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Everything posted by CrazyhorseB34

  1. If you use the F4U-4 you must for the sake of accuracy use the RN method of landing. But the Corsairs had adjustable seats to allow the pilot to get a better view over the big long nose when the canopy was slid back during landing. Even so, the MF Corsair is really difficult to land on a straight deck in SF2 unless one adds about a meter to the hook length. The hook is actually attached to the tail wheel mount. The added length simulates the very low hanging hook on the Corsair. Watch old vids of Corsairs landing during Korea. The hook hangs real low and touches first.
  2. That is the infamous photoshopped pic that had everyone in a tizzy a few years ago. I think you are right, the F-14 dll does not have ground radar capability.
  3. GFEST XX Pics

    Dude, I love me some Godzilla!
  4. Serious case of dumb

    Pot won't make you drive with visegrips, but meth will.............
  5. Could we not just put the F-14 VDI in the old SF1 A-6 pit?
  6. This is cool we where just talking about taking on Persian Cats with Halloween striped Marine Phantoms DA!
  7. it's a boy

    I just heard banjos and beard pullin!
  8. Rockets.............

    Been using it in game for years.
  9. it's a boy

    Really? Obamabots care about the royal baby? Lamestreamers come on who let Sarah Palin log into CA? Harry is the badass in the family, albeit bastard son of the alcoholic prat known to the world as James Hewitt. Just goes to show that you can still be a ho no matter what project or palace you come from.
  10. "Splash, one Hormone!" Indian Ocean, 1980. Thanks Sidd for my favorite Tomcat skin!
  11. F-14 shoots down F-4...

    The F-14 pilot was an O-2. Not an O-4. What suprises me is that from what I read he was not given a mental eval. But people do fuck up. In Camp Casey Korea in the early 90's some stupid Lt. fired a 105mm APFSDS-T round at a quarter scale target on post during a dry fire crew proficiency course. Needless to say he never tanked again. People make mistakes even in the "zero defect" U.S. military. He should of been court martialed. Another interesting thing I heard is that the pilot's father was also a Naval Aviator in Vietnam and was involved in a "blue on blue" incident himself!
  12. F-15 down in the Pacific

    F-35 is a bomb truck.
  13. Wrench, you repurposed the clock. I was thinking about doing some surgery on this thing to convert it to an SU-24 pit. Anybody want to help? Orsin if you do not mind could you post your cockpit data.ini?
  14. US Drone crash, QF-4 Phantom

    The whole American citizens in a uproar over "Drones" is beginning to make me sick. We have been shooting down TARGET DRONES since the 1940's. People need to chillax. Most military communities are used to the side effects of living near a military installation. At Ft. Riley near the big tank range is a very small town called Riley, KS. We would literally shoot 120mm all night long not 2 miles from the town and the citizens never complained. They even had to redo the sheetrock in the small town hall building due to cracks caused by the vibrations of almost non stop tank guns banging. Still the people never complained and when interviewed by local news one citizen stated that the ruckus we made on the range was "the sounds of freedom."
  15. I don't see why he wants to quit. "'10 year old technology" or not this is still the only place in town you can fly anywhere, anytime, in anything. Wonder if he will put out the SF version Buckeye he has been teasing us with for years?
  16. Thus the reason I love SF2. You can fly anything anywhere at any time. Doing pretty much whatever you want. If one is willing to listen and do a little experimenting on their own, only their own imagination can limit them. When the game evolves, part of the fun is trying to figure out how the new patch screwed up this or that mod.
  17. I was just thinking... we might blow this thing up when the DL's come back online.
  18. Got Punked......

    You should hear what Ho Lee Fuk said on the cockpit voice recorder!
  19. F-22 IR Missiles

    F-22A pilots do not use JHMCS or anything else head mounted. In addition the AIM-9X is not used on the Raptor. the Raptor uses the AIM-9M. The M can acquire with help from the radar. But the door must be open for the round to acquire the target without radar help.
  20. Traitor?.. or Defender of Civil Liberties?

    PRISM was legal. The docs Snowden dropped where the authorizations signed by a FISA judge! The whole lawful order idea is misguided. Snowden never witnessed a criminal act in progress to initate any type of lawful order defense. He just assumed and second guessed what he was supposed to do. The whole meaning of duty is to do stuff you really don't want to do sometimes because it must be done. The whole machine break down we breakdown theory. Snowden did not witness a murder based off of any of this information. Snowden was hired to dig a trench. Not to put bodies in it. People dig trenches every day. Do trench diggers run away tell others what they think the reason why their boss told them to dig a trench? See how absurd this is? Snowden took it upon himself by his own public admission too seek leakable information. He is no hero for civil liberties. He is a criminal and a spy.
  21. My Thoughts About Today.....

    Well.... yes it does. The representation portion of it was that we really wanted above all to be English. To argue for representation in exchange for taxes to pay for a conflict started by us just points to the contrary nature of early American history. The end result was that we rebelled against the English because of their refusal to fully recognize us as them. So we win with a big bail out by the French. Set up our own system of government and some of the first things that happen are rebellions against the national government over taxation policy...... Love it or leave it you still can't beat it.

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