, WTF is that.......Name recognition and branding does matter. I love Sweden. ABBA, the Dragon Tattoo Girl, IKEA, you name it. I just have had some bad first hand experience dealing with Swedish made training devices and weapons. TWGSS (Tank Weapon Gunnery Simulation System) made by Saab, never worked right. I spent almost eight years trying to get that thing to do what the brochure said it was supposed to do. All it ended up doing was break LRUs and waste time and money. The U.S. Army spent a lot of money on that thing and it turned out to be crap. In Iraq, we had a dud rate of one out of every three fired for Swedish made AT-4s. Not acceptable. So based off of that, I personally am skeptical of any exported Swedish weapon system or complex training device. Others may have a different opinion. The Gripen and F-20 comparison is based not just on looks. They both where designed as cheap disposable fighters. Marketed for people who cannot afford F-16s. So the Gripen takes over conceptually from where the F-20 left off. They also look alike. When upgraded, those National Guard F-16s will have several thousand hours left on their airframe. Can you do that with a Gripen? What is the long term plan for the Gripen? Saab going to do a structural upgrade on them in 15 years? They did screw Denal in their maintenance support contract did they not? Will Saab even exist in 15 years? With all the trouble in that company right now, I doubt it. We have all brought up valid points. But at the end of the day, I wish the sale to be a success and for everyone involved to get what they want out of the deal. Thing is, I would be the guy who would object to it if I was in the Brazilian Ministry of Defense (or whatever they call it). Don't settle for the Golf when you could have a Jetta or a Passat. I have a Jetta, I love it! Ha!
  11. Does anyone know anything about the Coins card?

    Cash rules everything around me, CREAM, get the money. Dolla,dolla bills ya'll...........
  12. F-105 Walk Around With Pilot Marty Case

    Word! This is the kind stuff I like!
  13. Vertical Pack for Soviet Navy

    Thanks for the Christmas gift my friend!
  14. At last, we did it...

    F-35=Game Changer. You will see.
  15. Hey Wrench, add STRIKE to your cargo birds and drop paratroopers at night into heavily defended enemy territory. With escort jammers and fighter cover, not to mention SEAD assets SAM hunting, it can be pretty fun! That is what I do with Del's C-130. C-130 rollin down the strip...... AIRBORNE daddy gonna take a little trip........ Stand up hook up shuffle to the door.......
  16. Merry Christmas..........

    Ho, ho, ho, HO..............!
  17. I don't think that thing is supposed to be painted. I may be wrong.
  18. Mikhail Kalashnikov Dies at 94

    Good riddance.
  19. North Korea executes leaders Uncle

    Jefferson Davis got caught wearing women's clothes when he tried to overthrow the government. Spent a few years on Ft. Monroe then lived out his days on the beach in Biloxi writing The Rise and Fall of the Confederacy. So I guess our traitors do get off rather easy. Another traitor, Robert E. Lee, became a university president.... go figure.
  20. Dont mess with Marines

    If it was Dog Faces they would have killed him.
  21. Rodolfo "Rudy" Hernandez Dead at 82

    Main reason is his last name was not Kardashian or Robertson........ Our culture celebrates brainless idiots like them but forgets the ones that provide us the freedom to act that way.
  22. Happy Birthday?

    Happy Birthday! Your legacy lives on!
  23. TSA Union wants guns for agents

    Progress is the answer. If people just put their energy into positive things we would be ok. But for most fake macho turds at the gun club or tea party rally owning knockoff AK's makes you a patriot and a man more than volunteering to help teach county jail inmates GED courses, or helping immigrants with citizenship tests. As a nation in the last 30 or 40 years we have failed to teach our children what their true civic responsibilities and duties are. Shame on the violent and for profit modern American Conservative movement.
  24. TSA Union wants guns for agents

    No one aimed anything at you Dave. I never once heard you say that we should form "citizen militias" to rescue our nation from the grips of "Afro Marxism," so no it does not apply to you. Sure guns are a part of American culture. Hunting rifles, shotguns, and the like are what most young men are raised to use in a safe and sane manner. Not military type weapons. Teach a kid to shoot a .22 and he will shoot EXPERT at BRM with an M-4. That is the American way. My Grandpa was a USMC WW2 vet. He taught me how to shoot with a .22. He told me that it was the military's job to teach me the hard stuff. Hard stuff meaning the FM 7-8 stuff. Due to his instruction I moonwalked through BRM.You don't train your kids to shoot M-4's so they can take back the gubbament fo all us good Christian white folks. That is counter productive. You teach the basic handling and operation of firearms to your kids so it will make some guy at Ft. Benning's job easier when your offspring needs to answer the call. My point is that weapons with a modern battlefield capacity should not be allowed to proliferate our streets. Jesus, the first gun laws in America came about because of the use of the M1928 submachinegun by organized crime elements during prohibition. If anybody wants to waste their time shooting AR's and "moving tactically" in their own time that is their problem not mine. Just don't bring that "gunclub skillset" to the street to settle our nations problems. Because there is a 90% chance that the ones who would try that will die really bad.

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