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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Modernized military Hardware

    Yes they did but from a military point of view it does make some sense... CSAR is one of them... also it can take a few hits and also they work out a lot cheaper than an Apache...
  2. Quick! what do you do?

    Well singing helps to raise morale... I must admit my first parachute jump was me singing... my second was more the WTF am I doing the third James Brown I feel good... 4 Pink Floyd Learning to fly...
  3. Quick! what do you do?

    Oh they had 2500ft left to fall plenty of room... time to light the cigar think about life and still be able to pull out... though not enough time to open the bottle of Red wine and allow it to breath... hmmm maybe they should have opened the wine just before the stall... WikiLeaks... who's owner thinks he's so wanted by the feds the CIA the KGB (Sorry old habit FSB), Mossad, Shin Bet and everyone else... NOT!!!
  4. Modernized military Hardware

    It is true that the Helo has been qualified to fly etc... I think its just that Rostovol are just bad mouthing as they didn't get the job as from what I understand the Algerian Military is very happy with the Fugly bird... I tell you this much the Hind was ugly to start with and after this nose job it gets a 10 out of 10 in the Fugly awards...
  5. CFS3 Constant Crashes

    Okay best advice to you at present is make sure everything is up to date... Vista....
  6. We have the worst..but whats the best commercials?

    I love that Carling Advert it always makes me smile... no matter what... and yes I sad enough to have it in my bookmarked links...
  7. Okay on the lines of What Fighter I have gone for the Bombers / Recon Aircraft... No Prizes this is just for fun...
  8. What WW1 bomber/recon is this...

    Aaaaahhhh the dreaded old age... gets me down especially after partying until 4am... And yes the given answer was correct... AGO C.I
  9. What I'd like to see in Phase IV

    If there was a thread for pure funnies with genius in them that one by Louie would definitely be in there... Olham we get them started early might mean new Flight sims for when we all retire...
  10. IN SF1 its in the Objects Aircraft Folder...
  11. What I'd like to see in Phase IV

    Excellent Louie that just made my day...
  12. My Copy of OFF

    He's flying in 1916 so its Semaphore... or do we hear the sputter of a dying engine over the hill... and a trail of blacksmoke following a dot weaving throught the sky... Though I did just find this on the Futuristic Interweb thingy... http://www.wishtv.com/dpp/news/southern-indiana-man-crashes-wwi-plane,-again Glad he got out okay...
  13. O' Bar generally means Offices Club in UK Military Parlance... Generally Navy... As to the Buccaneer look at it from a Top View... http://www.google.at/imgres?imgurl=http://richard.ferriere.free.fr/3vues/buccaneer_1_3v.jpg&imgrefurl=http://richard.ferriere.free.fr/3vues/B-3vues.html&usg=__0O1RrEeKVPUQDdn77U07Lv5t6WQ=&h=1024&w=681&sz=126&hl=de&start=7&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=517atR36ct9TzM:&tbnh=150&tbnw=100&prev=/images%3Fq%3DBlackburn%2BBuccaneer%26um%3D1%26hl%3Dde%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26sa%3DN%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-GB:official%26tbs%3Disch:1 Then scroll down to the Buccaneer... Might explain it... a bit better. To be honest I prefer my Sims in 2 flavours... one ala Strike Fighters where I can pick up go dogfight drop some iron and call it a day... I remember the first time I played Falcon and it fried my head as I decided on starting the jet with a cold cockpit... Falcon is a great game but sometimes it just far too much... Strike Fighters is a great sim especially with community and the mod makers (Thank you to you guys) Also I find that the more that the modders learn the more complex the game gets... Ala the Vietnam mod with Flak so thick you could walk on it... I may be getting the wrong thing about what you are saying GywnO if I am I apologise but I think SF2 is moving in the direction that you require...
  14. What WW1 bomber/recon is this...

    hmm I was thinking Herr Olham that having the one for fighters and one for other types bombers recon etc would give a nice balance... though you are correct the fighter one you posted is a very very tough one... I have spent 3 hours going through reference material... though my time era is later Aircraft I still find it fun... You are quite correct...
  15. What WWI fighter is this?

    Hmmm Interesting... maybe I am looking at this the wrong way...
  16. What WWI fighter is this?

    Okay I am thinking that your plane Herr Olham is 2 planes the spinner on the front looks like it has come from a Morane-Saulnier N... from there back it could possibly be a Bristol Type 1 Scout C... but not too sure...
  17. What WW1 bomber/recon is this...

    My Apologies Herr Olham but the previous one I thought was for Fighters where as this is for other types e.g. Bombers etc... If you request I will remove and attempt to answer yours...
  18. Snoopy

    The Red Baron better watch out :rofl:
  19. Enjoying the Eindecker in MFJ 1

    Yes old chap most definitely on that one... Lewis gun vs Parabellum MG14 no wonder I lost...
  20. Enjoying the Eindecker in MFJ 1

    Just be careful against 2 Seaters I remember flying side by side with one with both rear gunners taking pot shots at each other I had run out up the front... and the Kraut managed to get more into my plane than my gunner did into the Kraut plane...
  21. The ultimate shovel

    Okay looks a useful piece of kit provided it doesnt fall apart after 2 weeks of use... As to the theme tune I was expecting a bunch of Cowboys to ride in and shoot the place up... I am sure its from a western just not sure which one, or it sounds like its from a western anyway...
  22. Enjoying the Eindecker in MFJ 1

    Not really if I remember rightly as I havn't flown my trusty Strutter for about 6 weeks... She isn't too fast but she moves really well she can hold her nose high and when she stalls its normally to the right side and it can be a bit unexpected recovery is simple point her nose down and she gains speed... Turning fights can be interesting as she does loose height in a dogfight especially when turning hard try to be gentle with your turns in the fight. She has enough speed to close with an Einie in a chase... Apart from that she flies to my mind really well, though as with all early war Aircraft she is underpowered...
  23. What I'd like to see in Phase IV

    Its good to wind the old chap Widowmaker up...
  24. Enjoying the Eindecker in MFJ 1

    Its a 1916 plane... the great thing I love is that you get the synch'd Vivkers up front and your gunner can keep the bad guys off your tail a bit like an early War Bristol Fighter... oh and you get to carry bombs internally as well to cause trouble down below... and it is honest enough to keep you out of trouble... if you treat it right... The reason I keep flying it is that I want to get to know how to fly a plane without jumping all over the time period. Learn how to get the best from it and what its negative points are.

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