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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. Black Prophecy

    I think I will take a look at this tonight as I said in my earlier post that I was interested in a Space shooting trading game in the style of Elite...
  2. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/03/18/f35b_hover_flight/ Looks like the F-35 hovers... and the more I look at it the more I prefer it to the godawful Boeing effort...
  3. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8575911.stm Looks like British and US troops will be Marching on Red Square on May 9th this year as part of the celebrations in Russia... This is to mark the 65th year since the end of WW2...
  4. OT Is EVE Online any good...

    Already have oolite... and most of the addon's... and it does take me back a couple of decades well 3 actually to the time of BBC Micro's yup I started out that long ago...
  5. SE5a won't keep firing

    Advice on shooting at the Dastardly Kraut... Get close then closer then closer then closer and when you can nearly reach out and shake his hand get closer still then shoot him... Also if I am right (Someone tell me if not) the Lewis gun on the Se-5a only holds a 97 round magazine... though you can reload...
  6. There isn't one out there most people go with the cockpit which is there it works...
  7. One word... Good-looking
  8. Will my system be able to run OFF...

    Looking at the specs thats close to what my old PC was running end of last year and she ran OFF just fine... you wont have the sliders maxed out but it will still look good... Welcome to the club also there is from what I have seen a very active online setup though I havn't indulged yet... Though some of the others have a penchant for asking for a beer as your the new guy they get that way after awhile but they do grow on you Good luck with the movie... some of the old hands in here will be able to help you out with just about anything also take a look at this link on the Tube of doom... It was created by one of the genius's on here run's by the nickname of RickityCrate... Hope this is of use to you...
  9. Show off your Desktop!

    Here's mine missing the shortcuts I run twin screens and the main screen is normally devoid of anything but what I am doing... Also I use a screen randomizer and this is what I am showing at present... I love Scooters
  10. As the said above Grab the NATO 4+ as it is outstanding... and maybe the Gold Version for the Wings over Vietnam for SF2 as well not so much an Aircraft addon as a fantastic mod for SF2 Vietnam...
  11. Satan

    Ooo the man downstairs has a special place for you Widowmaker old chap
  12. The Lone Wolf

    A very good poem there Olham... and the Errors for us English speaking types are few but it is very understandable... Thanks for sharing If you want I will do a full translation of it from German to English...
  13. OT Once upon a Time

    Hmm I once asked a girl to marry me and she said no andI ride motorcycle's can't play golf as it spoils a good walk as to the rest well I havn't tried them yet...
  14. Okay all you hoopy froods Bruntingthorpe Aircraft Museum Open Day Sunday 30th May 2010 All serviceable aircraft will carry out full power taxi runs along the main runway. See the Link http://www.bruntingthorpe.com/aircraft-museum.htm I am planning on going...
  15. I am with you on this my friend... Your troops where lightly armed for the job that they where supposed to be doing... Peacekeeping in my opinon is you take some heavies in with you to show them you mean business not send in light infantry... They have their use's but sometimes they need to have the backup close by doesn't matter if your gay straight or alien... You know occasionally you need to shoot a few generals/admirals etc to keep the rest in line... As to do I know what I am talking about I spent 2 4 month tours in Bosnia and one in Kosovo... and there where days when we couldn't do anything because the UN said no... To say it was a clusterf*$k is an classic English understatement... We should have gone in loaded for bear and gone after the militaries and militia's causing the trouble... Aint Hindsight a wonderful thing but we the guys and gals on the ground knew that this is the only way to get a job done right... Right RANT over until the next one...
  16. Free ATI 4870 512 Graphics Card

    Good offer there and yes they are good cards I have them in my PC... work a treat...
  17. Went to the Doctor today

    You have to put it this way the old Monty Python Boy's can make the worst things funny... :rofl:
  18. Also found this article about the X-37... robot space plane... must make up for Boeing having an ugly Stepchild that was would have been the F-32 http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/03/15/x_37_go_for_april/
  19. Is it a Robot plane or a Mini Space Shuttle ?

    Yeah right that one didn't have a single chin it was more a quadruple chin with 8 chin's on top...
  20. Anyone Watching "The Pacific"

    Okay there is a way round this google peerguardian and it should work it makes your PC think it's in the US, I use it in relation to some work I do and it allows me into a website that's US only... If it doesn't work dont blame me... Also I am not sure what the legal ramifications are either... But I don't think that there is an issue... Okay just checked the HBO site and no it doesn't let me watch The Pacific... as one US General at Bastionge said in WW2 NUTS!!!
  21. My apologies to Ghostrider883 on this... thanks for letting me know Spinners... I still say your Skins are excellent even when you stick them on the wrong jets...
  22. You know Spinners that's a wonderful 5 paint job... saying that your work is always of a high standard even when you get confused and put RAF Roundel's on Russian kit
  23. J-10

    But then we Chung Kou is over 20 years old and the Taiwanese pilot's will know what it can do better than a Chinese pilot who has been flying a J-10 for 6 months or so... Pilot skill comes into it a lot... Someone once said a Good pilot in a mediocre plane will always beat a bad pilot in a great plane... but nowadays it's all push button and the Chinese if they attack Taiwan will go in mob handed and outnumber the Taiwanese Air Force 5 to one... but hey lets not go there...
  24. Has Anyone seen this story...?

    I am ex-military and when I left the RAF finding a job was difficult at the time the paper's where full of stories of squaddies getting drunk and trashing stuff... Thankfully those times have changed and the majority of employer's in the UK appreciate ex-servicemen and women for the skill's that they can provide that no civilian job would allow to be created and used... I am not talking about the weapons etc but more the work ethic as well as the ability to get the job done no matter what the odds... and that they accept that you may be slightly damaged goods shall I say... But they realise what a bargin they get... Whereas this low-life though in a way I commend him for his stand for about a nanosecond needs to realise that the military is there to do a job just as his sure to go bust company is doing whatever it's doing but his isn't a daily requirement whereas a strong armed forces no matter how unpalatable it may seem are required 24 hours a day 365 days a year. If for example a foreign military started operating on UK Soil he would be there wanting the military to defend him... it makes me sick and I would like to introduce him to Mr A International and his 7.62mm friend... Sorry if this makes no sense as I get a bit miffed about people like this as in slightly annoyed bit like when the coffee machine break's down first thing in the morning...
  25. PSA

    Dammit guys I am eating lunch here or was... there is wrong and there is wrong and that was so wrong even my usual cast iron stomach complained... and as FC said You can't unsee a statement like that...

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