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Everything posted by Slartibartfast

  1. B0-105 low flying

    http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-8849893444885159849&ei=cDuUS-u-Kdak-AbNzsjxAg&q=20mm+cannon+firing&hl=en&view=3&client=firefox-a# Okay what this guy's doing with this helo is pretty damn good...
  2. Though I would take out the Vulcan for the sound as it isn't a gattling type weapon but a revolver cannon... and it sure as hell don't sound like a vulcan in real-life...
  3. Well Well Well.......Lookie Who Got Caught........

    If it where me I would feed him to the pig's no traces left as pig's eat everything... okay cruel and unusual so what... and it will be a serious affront to his twisted version of the religon he follow's... no 50 virgin's for him... Just before you do torture him but don't record the information as it will most likely be worthless now that the fun loving media have said he's been caught...
  4. Attn Combatace Membership!

    aaah Beer as Homer Simpson said :- Isn't there anything it cant do?
  5. Attn Combatace Membership!

    Does a bottle of wine count... ??? Red before you ask
  6. Return of the Falklands

    Let the Falklanders decide as they should do so as they are the people who live there... and I it will not even be a close run thing as the vast majority of the poeple there want to remain under the UK flag... I know I have been there !!!
  7. Politico's

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/8552593.stm I was going to put a note on here a lot stronger... but I know from some of the guys I used to work with that the PM when he was Chancellor did stop funds to the military as he doesn't understand the military... But to blame the deaths of those kids out there fighting those fights on the Generals not asking for what they need is disgusting... What respect I might have had for him is definitely gone and buried, not that I had any in the first place as he is an un-elected PM.
  8. Politico's

    The quote on the Typhoon is incorrect they gave in and let the RAF have the gun some of the pressure came from the most unlikely place The Army...
  9. I always wondered why the Soviets painted the cockpits of their Jet's Green... But some great photo's...
  10. isn't that Ironic? don't you think?

    Its been one of those days but that made me laugh... also those 2 pence are English 2 pence's...
  11. Well another sortie notched up and this was a weird one... 1 x F-4G 4 Sidewinders 2 Sparrow 2 Harm Centreline Tank ECM pod Assigned to do a recon over the lines apprently for it was an Electronic Recon looking for Radar's in an area to hot for a standard Electronic Recon... Well my jet was prepped and ready when I got there but I still did the standard walk round and the Bear checked HIS babies (The AGM-88's) and we prepped for a single ship flight which was worrying at first but then after my previous flight losing a wingie it was probably the best. Take off and flight out standard setup as the Bear setup his gear in the back... All my questions answered with Fly the plane... After 30 mins or so we get intot he area and immediately fire a Harm at a Fan Song F thats lit us up and fired a pair of SA-2's at us missile scores a direct hit. We do our thing and pick up all sorts of Intel for the Intel pukes back at base and then as the Bear put it we where on our own time. An SA-6 popped up and we fired the second Harm for no result on our way out of the area, thankfully it didn't shoot at us. This sortie was an easy milk run considering no Enemy air and 1 SA-2 site firing at us... Roll on the next one...
  12. isn't that Ironic? don't you think?

    I see it this way... The guy who got slotted has been a key General or money man in Hamas who have declared that they will not rest until Israel is defeated, that to me is a declaration of war without saying it... So if this was Mossad and I am not saying that it is without further proof of the matter, then the Israel's have a right to defend themselves okay getting caught on camera could be one of 3 things :- As Jedi stated decoy's To warn others Or they screwed up... It doesn't matter to me as it's one more terrorist scumbag written off the planet... Maybe it was this guy trying to forment more unrest well he does have Jewish roots or so they say... (If the pic requires removing let me know and its gone) Hell the guy could have decided to pass information to the Israeli's and was snuffed out before he could do so. As the Guy is Hamas everyone could rage and rant about it saying bad Israel and they had nothing to do with it... I also saw a flying cow yesterday apparently... And on a final note I one dated a beautiful Israel woman (Whatever your feeding them over there keep it up) and she quoted ot me once "Out of all the places in the Middle-east we chose to inhabit why did we choose the place with the Oranges and no oil???" I know the real reason is religous before someone moans at me... Thats my 2pence worth or should it be 2 shekel's worth either way go Israel...
  13. Need a new Tank then look here....

    http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/russia/7338097/200-Russian-tanks-found-abandoned-in-forest.html The Russians have so many tanks that they can loose 200...!!!
  14. Seconded... and if my other arm's allowed a third as well...
  15. Pilot damage

    you have to remember that the earlier rounds (Bullets to the layman) had a lot less penetrating power than modern weapons so getting hit twice would give you a good chance... To counter my own argument... medical advances back then would balance that out I think... Getting shot would leave a mark and sting quite a bit...
  16. Need a new Tank then look here....

