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Everything posted by CrazyhorseB34

  1. ROFL! True Story Just Happend. ... to ME!

    Seinfeld. You must not be over 35.
  2. They already have such vid...........
  3. B-52D/F Pylons

    Now you tell me! YeeHaw!
  4. I would not want a Vulcan as a WSO. Probably get on my nerves.
  5. ROFL! True Story Just Happend. ... to ME!

    Did you buy showerheads made in Bosnia from a guy named Kramer?
  6. B-52D/F Pylons

    As I recall the external pylons for Vietnamish (Stary trademark) Buffs have never been fully addressed............
  7. Use one of the stock F-100 cockpits from SF2...... Like me!
  8. Dave will twerk if you get him drunk enough.
  9. Daily Ceremony At the Indian/Pakistani border crossing

    This is without a doubt one of the most awesome military ceremonies conducted in the world. Thank you for posting this! To mock these professionals, as the commentator did, with "Monty Python" inferences dishonors their loyalty to their country and their devotion to duty. The commentator of the vid should be slapped.
  10. Wanted.........................

    I will do it.
  11. Wrench did all the work! Just sharing what he gave me!
  12. HEY! It's...

    Happy Birthday Brain32!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Wrench, these should be the ones. Thus the reason I defer all "terraforming" questions to Mighty Wrench The Creator! NamTFDHFD.7z
  14. Wrench you made up the Hainan Island airfield for me! I attached my VietnamSEA TARGETS. It contains the Hainan airfield. It is the very last target on the list. It is called, Haikou Meilan International Airport. VIETNAMSEA_TARGETS.7z
  15. F-22A chases off Iranian F-4s

    Reminds me of the song "WW3" by Dos Gringos! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGKJAKx979I
  16. what did happen to the droptanks jettisonned over Vietnam?

    I would love to have one of those!
  17. I thought SF2NA porked that mod?
  18. Voyager leaves solar system

    Hope it don't come back as V'ger!
  19. "noob" is a banned term here at CA. That is online multiplayer arcade fest X-box fan-boy speech. Yuk,yuk,yuk...........
  20. Waited a long time for this skin! Thanks a lot and great work Daddy A!
  21. Or you could load the "Invisible Weapon."

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