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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Another fallen... in Afghanistan...

  2. Phlipping heck !

    Yeah well I prefer the other 4 The Scooter... I just throw it in to annoy
  3. Anybody read this yet?

    I find most of this series a good read... which reminds... me I need to get more books lol...
  4. Perhaps obvious question

    What you mean there's fine print...
  5. Oman to buy Typhoons

  6. Oman to buy Typhoons

    Well with the Saudi's buying them the possibility is higher as they could get a joint repair etc facility out that way...
  7. What if ?

    As the wondrous people here have recreated that leg-end that never saw service, like it should have done, the TSR-2. It got me to thinking what would the RAF have ended up with instead of the Tornado F-3 as the Tornado program would never have arrived ??? I know that the RAF tested out the F-14 Tomcat which used to do the same job... The F-15 didn't have the 2 man crew that was required. Doesn't leave a right lot to go at really as the F-4 was getting old... The French had no jet capable of doing the long overwater mission that the F-3 was designed for... Anyone got any thoughts on this ???
  8. Phlipping heck !

    A Phantom freak...
  9. Mazal Tov pcpilot

    Happy Birthday...
  10. air forces of the world beware!

    Shake rattle and roll... lol followed up with Murder on the Dance Floor ???
  11. LHC under attack...

    http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/04/01/lhc_fifth_dimension_incursion/ As it's April Fools day today I read this and had a good chuckle...
  12. WOW!

    yeah I found it last night lol...
  13. Start impossible

    I had this problem a couple of weeks ago... Had to do a reinstall of everything...
  14. OT Fancy some Irreverant Comedy?

    Our humour... well its what helps in adversity... and we are the only nation on the planet who find The toilet humour funny... ala Blackadder http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beLlqvV5xmY Towards the end of the clip... its old but its still funny...
  15. Digital Military Art...

    Whilst wandering the net this evening I came across this site http://www.digitalmilitaryart.com/ Its Military art and some of it is damn good...
  16. Okay we have the TSR-2 Can we have a Buccaneer S.1 and S.2 pretty please with a cherry on top...
  17. What if ?

    The only reason the UK looked at the Vark was because the wonderous labour government at the time scrapped the TSR 2, so the Vark wouldn't have come to Britain. As to the TSR 2 I don't know it was designed with the same mission set as the Tornado GR-1 etc. The projected specs for the TSR 2 are actually better than the Tornado better range roughly the same speed on the deck and the advantage there goes to the TSR 2 as it had an internal bomb bay so was flying clean most of the time... As to the Luftwaffe/Marineflieger they where interested in the TSR 2 as well as a host of other countries Australia being one as well. As to the Technology involved I don't see the problem there as it's easier to replace electronic's than to create a new Aircraft...
  18. To the Families of the Moscow Victims

    My condolences as well to the people and families of the dead and injured may justice be swift on the people who masterminded such a horrendous act...
  19. XP setup

    Not to my knowledge... When I am next in work I will ask around but the wonderful people at Microsoft (Need a Sarcasm Emote for that one) expect everyone to use a single Hard drive classed as C:
  20. Show off your Desktop!

    There's a desktop under there Only Joking...
  21. XP setup

    Okay how much space is there on the C Drive? If I remember rightly what happens is that when a program is to be installed it looks at the C Drive no matter what drive letter you select as it will use the C Drive for file paging in other words it will use your C Drive while its installing onto your G Drive... I maybe wrong on this though but I would make sure you have some space on the C Drive... without having my notes (They're at work) typical the one day you need work and you leave it at work... Hope this helps some...
  22. Woot another fine mod we have here... yup been test-flying... and it is damn fast on the deck...
  23. Show off your Desktop!

    Now Jug that is one damn fine picture...
  24. Any patches

    I agree with the Mighty USAFmtl on the list he has provided as to keeping score on what you have left on the Racks no there is no easy one to that some jets have it others you have to keep track... adds to the fun is there a winder left etc... and welcome

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