    More tea Vicar Widow...
  17. If this government manages to survives... no they will be replaced by another daft lot... and expecting Governments to have common sense that aint gonna happen... They are out for one thing themselves... Politicians are raised to screw up the common man and his heritage... I better stop now before I get really miffed bit like the last time someone took the last of the tea...
  18. "Their Finest Hour"

    It was the F-3 variant in the Falklands when I got to go in one.... and you are right they do look good but they aren't a great dogfighter and the airframe is over 30 years old in the design phase its nearly as old as the F-15's and it flies a lot more punishing flight regime but knowing the RAF we will keep them around like we did the Canberra's... The Typhoon is a tremondous airplane maybe not so pretty (But thats in the eye of the beholder)... I liked what one guy who does fly it says about it "its Typhoon" like an early model F-16 mixed with a dash of F-15 and placed on a course of steroid's with no bad side-effects..." And as to the Spit and Hurri my preference is the Mosquito...
  19. Well I would fly RAF all the time but as Tiger Cole said in Flight of the Intruder Killing SAM's is ma Thing... Also you are right the F-4G in NF4+ is outstanding... I already have my next campaign ready for when this one ends...
  20. Remembrance

    Now that Sir is a work of art and then some... and it works on many levels... Great work old chap...
  21. "Their Finest Hour"

    No I never got to go up in something so special as I am not that old... but I am working on it... No I spent my 10 years in service between 1990 and 2000 but I did get to go up in a F-16 and a Tornado fighter wise so not too shabby...
  22. Okay my second DiD... Again NF4 but this time its the + Version SFE2. Pilot 2nd LT Tony "Scooby" Franklin 23rd TFS Spangdalm Aircraft F-4G Mission Weasel Well been on base for around 2 weeks, introduced to my bear Major Chuck "Berry" Schmidt and how the guy gets in the back is beyond me the guy is bigger than most football players and he ain't wearing the padding, and done a couple of Famil sorties. Thankfully my bear knows his way round the back seat like he knows his own hand... Well it was a good morning today and was ready to go for my first look round the local area on land instead of in the air, as we have been on alert since I got here and what happens the Red's go nuts and decide on taking on the rest of the world... and there was me thinking the politico's are out to save our hides... How the first red air strike missed our base I don't know apperently they got zapped on the way over by 24 F-15's running block on them... Well I got my first sortie thrown at us even though it should have been routine anything with Fulda in it isn't going to be routine... Me and another Newbie got tasked with flak suppression over the gap taking out gun's... Loadout was 2 Harm's 2 Maverick's Centre Tank 3 Sparrow and the boss made sure we had 4 winders each in other words enough to cause trouble for anyone... Take of was straighforward and we headed for the area at .9 mach and 10000ft as we got nearer (seemed like second's to get there) we picked up a zip gun near a factory transmitting so I got 2 to take it and dang that Harm sure is pretty coming of the rail... and down goes one Zip gun me I was worried about SA-10's but thats how we agreed to play it anyway 2 goes down to work over a gun site and the Bear locks up a SA-13 and I shoot that sucker dead with a Maverick. Just as we are getting into our stride all hell broke loose Mig's all over the sky Su-25's coming in to drop on Friendly ground Falcon's and Eagles running top cover I manged to line up a Su-25 and shot him dead with a Sidewinder glad I was carrying those... broke back in to fire my remaining Maverick and to use my Harm's when a Mig-21 shoots past after my number 2 so I reefs round and nail's him with a second winder. Number 2 now breaks into another attack with a Maverick on a gun and kill's that... Me I have lined up and killed another Zipper gun and extended out of area when I head my wingie shout he's getting shot up and he's punching out... He made it but is injured his bear made it as well and is not injured thankfully for the both I turn back in and we loft the 2 Harm's at a pair of targets killing a SA-2 Fan Song and another SA-13. We where cleared home but it was looking bad down low and I was pretty confident of by dogfighting abilities so I turned in to help a pair of F-16's who where trying to lay the hurt on some Russkie tanks... Which garnered me with 3 more kill's 2 Mig-21 and a Mig-23. Then the creme de la creme turned up and pointed it's nose in my direction and the pucker factor went through the roof... here's me a rookie and a bear against the red devil Su-27 he pop's a missile at me but the chaff and flares decoy it away while I pop one at him from below and its perfect even an Su-27 can't fly after being hit with an AIM-7F from below, I noticed he was pumping out chaff but it looked like his plane was masking it... Anyway after that I headed home at 50ft down a road between the tree's with an Su-27 chasing me... The 2 F-16's I helped out earlier came back into picture and dealt with that guy for me... so we made it home okay after that after flying for 25 miles out of the battle area popped up to 5000ft as advised and landed back at base... The bossman thinks I am nuts but all the bear say's is "yup you'll do at least you listen..." Sorry no picks was too busy flying the rhino...
  23. instruction book to follow..sometime

    Nope not enough buttons for the women... and it needs an extra keypad with attached keyboard...
  24. Man in Court for 'Honking when NOT Horny'

    The scary thing is old chap on this one sounds about right...
  25. What joystick

    Some of the Saitek sticks are now designed so that they can be reconfigured to left handed... I use the Saitek Cyborg X Joystick not sure if this can be converted over to Lefty yet as I have only had it a few weeks... Last stick I used which I had for 5 years and still works great is one of these Saitek Cyborg EVO Joystick (It can be converted to Lefty as well comes with instructions) and it is very accurate for flying. If you don't want to go down the whole full flight stick etc...

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